
Secundi Market District => General Booths => Topic started by: Elenaria on March 29, 2013, 07:46:17 PM

Title: [Elenaria] Egg Hunt North and East Groups!
Post by: Elenaria on March 29, 2013, 07:46:17 PM
In order to stay a little more organized we decided to divide the threads a bit so it would be less clutter and encourage as much RP as you guys want!

All of the rules from this thread apply.

Just to be crystal clear we will handle giving out prizes and such, so just don't say anything like "I find a next of 100 star eggs and a million sg and all the candy I could ever eat. And the fountain of youth." =D Otherwise remember to have fun.

Saevia hands each of you a pack with food and provisions as well as rope and other good hiking gear to have along. "We don't have much time." She explains, helping you into your gear. "Keep your eyes open, they hide in many places. And do try and stay together as much as you can. Keep your groups even, and only wander on your own if you must."

"Each group of 4 will need to travel in one of the cardinal directions from the house and spread out. It works best that way. "

To the North of the cottage the deep forest towers overhead. It is as dark as it is imposing, and tails of terrible predators that rend the flesh of men have made your blood cool at even the thought of entering these dark and ancient woods. But the stars certainly wouldn't know that, nor care, nor could they control where they may fall. Though it is dangerous someone will need to enter these terrible woods and see if they cannot find the poor Elenaria lost within.
1. Red_Uni
2. Aralie
3. BKC
4. Roo
5. Wildfilly

To the East of the cottage there lies a beautiful flowering meadow. The grass is tall and sweet, the sun bright and merry here. It is one of Saevia's favorite places as she gathers the wild herbs that grow there. When the wind blows from that direction the whole house smells of life and beauty and springtime. But even in the meadows dangers can lurk.
1. YLO
2. Simpa
3. Midnight
4. Sunchaser
5. Kahlira
Title: Re: [Elenaria] Egg Hunt North and East Groups!
Post by: Elenaria on March 29, 2013, 07:55:42 PM
Quote from: red_uni387 on March 26, 2013, 11:06:40 AM
I would like to explore the north :) unfortunately am on my phone so cannot RP my choice

Quote from: Aralie on March 26, 2013, 11:07:57 AM
Gathering up a set of gear I think about what an amazing new adventure this will be. I have always loved going on scavenger hunts for eggs and would sometimes just set them up with friends other times of the year. Thinking about the four areas to search I make my choice. "I would like to go north into the forest to help search."

Quote from: BabyKittenCandy on March 26, 2013, 11:10:47 AM

After listening to the Trio talking excitedly and having her curiosity piqued Devotion steps forwards. 'I would like to volunteer to head north and help search the deep forest please.' she sounds calm and assured, though butterflies are doing somersaults in her stomach.

Quote from: Roo on March 26, 2013, 11:14:28 AM
Roo does a few seconds of thought and then quickly decides to go North.

Quote from: BabyKittenCandy on March 26, 2013, 06:16:24 PM

Nodding to my companions i turn my eyes north and gaze at the imposing forest, which seems to crouch and draw into itself under my gaze, almost as if it feels my eyes upon it. I can sense the menace that lurks within but I know that oftentimes, looks can be deceiving. I hope that is the case as I shrug into the gear so kindly provided and watch as my companions ready themselves. I smile at them encouragingly. 'We had best try to stick together I think' I venture. 'Or at least in pairs, for safety's sake.' I turn my eyes back to the forest, trying to pinpoint the best point of entry.

Quote from: Wildfilly94 on March 27, 2013, 05:32:56 PM
Ohh my thank you so much for letting me in on this! :)

Well, I'm kind of a chicken, so good thing I have a few friends to come along with me! Then again, the darker side of Elenaria entrigues me, so mabye this will be a good thing. -packs a sword along with various other things- I do love forests, as long as no over-sized spiders come after me I should be okay... "Are you guys ready for this?" I say, glancing to Runi, Aralie, BKC, and Roo, straightening my posture to look tougher.

Quote from: Aralie on March 28, 2013, 09:29:19 PM
Aralie blows her bangs out of her face as she sheaths her small sword and picks up her bow. Her dark brown hair with its caramel and blood red streaks fell just past her shoulders and a few pieces usually fell forward to hang in front of her eyes that seemed to change colour depending on her mood and the weather. She offers an encouraging smile to the others in her group before turning her attention to the forest they were about to enter.

Quote from: YourLoveOnly on March 26, 2013, 11:05:21 AM
I wander up to the cottage, listening to Saevia's explanation while I receive my gear. This sounds very exciting, but I'm a tiny bit nervous about what awaits me. It sounds more serious than your basic search for chocolate eggies in your parents' backyard and I wonder what surprises await me. Shaking off my nerves I take a small step forward. "I'd like to sign up and explore the meadow, please."

Quote from: Simpa on March 26, 2013, 12:15:10 PM
With a shudder of a breath Simpa clears his throat, brushing some of the red stained locks from his face. The priest takes a moment to contemplate his choice. The places sounded fantastical, and any would appeal to his wanderlust. Bu, of course, he had to make a choice.

Ah, the elf of indescision.

"I would like to travel to the east." the almost musical tone of his voice lilts as he speaks, clasping his fingers gently around his golden staff.

Quote from: Midnight Phantom on March 26, 2013, 12:15:24 PM
I would like to head to the meadow  (can't rp at the moment x.x)

Quote from: Sunchaser on March 26, 2013, 12:15:54 PM
I would like to head to the east

ETRP :-p

Sunchaser walks forward with Ichigo standing beside her. They would look together towards the east. They would have volunteered to go to the south and towards the danger but it seemed many had the same thoughts as them. So they would go where the herbs grew and search around the cottage. Hopefully they would find what they where searching for.

Quote from: Kahlira on March 27, 2013, 05:27:42 PM
Ooo! Thank you for the opportunity! I hadn't seen the spots filled myself. I saw Ryuu had the first thought.. 1...2...3... Hey! I can be four!

Upon further thought, Kah decided maybe the river would be a dangerous place after all. Especially after the tumble she'd had this very day! Looking at her battered and bruised leg, she hobbles, not to the west, but towards the east where the peaceful meadow lay. A small smile graces her lips. She sees a group starting to gather, and hastily joins them. "Howdy!" she calls when she is within hearing distance. She hobbles her way closer. "So, what's up?"

Quote from: Midnight Phantom on March 28, 2013, 06:40:11 PM
Phantom turned at the greetings and smiled." The sky" he said with a michevoous grin as he pointed up, while watching the women with a hobble walk toward their group. "Anyways....It seem were stuck with the more peaceful route" he motioned back to the field he was staring at before, doubting that there would be much trouble other than for the occasional snake if there were any in this dimension.

He would have tried for the forest group where some of his magic might be of use in lighting the way but this was okay as well, he hasn't been long in this dimension . Hopefully, they wouldn't need to go the rescue any of the other groups.
Title: Re: [Elenaria] Egg Hunt North and East Groups!
Post by: Elenaria on March 29, 2013, 07:58:38 PM
(Just to let you guys know as far as "prizes" I'll let you know what you get so as long as you avoid saying things like "I stumble upon a nest of 1000 star eggs and take them all, oh and a million sg and a bunch of candy!" we're good)

Corlanna walks with you Aralie, Devotion(BKC), Roo, Runi, and Wild, taking you to the edge of the dark forest. "The trees are intelligent things here. You can hear them if you listen closely. May the aid you in finding the Elenaria." Her serious tone drops away suddenly, a bright bold smile lighting her face. "See you soon!" And the bright girl vanished into the underbrush.

You enter the woods where the trees loom above you. It seems the trees are actively hindering your progression through them as you walk, making your work difficult. In fact, they keep moving in between you and your allies. Everytime you try to get back to the group you find yourself even more separated!

Devotion (BKC)
The trees have proven to be false friends and it is clear they do not want you in their domain. Your heart races, the fear you'd been trying to quell raising in your throat. You have three options: attempt to go back to the cottage, as the path is very different than what it had been and you are fearful of getting lost, journey headlong in, or try valiantly to find at least one of your missing teammates.

Despite your best efforts to stay together the forest will not abide it. At least you have found yourself in a rather calm portion of the forest. This glade seems quiet....Too quiet. Actually it isn't a glade at all! It's a wild orchard of apples!! Beautiful shiny juicy apples hang over your head in every direction. Oh they look so refreshing and you are really hot! Perhaps you should take a break here for a minute, wild Elenaria are known in these parts, but then again you really should find your team...there are dangers here...

Wild & Roo
Somehow you've managed to continue walking into the deepest, darkest part of the wood. As you round another curving bend your back slams right into something. "AH!" You spin around only to see one of your missing teammates!

No longer alone is good, being in this darkness where not even an ounce of sunlight shines through...that's bad. Perhaps you should climb a tree to see if you can't find a way out? Or there is always the option of continuing into the dark woods at least you aren't alone right? The third option is to sit still and hope that someone else finds you soon. (You do not have to choose the same path)

It isn't so much the trees that catch your attention, but these strange flickering lights. Before you know it they've distracted you and gotten you away from the team. They are just so...lovely. Do you follow the lights, go the exact OPPOSITE direction of the lights, or take a totally different path into the forest?

For those of you traveling east the day is incredibly pleasant and mild. Clearly you have chosen the easy path. The five of you talk freely, conversation is as light as the afternoon, despite the task at hand. As the meadow comes into view you are struck with its peaceful beauty. It's obvious why Saevia likes it here so much.

Sadly the first few hours bring you no clues. You search and search but it seems the area is peaceful, with no signs of any kind of disturbance. Until Simpa holds out his staff, stopping the group in their tracks. "Do you hear that?" The elven man asks, looking to the others in his group.

You sit in silence just a moment. Suddenly an impossibly large white head pops up from the sweet grass. Holy stars is that a RABBIT?! It's nearly as big as Ichiro! Black beady eyes glance at you, ears folding back. It picks up something that shines in the sunlight. A star egg!!

The rabbit takes another moment to gauge your group but before anyone can move it dashes off through the grass. You give chase, until you lose it in the field...down a very large rabbit hole.

Do you continue the chase, or do you continue to search the field? Will your group be split so soon?
Title: Re: [Elenaria] Egg Hunt North and East Groups!
Post by: Wildfilly94 on March 29, 2013, 09:21:36 PM
Ohh my, this forest is proving a lot worse than I was expecting. Thank god I found Roo in the darkness, but I'm so full of anxiety I can't decide what to do! I can't even think straight! There's no way I want to sit here any longer, this place if giving me the creeps. I doubt anyone will find me if I sit anyway, moving is the key. I've never been good with climbing trees either. Heights scare me. But I really don't want to go off alone if Roo decides to stay... I clench my teeth, take a deep breath and start marching onwards. Hopefully I made the right decision.. "See you later Roo. If you wanna look in the trees for a way out and you can catch up to me, let me know what you've seen, but I just can't stay here anymore. Good luck!" And my path in solitude and darkness commences.. I can hear the tree branches snap under my feet, I can hear my heavy breathing, I can hear animals rustling around me, and I can see nothing. Mabye this was a bad idea. Too late to turn back now though....
Title: Re: [Elenaria] Egg Hunt North and East Groups!
Post by: red_uni387 on March 29, 2013, 10:01:20 PM
I didn't expect to end up separated from the group, but somehow it happened. Looking around, I could see nothing but trees, more trees, even more trees, and those flickering lights that caught my eye. Seeing as they were the source of distraction, I decided to continue walking towards them. It would be letting curiosity get the better of me, but I just had to know what the light were. My first guess would be light shining through the gaps in the tree branches, but there was a small part of my mind that suggested fairies. And who knew, maybe someone else in the group had seen them too and made the same decision. At the very least, lights would be a landmark, something different in this prolific forest.
Title: Re: [Elenaria] Egg Hunt North and East Groups!
Post by: Aralie on March 29, 2013, 10:59:16 PM
"Well then, I guess this forest is going to be even more interesting than I originally thought." I muttered to myself as I looked around the apple orchard. "What to do, what to do. Should I continue on or stick around for a bit and see if anyone else finds their way here." I debate as I walk around the perimeter of the orchard to get an idea of the size. Finally deciding to wait for a while and see what happens I settle down and lean against a tree.
Title: Re: [Elenaria] Egg Hunt North and East Groups!
Post by: Midnight Phantom on March 30, 2013, 02:08:04 AM
"Large rabbit very large rabbit....makes sense" phantom mumbled to himself, brushing some of his silver hair back as he stared down at the rabbit hole they reached. Holding his hand out he gathered a soft glow to see around but is unable to see to far down. "I could make so many jokes right now.... " he grinned. " but shall we go down the rabbit hole? " he looked backed to the rest of his group.
Title: Re: [Elenaria] Egg Hunt North and East Groups!
Post by: Kahlira on March 30, 2013, 06:56:10 AM
Absently rubbing my mending leg... A large rabbit had appeared! And a shiney it had grabbed! Ohh! Rabbit holes are notoriously fun to explore. Or so I had read. Grinning at Midnight's jokes, I say "Why sure! Let's go down the hole! Plus the poor star egg! What if that huuge rabbit wants to eat it? We can't let it do that! So long as I don't have to run." I laugh a bit at that.
Title: Re: [Elenaria] Egg Hunt North and East Groups!
Post by: Roo on March 30, 2013, 08:23:38 AM
'So.. we're on our own eh Wild?' Roo quickly thinks up what to do about this whole situation and even tho her instincts tell her to stay put and wait for fellow team mates or climb a tree to stay safe and in one place, she is too fascinated by the unknown that she decides to continue into the dark woods.

'Hey Wild, wait up!!'
Title: Re: [Elenaria] Egg Hunt North and East Groups!
Post by: Sunchaser on March 30, 2013, 08:28:24 AM
Sunchaser walked along side Ichigo to find out where the star eggs where. As they where searching the group found nothing. It was rather disheartening. But before she could dwell on the fact that they had yet to find the eggs and help them, a giant rabbit appeared. She tilted her head at it then when it ran off she hopped up on Ichigo and off they where. They did not travel far until they skidded to a stop at the rabbit hole. Sunny hopped off and looked at the group around her and chuckled. " I am up for a adventure. I just hope there is no queen of hearts awaiting us."
Title: Re: [Elenaria] Egg Hunt North and East Groups!
Post by: Midnight Phantom on March 30, 2013, 12:11:44 PM

"Queen of hearts or mind breaking other realities" he nodded faintly as he stepped away from the hole and shrugged off the pack(first post) he was carrying over one shoulder.

"I should have asked the siblings... But if an egg that could survive the fall from the sky and such a landing out here,  shouldn't have that many predators at all? At least not many that could break through its outer shell" he asked in question to the other as he undid the knots to the top of the back. " but rabbits do like to chew...a d that was a big rabbit " he mused.

The 6'0 human-like being crouched down and started to investigate the pack that Saevi gave to all of them(first post). Long silver hair was tied back in a very low pony tail that was pushed down near the middle of his upper back. The hair fell down between two full length silver feathered wings that were at the moment tightly furled to his back. His clothing was what was most common for this dimension, as long as it was some variation of a shirt/tunic and pants. Silver eyes gazed at each item until he spotted what he was looking for and pulled out a length of rope.

"Walking no... But I hope you can climb? " he asked looking at Kahlira with some concern then back at the rope, wondering if her leg could take it. They might need to tie quite a few of them together as well, who knows how far down it goes. He blinks and looked up at Sunchaser, Kahlira, Ichigo and the rest of the group.

"We could use rope to head down, but who knows how deep it is and ... He wouldn't be able to climb" he motioned to Ichigo, unsure of the Elenaria's name. "Unless someone has  some magic in levitation... Or another idea" he said looking at Sunchaser with a glance at the priest like elf (simpa). He could but only himself, being much closer to his name meaning than others would assuming.

Title: Re: [Elenaria] Egg Hunt North and East Groups!
Post by: BabyKittenCandy on March 30, 2013, 02:14:03 PM

Feeling the fear rise once again I reach for the sanctuary of inner peace and hold the light close, letting its light wash over me, calming me. I try and let the waves radiate out and touch the tree's too, hoping it will help. Opening my eyes once more I take a deep breath. I cant go back so I plunge headlong along the path, sending up a silent prayer to Elune that I find one of my team-mates as I go.
Title: Re: [Elenaria] Egg Hunt North and East Groups!
Post by: Midnight Phantom on April 02, 2013, 02:10:51 PM

"Hm....or maybe" he turned away and look around the ground until he a fair sized rock. Picking it up he grabbed one end of the rope and passed it around it twice before tying it off. " let's see how far down it is... " he shugged and went back to the hole, slowing lowering the rope with the rock downwards, hoping to get an estimate of how deep it was.
Title: Re: [Elenaria] Egg Hunt North and East Groups!
Post by: Kahlira on April 02, 2013, 03:30:47 PM
East ((Sorry my writing muse has fled me right now))

Looking from Phantom to the hole, she watched curiously as he lowered the rock to it. Knee feeling much better, she climbs to peer over the rim. "Ya know, if that silly rabbit can go down it must not be too bad, right?" She nods. "To plunge, or not to plunge, that is the question." She looked to Phantom who seemed to be in charge. A follower by nature, she waited for his advice before deciding whether to just jump in or wait to play it safe.
Title: Re: [Elenaria] Egg Hunt North and East Groups!
Post by: Sunchaser on April 02, 2013, 05:18:23 PM
Sunchaser turned to Ichigo and shrugged a bit. "Looks like your staying up here buddy. But at least you can guard our back." She turned to the others and looked at the bit of rope. "We can always tie the ends together and let Ichigo here help us down. That way we know we have a steady base." She looked at the others and as a rock was dropped she hoped they would hear it hit soon. Maybe they would not even need the rope yet.
Title: Re: [Elenaria] Egg Hunt North and East Groups!
Post by: YourLoveOnly on April 03, 2013, 11:06:51 AM
East (sorry guys, life EXPLODED on me @_@)

Looking at the rest of the group the woman nodded in agreement, following the rabbit seemed like a good idea, they couldn't just abondon the star egg! But she was worried about the wild reckless ideas some of them seemed to have. "Errm.. guys.. I don't think we should just jump. That could be dangerous." She stared down the hole. "I can't see anything in there, it's all darkness. Who knows what's there? Climbing would be safer, if we can manage that."
Title: Re: [Elenaria] Egg Hunt North and East Groups!
Post by: Elenaria on April 04, 2013, 05:00:39 PM

It seems to have worked and you feel a little calmer as you go, the trees not looking nearly so menacing. Or maybe that's just what you are telling yourself. Either way it is working! You even think you can her some birds whistling a merry tune.

Or is that a growl?

Pausing, you strain your ears. You thought you heard..."grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr."
Gulp. A growl. Definitely a growl.

Do you investigate? Or do you just continue on and pray it didn't notice you?

There have been tales, legends about these woods, and the faerfolk who dwell within them. But the beauty of the lights have captivated you and you follow them in deeper and deeper into the forest.

In the leaves of the trees you think you hear giggling, a light and twinkling sort of laugh that a butterfly may have, if such a thing could laugh. It's pleasant, and the beautiful lights continue to lead you onward until you break through the treeline...and come upon a beautiful, tall tower in the middle of the grove. But, shouldn't you have been able to see this from the cottage? It's monstrous!

There is a garden surrounding the tower, and of course the tower itself, and in the distance you think you can see an orchard. Which shall you explore?

Roo and Wild
Roo hastily catches up with you Wild and as you both continue down the path, you feel better at having some company. The darkness grows deeper and deeper until suddenly it breaks and you come upon Red_Uni!! And a tall enchanted tower.

There is a garden surrounding the tower, and of course the tower itself, and in the distance you think you can see an orchard. Which shall you explore?

You lean against one of the apple trees, gazing up into the leaves as the light filters through. It is nice here, a great spot to see some wild elenaria, as they love their apples so much you know. In fact, one of those apples looks really good about now.

You reach up to pluck an apple from the tree when suddenly something hits you! "What are you doin with my apples?!"

My god. The tree is talking to you.

"Yeah you, what are you doin with my apples. Think you can just steal my apples huh, do you?!"

The other trees in the orchard begin to mumble and suddenly a ton of apples are being thrown at you from every direction! AH!

But, from all the apples they've thrown at you, you do gain enough red apples for breeding your Elenaria. So maybe the bump on the head was worth it? Gain 1 Red Apple.

You may continue to explore the orchard, at your head's peril of course, or run away from the apples as fast as you can!


Midnight, Kahlira, Sunchaser, and YLO, together the 4 of you make preparations to go down the rabbit hole. You begin tying off the ropes, making sure it is long enough and strong enough, taking Sunchaser's suggestion and using Ichiro as the nice sturdy base.

Carefully, taking into account Kahlira's slight injury, the four of you begin sliding down the rabbit hole. It seems that the drop isn't that bad actually, and it begins to level out into something you can physically crawl down after about 20 feet. Though Midnight's wings make it very difficult work with the wing span. In another 15 feet you suddenly hit solid ground where even Midnight can stand! It's a huge cavern filled with twists and turns, they riddle the field.

You know there is no way for the four of you to search this whole place together! There are 8 different paths (every cardinal and sub cardinal direction) as if you are in a giant hub or train station. Which is sort of a funny thought when considering rabbits. However you just entered here from the SOUTHERN hub and know the only thing back that way is Ichiro.

YLO taps Sunchaser on the shoulder. "Hear that?" All of you become still for a moment as the rumbling sound increases. CAVE IN!!!!

A gust of dust and dirt bursts toward you, cutting off your only known escape and also your party member Simpa!! You'll have to move forward to find a way out. And hopefully to find that lost star egg.

(Simpa you may rejoin the game but you will not be going down the rabbit hole, which leaves you the much less interesting field to explore. We hope to see you rejoin!)
Title: Re: [Elenaria] Egg Hunt North and East Groups!
Post by: Sunchaser on April 04, 2013, 07:16:32 PM
As she was tapped on the shoulder she looked where the sound was coming from and bit back a yelp from the cave in. She heard her Elenaria whinny in distress but there was nothing he could do. "Its okay Ichigo I am sure there is another way out. Search around for us please!" Maybe the stallion could find his way to them through another tunnel.

With that taken care of Sunchaser dusted herself off and pulled out a flash light, shining down each of the path ways. "Well we can do this a few ways. Are we going to all split up and hope to find a way out, split into pairs or should we split up and leave a trail of bread crumbs or something? Truthfully I vote we at least stay with pairs unless someone here has telepathy and can tell if someone is hurt." With that the girl rummaged through her pack to see what else might be of use.
Title: Re: [Elenaria] Egg Hunt North and East Groups!
Post by: Kahlira on April 04, 2013, 07:17:06 PM

Oh no! The rumbling, the thunder, my ears! EEK! Did I scream aloud, or to myself? Searching in my bag, I pull out a flashlight. "A wee bit dark in here." I murmur, shining my light looking in the directions to go. Scratching at my knee, "Well, looks like we're in for it." I nod, as if agreeing with myself. 7 ways to go, four of us. What to do, what to do. I sort of shrug my shoulder, looking to the rest of the group, Phantom, Sunny and YLO, perhaps looking as bewildered as I felt.
Title: Re: [Elenaria] Egg Hunt North and East Groups!
Post by: Midnight Phantom on April 04, 2013, 08:34:28 PM

Finally some room! Phantom stretched one wing out carefully then the other, he was worried he was going to get stuck there a couple of times ugh. He was glad he wasn't easily castrophophic but that was close. Being  careful not to hit anyone he looked around the cavern, 8 ways, did the rabbit leave a track? He turned to look down just as someone shouts Cave in. He stumbled back and stared at the way they came." forward...or forward" he said eyeing the stones that fell over the trail they passed.

Phantom nodded at Sunchaser's suggestion." Pairs would be good" he said looking back at the 7 tunnels. "I don't like to be out of communications with the other two ... So if we find the exit, a block, trouble ,Or if the tunnel branches out we head back and head down the tunnel the other two went? Hopefully that way we won't miss each other..."

Title: Re: [Elenaria] Egg Hunt North and East Groups!
Post by: YourLoveOnly on April 05, 2013, 07:25:33 AM
YLO shook her head. "I dunno guys, that seems dangerous. If there's already that many paths here who knows how many more they split up in. It would be incredibly easy to get lost. And what if another section caves in and you get seperated from the others? I think we have the best chance of making it out of here if we stick together and help each other." She looked around, hoping one of the others would back her up with this. "Oh, and I really don't wanna face that giant rabbit on my own.." she added as an afterthought.
Title: Re: [Elenaria] Egg Hunt North and East Groups!
Post by: Wildfilly94 on April 05, 2013, 10:03:33 AM
((Eta: Won't be back till monday))

Wild smiled, "Reduni!!! So glad you could join us!!". Man it was definantly better to have company on this long journey. She sighed happily, sitting down to think for a minute in the sunny, nice weather. "I need to grab a bite to eat, but I see a tower ahead with an orchard and garden not far from it." She paused, scarfing a snack down with a gulp of water. "Should we split and each of us take one path or go together? That orchard looks nice, but I'm really interested in the tower. You never know what you can find in those things. I've heard of dragons, princesses, animals, and..." She gluped, "Well, bodies of knights.. But I'm sure we won't find any of that last one!" She laughed nervously. Besides, it would be nice to be inside somewhere secure. I mean, what if it rains? Or that creepy darkness in the forest stretches out. There could be food, or shelter, or supplies, or even stars in there! She nodded her head to herself, "I'm going to the tower. I just need a minute to relax. What are you guys going to do?" She questioned, looking from Roo to Reduni.
Title: Re: [Elenaria] Egg Hunt North and East Groups!
Post by: Kahlira on April 05, 2013, 10:32:27 AM
East: ((Letting you know there's a very high chance of me not being here tomorrow at all.))

Kah bites her lip. YLO's words do have some merit behind them. But then again, one never knew what one would encounter on the tunnel. Especially here. Some deep instinct inside of her said RUN! Leave the crossroads as it were. "I think..." I giggle at that thought. Me thinking! I cough to clear my throat. "I think I'm going this way." I said shining my flashlight into the western tunnel. Something from deep inside of me was telling me to go that way. I couldn't explain it. I start walking slowly in that direction. Bend over and look into my bag. Was there chalk? I wondered. Finally spotting a nice blue piece towards the bottom, I chalk a K with an arrow pointing the way back to the middle chamber. "And a giant bunny may be fun! I've never met one of those before..." I say, trying to calm YLO's fears.
Title: Re: [Elenaria] Egg Hunt North and East Groups!
Post by: BabyKittenCandy on April 08, 2013, 06:53:29 AM

I pause and listen for a moment longer, trying to pinpoint the exact location of the growl. With the direction of it focused In my mind I edge as quietly as I possibly can through the growth of the Forest in the direction of the sound.  My heart beating faster at the thought of what I might find as I weave a soft ward of Elune's protection under my breath, beseeching the goddesses to keep me safe as I try to get a glimpse of the dangers that lurk within this place.
Title: Re: [Elenaria] Egg Hunt North and East Groups!
Post by: Roo on April 08, 2013, 09:14:26 AM
I had a few moments of thought and Wild said she was going to explore the tower to see if she could find a few supplies and what not. ''I think I am going to explore the Orchard and I'll meet up with you after that?'' I said to Reduni and Wild.
Title: Re: [Elenaria] Egg Hunt North and East Groups!
Post by: Elenaria on April 09, 2013, 05:23:57 PM
North group missing Red and Aralie

East group missing decisions from YLO, Midnight, Sunchaser.

(to give you guys a bit of direction this is basically an RPed out pick a door if you don't give me your choices I can't continue)

Title: Re: [Elenaria] Egg Hunt North and East Groups!
Post by: red_uni387 on April 09, 2013, 05:56:35 PM
Following the pretty lights, I could just barely hear the light laughter among the trees. It was such a unique sound, yet seemed to fit perfectly with the forest. Stepping carefully, my pace increased when the lights showed the way out of the maze of trees. The sudden change was startling, even more so when the giant tower was revealed. At the sound of my name, I turned to see Wild and Roo. Waving happily, I walked over to them to hear Wild contemplating which area to explore. The tower certainly did seem the most interesting, but I liked the idea of us each trying a different area. Roo said she would take the orchard, so that left me with the garden. "I will explore the garden then, so we can cover the most ground. Though I'd love to climb the tower at some point; the view must be amazing."
Title: Re: [Elenaria] Egg Hunt North and East Groups!
Post by: Aralie on April 09, 2013, 07:15:38 PM
Very surprised at being addressed by the tree I sit in amazement for a few seconds. When the first apple hits me I yelp lightly before getting up, trying to keep my head protected from the barrage of apples. Deciding to give the trees their space I run away only slowing to a walk once I am out of range. "Memo to myself.... at least the trees are alive, other things might be too." With a nod of my head I set off again through the forest.
Title: Re: [Elenaria] Egg Hunt North and East Groups!
Post by: Midnight Phantom on April 09, 2013, 08:01:09 PM
(Can't rp at the moment))
Phantom:goes north::
Title: Re: [Elenaria] Egg Hunt North and East Groups!
Post by: YourLoveOnly on April 10, 2013, 09:42:03 AM
(broken computer, so same thing here)

"If you are sure about splitting up.. Maybe we should just walk ahead a bit and then turn around and meet up here to discuss our findings and decide on what to do next? I'll pick the path all the way to the east."
Title: Re: [Elenaria] Egg Hunt North and East Groups!
Post by: Sunchaser on April 11, 2013, 08:28:30 AM
I'll go with midnight to the north
Title: Re: [Elenaria] Egg Hunt North and East Groups!
Post by: Elenaria on June 09, 2013, 04:51:35 PM
Thank you all for your patience. We will be revealing what all you found within the next week!
Title: Re: [Elenaria] Egg Hunt North and East Groups!
Post by: Elenaria on October 24, 2013, 07:21:10 PM
The garden is in full bloom, a sea of light and colour, somehow perfectly fitting for the beauty that had lead you here.  You can still hear the sound of laughter, and, after a moment, follow the sound.  It's strange, but you would almost swear it was coming from the flowers....

In a ring of blooms, blue, pink, purple, and yellow, a golden and white star shape lies.  Oh!  It's a Star Egg!  You quickly pick it up and the flowers seem to sing all the happier now that it's been found.  Better let the others know!  You turn to head back towards the tower.

Wandering into the orchard, you see beautiful rows of trees.  Row after row of very well-maintained trees greet you.  Walking along the way, though you see a lump in the grass.  Leaning down you pick up a Green Apple.  Oh, it must have fallen from one of the trees!  You pack it away and continue to walk, but there doesn't seem to be anything else here.  Maybe it's time to check in with the others.  You return to the tower.

The entrance to the tower isn't immediately apparent, but finally you find an ivy-covered door.  Pushing it open, you listen for the sound of anyone, but there doesn't seem to be anyone home.  Certainly no bodies lying across the threshold!  After one last moment to enjoy the sunshine, you step in and immediately find yourself faced by a wooden stairs curving ever upwards around the central pillar of the tower.  With no other way to go, you start on up!

There are... a lot... of.... Stairs!  At least they all seem to be quite secure and kept up with!  There's no sign of decay or loose boards; in fact, your feet hardly make a sound as you work your way upwards.  There are no stops, only a few windows, thin slits in the stone walls stopped by clear glass.  The view becomes nice the higher up you go and finally you reach another heavy wooden door at the top of the stairs.

You lift your hand to knock, but it hardly makes a sound on the deep brown wood.  With a shrug, you push the door open.  Still no response from within and you step into a large room.  The walls are lined with shelves and they hold all kinds of interesting trinkets and books, a sea of books cover the walls!  You walk around, looking over one thing then another, pausing once when you notice a scroll on the floor covered with familiar handwriting.  It's a scroll written in Raeris' hand!  Oh, dear, he might want this back.  You tuck it into your pack and keep looking around.

Eventually Roo and Runi return, and you all exult over locating one of the Star Eggs.  It would be best to get back to the cottage and let Saevia know it's been found!  Together, you all make your way back down the stairs and backtrack to the cottage. 

The birds fall silent, suddenly, and you freeze, praying to the goddess to keep you safe.  Elune must be listening because as you edge in closer you realize that it's not a single thing growling and, in fact, it doesn't sound angry at all.  You peek around some trees into a small sort of clearing.  Aha!  It's a little pack of young wolves!  They're playing and tumbling over each other, until one bites too hard, causing his sister to yip and snap her teeth.  They're very adorable to see!  But you notice that one of them, a little bit off from the others, is trying to chew on something.  You sneak closer.  Sugar cubes?  That can't be good for the wolf pup! 

After a brief hesitation, you slip forward, waving a hand at the wolf.  His ears perk up at you, black nose dancing wildly.  You sneak the sugar cubes from him and reach out to briefly touch the soft fur before retreating back into the forest.  Well, if something had fallen from the skies, the wolves probably would have found it, but they're entirely unconcerned.  Maybe it's time to head back and see if anyone else has a lead.

Run, run, run!  As you slow to a walk, you turn to glance back from where you've come, and trip over a rock.  Ack!  Ow, that hurt!  But when you glance back at the rock, it's not one at all.  A Star Egg!  It's rather grey-brownish, though, so it's no wonder you thought it was a rock at first!  You pick it up quickly and pack it away.  You'd better take this back to the cottage right away!

Picking your way through the tunnel a little way, there's nothing really a lot to see.  No sign of rabbits, giant or otherwise.  There are a lot of rocks.  And dust.  It tickles your nose and you sneeze!  From up above, a Green Apple rolls off a little ledge it had been stuck on and lands at your feet.  Oh!  Better pick that up!  You peer ahead, but there's nothing much to see.  You turn and head back.

Left up above the tunnel, you look at the Elenaria and shrug.  Ichigo takes that to mean you're not sure where to go.  The stallion starts walking forward, pausing when he finds some apples.  He eats one, but pushes the other towards you.  Aw, how sweet!  You pick up the Red Apple and put it away.  Ichigo starts walking again.  Well, if you stick with him, maybe you can find the group.

Midnight Phantom and Sunchaser
Heading down the north tunnel, you talk quietly, wondering if the foot prints here are a sign of anything in particular.  They seem newer... Maybe you've found the way the rabbit took!  After some discussion, you decide to turn back and bring the rest of the group this way!

As you turn around, Sunchaser sees something sparkling.  She reaches out to grab some Sugar Cubes.  She shows them to Phantom, but neither of you can decide how they got there.  Weird!

The west tunnel doesn't go very far at all, actually.  After just a few yards, you're forced to turn back again.  What a disappointment!  You get back far sooner than anyone else.... You slip down another tunnel just to see, but the Southwest tunnel was also affected by the cave-in.  By the time you return, you hear YLO returning. 

Soon enough, the party is together again, and you all head up through the North tunnel.

Yes, the footprints here definitely newer, and not just the ones left by Phantom and Sunchaser!  The group doesn't walk at the same pace; Kahlira's injury makes her fall back a little and Phantom drops back to keep her company.  When Kahlira stumbled over an outcropping of rock, Phantom reached out to catch her.  His wings hit part of the tunnel and he jerks, and they both tumble down onto the rocky floor.

"Are you okay?"

"Look!"  Kahlira points over her head to a little nearly hidden side tunnel.  It looks like  a special little room.  When they both got up and dusted off, they stuck their heads in and discovered the Star Egg!  It looks like the rabbit had tucked it in here for safe keeping.  Phantom picked it up and handed it to Kahlira and then did a double take. 

"There's another one here!"  He picks that one up as well. 


"In here!"

The group is united again, and you do a swift search of the room, but there are no other eggs to be seen.

"Thank goodness!"

"Corlanna will be so relieved!"

Continuing down the tunnel, you feel the sudden touch of fresh air and the sound of incoming footsteps.  "There you are!"  Simpa has come to meet you!  "Ichigo found a tunnel, but he couldn't fit in.  He's right up around the bend." 

In answer to the words—or to the scent of Sunchaser coming out of the tunnel—Ichigo whickers loudly.  With a laugh, the group hurries onwards. 


Corlanna greets everyone with a happy bounce, quickly sharing out the stew that Saevia made earlier.  They check over the eggs, but let them remain with those who found them. 

"Thank you all sooooo much!" Corlanna says brightly.  "We couldn't have done it without you!"

When Raeris makes an appearance, Wildfilly goes up to him to return the scroll.  Raeris looks it over and presses it back into her hands.  "Go ahead and keep this for now."

Prize Rundown
Everyone did a wonderful job and it was difficult to judge this! =-0  We wanted everyone to go home with something because of how long it took us to get this finished and, again, we are so sorry about that! =-0  The customs were added in due to amazing RP.

Prizes are listed in no particular order.

Runi – S035
Aralie – Red Apple, S037
BKC – Sugar Cube
Roo – Green Apple
Wildfilly – Song Custom

YLO – Green Apple
Simpa – Red Apple
Midnight Phantom – S038
Sunchaser – Sugar Cube
Kahlira S039
Title: Re: [Elenaria] Egg Hunt North and East Groups!
Post by: Kahlira on October 25, 2013, 05:35:54 AM
Can I say meep? =D

And yeah, I can totally see me falling down and taking my friends with me XD I can walk across a completely flat floor and fall on my face. (Which explains my injury of wayy back when.  I had fallen. But it was on the sidewalk. So it might have been a crack)
Title: Re: [Elenaria] Egg Hunt North and East Groups!
Post by: Midnight Phantom on October 25, 2013, 12:06:25 PM
Phantom: I'll try to keep that in mind next time ::chuckles:: still very fortunate you did fall there

Yes he wanted to talk.  And again..yay! Eggy! ^.^