
Secundi Market District => General Booths => Topic started by: Elenaria on March 26, 2013, 11:01:46 AM

Title: [Elenaria] The Egg Hunt!
Post by: Elenaria on March 26, 2013, 11:01:46 AM
The meadow is alive with the newfound coming of spring. Birds twitter merrily in the trees, singing along with the triplets as the three wander about, cleaning up after the long winter. You can hear Sae singing to herself as she sweeps out the house, and somewhere in the distant fields the gentle strumming of a lyre drifts on the wind.  You noticed the missing soprano tone of the youngest sister. Where ever could Corlanna have gone?

Shrugging it off as nothing you continue down to the stables where the happy stamping of hooves that sound like bells fills your ears. The Elenaria seem excited, happy, ready for the new spring that awaits them. You wander over to one of your own, giving them a carrot and a loving pat on the nose. "Maybe we'll go for a ride later hm?"

Just as you are about to go looking for some gear, you hear, "RAERIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Thinking something terribly wrong you rush from the stables to see a streak of blue rush past you and out towards the fields. Quickly you give chase after the youngest triplet.

She dashes across the fields, nearly tackling her brother in her excitement. Saevia is close behind, sharing your concern, until she sees the glimmer in her sister's eyes. "Corlana what ever has gotten into you?"

"Yes Corlanna what is the matter with you besides sneaking off from doing your chores." The man says sternly.

"Oh fiddlesticks that isn't important right now! What is important is what I saw! I saw the stars streaking down from the heavens just like they did that night. Raeris, Saevia...I just know that the woods is littered with new star eggs we need to bring back to the stables! We have to hurry before something hurts them!"

The other two triplets share a quick glance. Raeris frowns, gazing around at all the work to be done, but slowly a smile seeps onto his face. "Very well. We'll begin the hunt immediately." Seeing Saevia smile, proud of his decision, sets the choice in their minds further.

"I'll go ready the supplies. You know, Raeris...why not let them come along? We'll cover more ground that way. And if they find a star egg while they wander perhaps they shall want to keep it! Then we shall already have a home lined up! We can trust them."

The man's frown returns as he looks you over. He seems unsure, despite your presence here as of late. "Very well. We'll split up. Cover more ground that way and be more likely of finding as many eggs as possible before the predators do. Good luck."
Title: Re: [Elenaria] The Egg Hunt!
Post by: Elenaria on March 26, 2013, 11:02:04 AM
Saevia hands each of you a pack with food and provisions as well as rope and other good hiking gear to have along. "We don't have much time." She explains, helping you into your gear. "Keep your eyes open, they hide in many places. And do try and stay together as much as you can. Keep your groups even, and only wander on your own if you must."

"Each group of 4 will need to travel in one of the cardinal directions from the house and spread out. It works best that way. "

To the North of the cottage the deep forest towers overhead. It is as dark as it is imposing, and tails of terrible predators that rend the flesh of men have made your blood cool at even the thought of entering these dark and ancient woods. But the stars certainly wouldn't know that, nor care, nor could they control where they may fall. Though it is dangerous someone will need to enter these terrible woods and see if they cannot find the poor Elenaria lost within.
1. Red_Uni
2. Aralie
3. BKC
4. Roo
5. Wildfilly

To the East of the cottage there lies a beautiful flowering meadow. The grass is tall and sweet, the sun bright and merry here. It is one of Saevia's favorite places as she gathers the wild herbs that grow there. When the wind blows from that direction the whole house smells of life and beauty and springtime. But even in the meadows dangers can lurk.
1. YLO
2. Simpa
3. Midnight
4. Sunchaser
5. Kahlira

Traveling to the West you will find the great river. The river's rapids are treacherous indeed. Should an egg fall too near it could be swept into the tides and crashed upon the rocks. The river itself is far more dangerous than anything you will encounter here, and yet that does not mean that there aren't other fiends about. Due to its proximity to the mountains, goblins have been known to roam. And they find Star Egg soup a delicacy.
1. Ryuu
2. toffeeca
3. Crystal
4. Country
5. CutieePie

The South may well be the most dangerous path of all. For to the south lies a crater. The crater was created when the first Elenaria arrived. They left their scar and though the lands are trying to reclaim the wounded area, it has allowed many...evils to arise. The land is treacherous, Saevia warns you, with many pitfalls and unknown caves.
1. Saturnalia
2. hiyoko
3. Kadana
4. Pinkshadow
5. Bunraku
Title: Re: [Elenaria] The Egg Hunt!
Post by: Elenaria on March 26, 2013, 11:02:21 AM
There will be 16 people who can sign up for this event. Each of you will get to choose in which direction you search for the star eggs. Choose wisely, there are dangers and surprises around every bend. And remember that it is important to ensure that every path is checked.

You may choose to RP or to not, but we do adore RP here, so please have fun with this event. Though you will be traveling in groups you do not have to worry about waiting on anyone in your group or even really interacting with them during this search if you do not want to.

Play nice.

I will reply to the groups at large so if we are waiting on someone from a group to reply (or a spot to fill) just be patient.
Title: Re: [Elenaria] The Egg Hunt!
Post by: Elenaria on March 26, 2013, 11:02:36 AM
Feel free to sign up at any time. (Even more so feel free to do it in character if you like!)
Title: Re: [Elenaria] The Egg Hunt!
Post by: YourLoveOnly on March 26, 2013, 11:05:21 AM
I wander up to the cottage, listening to Saevia's explanation while I receive my gear. This sounds very exciting, but I'm a tiny bit nervous about what awaits me. It sounds more serious than your basic search for chocolate eggies in your parents' backyard and I wonder what surprises await me. Shaking off my nerves I take a small step forward. "I'd like to sign up and explore the meadow, please."
Title: Re: [Elenaria] The Egg Hunt!
Post by: red_uni387 on March 26, 2013, 11:06:40 AM
I would like to explore the north :) unfortunately am on my phone so cannot RP my choice
Title: Re: [Elenaria] The Egg Hunt!
Post by: Ryuukokoro on March 26, 2013, 11:06:52 AM
I shoulder into my gear, chewing on my lower lip in worry. Not worry for myself, but worry for the eggs in danger. "I'll head west," I offer quietly and succinctly, not one to waste words in times like these.
Title: Re: [Elenaria] The Egg Hunt!
Post by: Aralie on March 26, 2013, 11:07:57 AM
Gathering up a set of gear I think about what an amazing new adventure this will be. I have always loved going on scavenger hunts for eggs and would sometimes just set them up with friends other times of the year. Thinking about the four areas to search I make my choice. "I would like to go north into the forest to help search."
Title: Re: [Elenaria] The Egg Hunt!
Post by: BabyKittenCandy on March 26, 2013, 11:10:47 AM

After listening to the Trio talking excitedly and having her curiosity piqued Devotion steps forwards. 'I would like to volunteer to head north and help search the deep forest please.' she sounds calm and assured, though butterflies are doing somersaults in her stomach.

(I hope it is ok to post as Devotion, it is my OC but since so many know me as BabyKittenCandy I have never switched it to my username)
Title: Re: [Elenaria] The Egg Hunt!
Post by: Roo on March 26, 2013, 11:14:28 AM
Roo does a few seconds of thought and then quickly decides to go North.
Title: Re: [Elenaria] The Egg Hunt!
Post by: Saturnalia on March 26, 2013, 11:30:36 AM
Saturnalia, long of snout and green of scale, is kin to dragons. Smaller, certainly, and bipedal, and those wings aren't good for distances, but she is a tough one none-the-less. She is, after all, born to a clan of predators, though her nature is more gentle than some of her clan.

But, gentle or not, she knows that she has a better chance of survival than some might, and when it gets down to business, shirking the hard road is not an option for her.

"I will go south," she offers, with a flick of her tail.
Title: Re: [Elenaria] The Egg Hunt!
Post by: hiyoko on March 26, 2013, 11:31:08 AM
Listening to the others as they say their directions, I step forward. "I would like to head south." Though the south sounds dangerous, it maybe an interesting trip.
Title: Re: [Elenaria] The Egg Hunt!
Post by: Kadana Sorano on March 26, 2013, 11:32:46 AM
*listening to the descriptions of the areas, she decides quietly that she'd adore seeing more of the forest, despite the danger.  A quick glance around however assures her that the forest group is already very well attended to.  After a moments pondering she decides to head to the crater in the south, as sweet green grasses and rushing rivers are neither to her taste, but the danger and adventure to be found at the crater suits her quite well.  Lifting her gear she swiftly adjusts it to fit and hang comfortably before stepping up to the triplets "I'm ready, I'll head towards the crater to search there."*
Title: Re: [Elenaria] The Egg Hunt!
Post by: Pinkshadow on March 26, 2013, 12:06:22 PM
I would like to sign up for exploring to the south, as i imagine there is better weather.
Title: Re: [Elenaria] The Egg Hunt!
Post by: Simpa on March 26, 2013, 12:15:10 PM
With a shudder of a breath Simpa clears his throat, brushing some of the red stained locks from his face. The priest takes a moment to contemplate his choice. The places sounded fantastical, and any would appeal to his wanderlust. Bu, of course, he had to make a choice.

Ah, the elf of indescision.

"I would like to travel to the east." the almost musical tone of his voice lilts as he speaks, clasping his fingers gently around his golden staff.
Title: Re: [Elenaria] The Egg Hunt!
Post by: Midnight Phantom on March 26, 2013, 12:15:24 PM
I would like to head to the meadow  (can't rp at the moment x.x)
Title: Re: [Elenaria] The Egg Hunt!
Post by: Sunchaser on March 26, 2013, 12:15:54 PM
I would like to head to the east

ETRP :-p

Sunchaser walks forward with Ichigo standing beside her. They would look together towards the east. They would have volunteered to go to the south and towards the danger but it seemed many had the same thoughts as them. So they would go where the herbs grew and search around the cottage. Hopefully they would find what they where searching for.
Title: Re: [Elenaria] The Egg Hunt!
Post by: Elenaria on March 26, 2013, 12:19:46 PM
*Unpauses signups* THe only group left to form needs to head to the west!
Title: Re: [Elenaria] The Egg Hunt!
Post by: toffeeca on March 26, 2013, 12:25:05 PM
I would like to search in the west. I want to save any eggs from becoming soup D:
Title: Re: [Elenaria] The Egg Hunt!
Post by: CrystalAngelNeko on March 26, 2013, 12:26:13 PM
I will help search the river in the west ^.^
Title: Re: [Elenaria] The Egg Hunt!
Post by: Ryuukokoro on March 26, 2013, 12:28:45 PM
My wings ripple against my back as a cool wind plays through the trees and stirs the grass at my feet. I can't help but notice no one has volunteered to explore the riverfront other than myslf. Not that I can blame them. Rivers can be treacherous, I know that one from personal experience. But nothing makes me pause much when there's innocent creatures in danger. Even if I have to search on my own, I plan to set out.

Edit: Weeellllll I should learn to refresh before posting lol. XD Crystal and toff posted while I was writing my RP! Heh heh. ^_^;
Title: Re: [Elenaria] The Egg Hunt!
Post by: Country on March 26, 2013, 01:24:52 PM
The great river sounds frightening, but the thought of goblins getting ahold of those precious star eggs is even more so. I would like to volunteer my efforts to the search for those poor helpless eggs in the west. I shall go ready myself for this great adventure!
Title: Re: [Elenaria] The Egg Hunt!
Post by: CutieePiee on March 26, 2013, 02:44:28 PM
I would like to search in the west along the river. ^_^

ETA: I'm actually excited about being a part of this. I haven't RP'd anything before except Seed Ponies? And I've recently also become so infatuated with the beautiful Elenaria.
Title: Re: [Elenaria] The Egg Hunt!
Post by: Kahlira on March 26, 2013, 03:06:33 PM
Upon arriving you find a group of three, Ryuu, Country, and Cutiee, all three heading to the West. You look to the west. The mighty river surges! Ohh! What fun! you think it will be anyways. I am prepared to journey into the west!
Title: Re: [Elenaria] The Egg Hunt!
Post by: Wildfilly94 on March 26, 2013, 04:49:54 PM
So confused. O.o I'm guessing I missed out on paths then?
Title: Re: [Elenaria] The Egg Hunt!
Post by: Elenaria on March 26, 2013, 05:31:47 PM
You did Wildfilly I'm sorry. Actually so did Kahlira...Crystal is also signed up for that path so all four slots there are taken as well.

Title: Re: [Elenaria] The Egg Hunt!
Post by: Wildfilly94 on March 26, 2013, 05:36:49 PM
Ohh okay. Cross country isn't really my thing anyway. XD I'd bet money I'd be the first to get injured
Title: Re: [Elenaria] The Egg Hunt!
Post by: CutieePiee on March 26, 2013, 05:44:50 PM
Glancing at Ryuu, Toffeca, Crystal, and Country, on either side of me, I am ecstatic as well as nervous. With a backpack filled with resources on my back and friends at my side, my heart is set on saving the poor little eggs. My legs tremble at the sight of the treacherous waters ahead, so I force them into a skip and smile at the girls as I go forward ahead of them. A dangerous journey would be even more difficult if I let fear take over me. "I hope you girls can swim!" I shout back at them jokingly.

((I edited in the correct names now, according to the official signups.))
Title: Re: [Elenaria] The Egg Hunt!
Post by: toffeeca on March 26, 2013, 05:56:17 PM
Didn't I also get into the west searching group? I posted before Crystal...
Title: Re: [Elenaria] The Egg Hunt!
Post by: BabyKittenCandy on March 26, 2013, 06:16:24 PM

Nodding to my companions i turn my eyes north and gaze at the imposing forest, which seems to crouch and draw into itself under my gaze, almost as if it feels my eyes upon it. I can sense the menace that lurks within but I know that oftentimes, looks can be deceiving. I hope that is the case as I shrug into the gear so kindly provided and watch as my companions ready themselves. I smile at them encouragingly. 'We had best try to stick together I think' I venture. 'Or at least in pairs, for safety's sake.' I turn my eyes back to the forest, trying to pinpoint the best point of entry.
Title: Re: [Elenaria] The Egg Hunt!
Post by: Bunraku on March 27, 2013, 11:00:52 AM
Is there any more room in the west group? ^^;
Title: Re: [Elenaria] The Egg Hunt!
Post by: Elenaria on March 27, 2013, 11:40:27 AM
Cutiee, Kahlira, Wildfilly, and Bunraku I'm so sorry that the slots got filled before you had a chance, but seeing as there are exactly 4 of you I'm going to just assign each of you to a group!
Title: Re: [Elenaria] The Egg Hunt!
Post by: Elenaria on March 27, 2013, 11:41:33 AM

I hope to begin tonight. But in the meanwhile if you want to talk to your groups, go ahead and begin exploring the area, have fun with it!! I'll be back to tell you what all is happening to you soon enough mwuahahahaha. Ha. Ehem.
Title: Re: [Elenaria] The Egg Hunt!
Post by: CutieePiee on March 27, 2013, 11:58:23 AM
Quote from: Elenaria on March 27, 2013, 11:40:27 AM
Cutiee, Kahlira, Wildfilly, and Bunraku I'm so sorry that the slots got filled before you had a chance, but seeing as there are exactly 4 of you I'm going to just assign each of you to a group!

Ahh, I didn't even realize they were filled before I got here! Totally miscalculated. xP But thank you so much for giving us a chance!
Title: Re: [Elenaria] The Egg Hunt!
Post by: Bunraku on March 27, 2013, 12:42:13 PM
Thank you for giving us a chance! I'm beyond delighted to participate because RP is something I adore and can never get enough of (Even if I barely ever get the time to! XD) <3

A woman of dignified bearing approaches the gathering, drawn in by the noise and excitement of the youngest of the triplets. Listening with interest to the tale she has to tell, the woman's golden eyes seem to catch alight and flare, the slitted pupils dialating slightly in concentration. Like a cats, like a snakes, like neither at all. She reaches towards the stark black and white pelt of the Elenaria at her side, and the sleeve of her kimono slips back for a moment, revealing skin that glistens faintly in the sunlight, a brief flash of color, as of scales, or fur-a moment more and the vision fades, leaving nothing but porcelain pale flesh in its wake. But still there is the impression of something more, lying in wait, as if at a moments notice she could shift skins all at once and become something other. The only obvious markings that remain are those on her cheeks, the blue streaks standing out starkly against her pale skin.

A smile plays across her lips as she is directed towards the group headed for the site of the crater, laughter like the ringing of bells rippling in her throat "Ironic." She murmurs to the Elenaria at her side, her mirth met by a soft nicker that seems to echo her laughter "But I accept. Perhaps something good will come of the danger."

Though she dose not look like one who would seek danger, clad as she is in silks and the heavy layers of an elegant Kimono, she moves with grace beneath the heavy fabric, unencumbered by it, and one has the general impression that this woman could, if she wished to be, become more dangerous than she seems.
Title: Re: [Elenaria] The Egg Hunt!
Post by: Ryuukokoro on March 27, 2013, 01:18:20 PM
It's a relief to me to see some others stepping up and volunteering to journey west along the riverside. Though I was prepared for anything, including going it alone, I always believed the old expression, 'many hands make light work.' I was looking forward to having other sets of eyes searching along with mine.

Secundi, being a colony planet, had always been home to a wide variety of different lifeforms, more varied than fish in the sea. Hopefully that meant my group was used to strange persons and wouldn't find it strange to travel with a blue winged dragon-girl. My heritage had given me a few draconic gifts, namely the use of my wings and a bit of magic, but also many human frailties, including myopic vision and low stamina. Still, I'd keep up with the others as best I could.
Title: Re: [Elenaria] The Egg Hunt!
Post by: Saturnalia on March 27, 2013, 04:21:46 PM
Saturn ( sees the woman clad in silk approaching, and gives her an inclination of her head, causing the light to briefly glimmer off the lone earring in one of her horns. "Greetings," she says with a smile, only the slightest of hisses in her voice, courtesy of her reptillian heritage. "It looks as though we will have a capable group. Where we are going, we will need it, I think."

As if in agreement, the small, free-floating ringed planet that constantly hovers near Saturn's shoulder bobs up and down.
Title: Re: [Elenaria] The Egg Hunt!
Post by: Kahlira on March 27, 2013, 05:27:42 PM
Ooo! Thank you for the opportunity! I hadn't seen the spots filled myself. I saw Ryuu had the first thought.. 1...2...3... Hey! I can be four!

Upon further thought, Kah decided maybe the river would be a dangerous place after all. Especially after the tumble she'd had this very day! Looking at her battered and bruised leg, she hobbles, not to the west, but towards the east where the peaceful meadow lay. A small smile graces her lips. She sees a group starting to gather, and hastily joins them. "Howdy!" she calls when she is within hearing distance. She hobbles her way closer. "So, what's up?"
Title: Re: [Elenaria] The Egg Hunt!
Post by: Wildfilly94 on March 27, 2013, 05:32:56 PM
Ohh my thank you so much for letting me in on this! :)

Well, I'm kind of a chicken, so good thing I have a few friends to come along with me! Then again, the darker side of Elenaria entrigues me, so mabye this will be a good thing. -packs a sword along with various other things- I do love forests, as long as no over-sized spiders come after me I should be okay... "Are you guys ready for this?" I say, glancing to Runi, Aralie, BKC, and Roo, straightening my posture to look tougher.
Title: Re: [Elenaria] The Egg Hunt!
Post by: Midnight Phantom on March 28, 2013, 06:40:11 PM
Phantom turned at the greetings and smiled." The sky" he said with a michevoous grin as he pointed up, while watching the women with a hobble walk toward their group. "Anyways....It seem were stuck with the more peaceful route" he motioned back to the field he was staring at before, doubting that there would be much trouble other than for the occasional snake if there were any in this dimension.

He would have tried for the forest group where some of his magic might be of use in lighting the way but this was okay as well, he hasn't been long in this dimension . Hopefully, they wouldn't need to go the rescue any of the other groups.
Title: Re: [Elenaria] The Egg Hunt!
Post by: Bunraku on March 28, 2013, 09:04:55 PM
The slightly reptillian tones draw the woman's attention, slitted eyes flickering to the long-snouted face that greets her with what seems to be curiosity. A slight smile touches her lips, warmth coming to the golden eyes. She is obviously no stranger to the unusual, and the dragon-like features of the woman in front of her are almost comforting. "Greetings." She returns, her smile broadening slightly, the sound of her voice simmilar to that of her laughter-faintly musical, as though there is a suggestion beneath normal speaking that she might have had a lovely singing voice. "I think they'll do nicely." She takes in the sight of the others, trailing off thoughtfully, the golden eyes unreadable before they flick back to the small hovering orb at Saturn's side. "Pardon my rudeness...but what exactly have you got there?"

Title: Re: [Elenaria] The Egg Hunt!
Post by: Aralie on March 28, 2013, 09:29:19 PM
Aralie blows her bangs out of her face as she sheaths her small sword and picks up her bow. Her dark brown hair with its caramel and blood red streaks fell just past her shoulders and a few pieces usually fell forward to hang in front of her eyes that seemed to change colour depending on her mood and the weather. She offers an encouraging smile to the others in her group before turning her attention to the forest they were about to enter.
Title: Re: [Elenaria] The Egg Hunt!
Post by: Elenaria on March 29, 2013, 07:56:47 PM
Two New Threads to keep things a little more organized...


Title: Re: [Elenaria] The Egg Hunt!
Post by: Elenaria on April 02, 2013, 07:38:29 PM
Okay, Egg Hunters!

To make things fair to our faster and slower explorers, there is now a two day limit set to replies. If everyone in a party replies before that limit, the Hunt may continue on, but the Hunt will not wait beyond those two days before continuing.

Thank you for your understanding.
Title: Re: [Elenaria] The Egg Hunt!
Post by: Ryuukokoro on April 03, 2013, 11:00:18 AM
I think that's the perfect limit to set. :) It keeps things moving but still gives plenty of time for players to respond. The unfortunate thing about adoptable RP's is that they tend to drag on and on forever unless there's time limit put in. >.>