
Secundi Market District => General Booths => Topic started by: IvySpring on February 06, 2010, 06:21:17 AM

Title: Promedians [Pickups/Customs open!]
Post by: IvySpring on February 06, 2010, 06:21:17 AM
The Beginning

In Greek mythology, there was a young Titan named Prometheus who is said to have created man from water and earth. Zeus assigned the young Titan this task in the hopes that he could reign over man, and prevent them from having power on Earth. Prometheus did as he was told, but became fond of his new creation, more fond of this man than of his almighty dictator Zeus. Zeus wanted to withhold power from man, but Prometheus desired to give his new creation the power to fight against the gods. Prometheus stole fire from Zeus in the form of a lightning bolt and gave it to man. When Zeus found out about this he became very angry with Prometheus. He locked the young Titan to a rock high above the earth with indestructible chains, and bade an eagle come every day to eat the liver of Prometheus in a painful, bloody meal at sunrise. Throughout the day, Prometheus' liver would grow back, slowly, and excruciatingly, until finally at night he could sleep until the next morning when the ever hungry eagle would come again for its meal.

A Titan is immortal if no mortal harm comes to him/her, and this every day event kept Prometheus in a constant war with pain, however, was not enough to kill the young Titan. A lifetime passed and just when Prometheus thought he could take no more, he woke up one morning to find that no claws were ripping through his skin; no sharp beak was tearing at his insides and gorging upon his bloody organs. He waited, filled with dread of the pain to come, but no eagle came. That evening, he felt the strange sensation of a new liver beginning to form in his abdomen, but he had not lost the liver from that morning. Overnight, a new liver squeezed its way into his body, beside the liver that had not been eaten the day before. The next morning, dread once again filled Prometheus' mind as he remembered the slashing talons and gleaming eye of the always hungry eagle, ready to eat his insides. However, the eagle did not come once again. His stomach bloated with an extra organ, Prometheus ached throughout the day and again that evening he felt the familiar sensation of a new liver forming within. His abdomen swelled to an even greater size as his body tried to accompany the extra organ that was not supposed to be there, and Prometheus doubled over in agony as his body stretched. Two more days this happened, until on the fifth evening Prometheus was screaming in pain, his body stretched to capacity, ready to explode.

A white light flickered in the corner of his eye, and breathing heavily he slowly turned his head, trying with great strength to keep his body still for fear that his skin would tear open with any slight movement. He saw a flash and a woman walked towards him on long slender white legs, her dress flowing and green, entwined with vines of ivy. Her titian hair was waved in ringlets down her back and in the tendrils were woven strands of baby's breath. Her pale skin was flaked like that of a fallen leaf in autumn, flaking off as she walked. Prometheus blinked, and tried to pull against his chains but the pressure in his stomach was too much. He looked up as she stood over him and tried to speak, but she held a finger to her lips.

Prometheus, do not speak, and keep still, for I am here to set you free. The woman held her hand over his chains, and Prometheus watched in amazement as long tendrils of vines snaked away from her arms and wrapped themselves around the iron rings. With a loud snap that echoed throughout the mountaintops , the iron cuffs broke and Prometheus was free of the rock to which he had been chained for so long. He tried to move and felt a tear within his insides, which caused him to cry out in pain. The woman pushed his head back, and Prometheus felt a stabbing pain as she cut open his abdomen, causing his six livers to tumble out of his body. She quickly set aside the extra five and with a touch of her hand, Prometheus felt a tugging sensation, and then no pain. He looked down to see his stomach back to its normal size, and no pain in his body. He looked up at the woman who was standing over the five organs on the ground. Her eyes closed and she held out her hands which took on a green glow. She moved them over the first organ and her hands started to glow a bright white. Prometheus watched as she followed suit with the other four livers, her glowing hands changing from white, to blue, to brown, to red, and then finally to a midnight black. She crumpled to the ground, her flaking skin continuing to fall, and Prometheus moved towards her to try to help her up, but stopped when he saw the organs start to move. Each organ started morphing, growing in size and shifting its shape to form bodies, heads, ears, mouths, tails, and wings. He watched in amazement as five creatures took shape in front of his eyes, each one with its own form. The woman, who had fallen to the ground, now stood up and smiled at her new creations standing before her. She looked at Prometheus.

I am neither god nor human. Some call me elemental, others call me magic. I am the Creator, and here before you stand my newest beings made from your flesh. They shall be called Promedians in your namesake. Go now, while I introduce them to this world, and no longer mess with the issues of god and man. Forever forget what Zeus has done to you, and live the new life I have given you.

She turned away and walked down the mountainside, followed by the five new Promedians, while Prometheus looked onward at the sunrise that had just begun.
_______________________________________________________________________________ ( <= Main website. Visit and click the Basic Information link to find descriptions/pictures of the different types/outlines available!

Events to be open soon!
Title: Re: Promedians [Sneak Peak]
Post by: IvySpring on February 06, 2010, 06:21:29 AM

Ok, this time I will be charging a 1000 SG custom fee for the customs- I'm going to see if people would be willing to pay for Promedians. Please post the code below to grab a slot- once your name has been put in one of the slots, you may then fill out the custom form below:
For pictures of the different subspecies/any Promedian information please visit the main site (located in the first post)

[color=blue][Username] wants a custom slot please! :][/color]

1. Echowing

[b]Promedian Gender:[/b]
[b]Promedian Subspecies (Zues, Poseidon, Hades, Demeter, or Hephestus):[/b]
[b]Body Color:[/b]
[b]Markings color:[/b]
[b](If Hades, Zues, or Hephaestus) Wing/Mane color:[/b]
[b]Extra Description or reference picture: [/b]
Title: Re: Promedians [Sneak Peak]
Post by: IvySpring on February 06, 2010, 06:21:39 AM





Please don't hesitate to ask for changes :] and as soon as you post names I'll get them certed up for you!
Title: Re: Promedians [Sneak Peak]
Post by: IvySpring on February 06, 2010, 06:21:48 AM
Title: Re: Promedians [Sneak Peak]
Post by: IvySpring on February 06, 2010, 06:21:59 AM
Title: Re: Promedians [Sneak Peak]
Post by: SplitX on February 06, 2010, 07:47:04 AM
You had me at Greek mythology and Prometheus. xD I love the story of the fiiiiire. <3 Of course it's sad in the end, but still. x3
Title: Re: Promedians [Sneak Peak]
Post by: IvySpring on February 06, 2010, 10:31:16 AM
haha my story has a happy ending :] I changed it around a bit ;) Anybody have a preference to what I open first? Customs? Semi-customs? maybe a freebie game just so people can see what's out there?
Title: Re: Promedians [Freebies open!]
Post by: IvySpring on February 06, 2010, 01:51:17 PM
5 free customs available! First come, first serve! Go :]
Title: Re: Promedians [Freebies open!]
Post by: sera on February 06, 2010, 01:52:05 PM
sera wants a custom slot please! :]

Form coming soon!
Title: Re: Promedians [Freebies open!]
Post by: SplitX on February 06, 2010, 01:53:55 PM
SplitX wants a custom slot, please! :3
Title: Re: Promedians [Freebies open!]
Post by: IvySpring on February 06, 2010, 01:54:47 PM
Go ahead and fill out the forms guys :]
Title: Re: Promedians [Freebies open!]
Post by: SplitX on February 06, 2010, 01:57:34 PM
Custom: Aurora
Promedian Gender: Female
Promedian Subspecies (Zues, Poseidon, Hades, Demeter, or Hephestus): Zeus
Pattern/markings:  Leopard print (if not possible, then paint splatters)
Body Color: White
Markings color: Rainbow
(If Hades, Zues, or Hephaestus) Wing/Mane color: Black
Extra Description or reference picture: (
Title: Re: Promedians [Freebies open!]
Post by: kasatsu on February 06, 2010, 01:58:17 PM
 Kasatsu wants a custom slot please! :]
Title: Re: Promedians [Freebies open!]
Post by: SplitX on February 06, 2010, 01:58:37 PM
10 bucks says you probably expected me to get Aurora. XD
Title: Re: Promedians [Freebies open!]
Post by: Goddesss on February 06, 2010, 01:58:48 PM
[Username] wants a custom slot please! :]
Title: Re: Promedians [Freebies open!]
Post by: IvySpring on February 06, 2010, 02:02:25 PM
haha Goddess you were supposed to put your own username in the box ;) but that's ok- go ahead and fill out your custom forms guys

@Splitty- hahaha I didn't expect that, but it didn't surprise me at all ;)
*do you happen to have an original picture of Aurora? I can use your Lumi I was just wondering, for another reference pic
Title: Re: Promedians [Freebies open!]
Post by: Goddesss on February 06, 2010, 02:04:37 PM
Well I didnt even read it.  Not reall all here today =)
Title: Re: Promedians [Freebies open!]
Post by: IvySpring on February 06, 2010, 02:05:22 PM
Don't worry about it :] we all have those days ;)
Title: Re: Promedians [Freebies open!]
Post by: SplitX on February 06, 2010, 02:05:34 PM
Honestly, I have too many references of her. XD They're all unique. Just... rainbow leopard print or rainbow paint splatters, cyan eyes, black hair/mane/etc, and that's her! ^_^
Title: Re: Promedians [Freebies open!]
Post by: IvySpring on February 06, 2010, 02:06:03 PM
Okie dokie! I'll do my best :D
Title: Re: Promedians [Freebies open!]
Post by: Goddesss on February 06, 2010, 02:09:24 PM
Promedian Gender: Female
Promedian Subspecies (Zues, Poseidon, Hades, Demeter, or Hephestus): Your choice
Pattern/markings: Black stars up legs and a swirly face mask
Body Color: light pink
Markings color: black
(If Hades, Zues, or Hephaestus) Wing/Mane color: black mane
Extra Description or reference picture:
Title: Re: Promedians [Freebies open!]
Post by: sera on February 06, 2010, 03:08:09 PM
Promedian Gender: Female
Promedian Subspecies (Zues, Poseidon, Hades, Demeter, or Hephestus): Hades
Pattern/markings: Zebra stripes!
Body Color: Black
Markings color: Crimson red
(If Hades, Zues, or Hephaestus) Wing/Mane color: Silver
Extra Description or reference picture: If you'd like to alternate the red stripes with silver, that'd be cool, but don't feel obligated. hehe  Anything else you think would look cool is also awesome. ^^
Title: Re: Promedians [Freebies open!]
Post by: kasatsu on February 06, 2010, 03:12:20 PM
Promedian Gender: Male
Promedian Subspecies (Zues, Poseidon, Hades, Demeter, or Hephestus): Hephestus
Pattern/markings: Wavy stripes
Body Color: Brown
Markings color: Purple
(If Hades, Zues, or Hephaestus) Wing/Mane color: Blue
Extra Description or reference picture:
Title: Re: Promedians [Freebies open!]
Post by: Poupou on February 06, 2010, 03:23:55 PM
Poupou wants a custom slot please! :]

Not sure if it's open? I see open, but I may be wrong.. ^^;
Title: Re: Promedians [Freebies open!]
Post by: IvySpring on February 06, 2010, 03:32:11 PM
You were the last one! :] go ahead and turn in a form
Title: Re: Promedians [Freebies closed!]
Post by: Poupou on February 06, 2010, 03:48:19 PM
Promedian Gender: Female
Promedian Subspecies (Zues, Poseidon, Hades, Demeter, or Hephestus): Zeus 1
Pattern/markings: Paint
Body Color: Really dark blue
Markings color: Lighter blue - almost powder blue
(If Hades, Zues, or Hephaestus) Wing/Mane color: Dark blue, the long-ish part to be powder blue
Extra Description or reference picture:
Title: Re: Promedians [Freebies closed!]
Post by: sera on February 06, 2010, 04:08:27 PM
Oohh, could we choose which outline? hehe
Title: Re: Promedians [Freebies closed!]
Post by: IvySpring on February 06, 2010, 04:18:29 PM
Sure XD
Title: Re: Promedians [Pickups Post 3!]
Post by: IvySpring on February 06, 2010, 07:09:02 PM
Pickups in Post 3! :]
Title: Re: Promedians [Pickups Post 3!]
Post by: Poupou on February 06, 2010, 10:33:39 PM
Yay so pretty!

Do we need to give you a name and you cert them, or they're coming like this? :)
Title: Re: Promedians [Pickups Post 3!]
Post by: SplitX on February 06, 2010, 10:37:08 PM
AHHH! Cute~!
Title: Re: Promedians [Pickups Post 3!]
Post by: IvySpring on February 07, 2010, 02:49:35 PM
Names please and then I'll cert :]
Title: Re: Promedians [Pickups Post 3!]
Post by: sera on February 07, 2010, 10:39:02 PM
Kyyaaa!! So lovely!  ^^ i'll keep. . . gads. . . the first one!  i'll name her. . . Librette.  ^^  Thank you!
Title: Re: Promedians [Pickups Post 3!]
Post by: IvySpring on February 08, 2010, 09:28:28 AM

Here Sera :]

Goddess, Splitty, Poupou, and Kasatsu- can I have names and genders please? As soon as I get yours certed then I can start a new event :D
Title: Re: Promedians [Pickups Post 3!]
Post by: Poupou on February 08, 2010, 09:36:39 AM
Name : Midnight Star
Owner : Poupou
Gender : Female

Title: Re: Promedians [Pickups Post 3!]
Post by: IvySpring on February 08, 2010, 09:52:29 AM

Here ya go!
Title: Re: Promedians [Pickups/Customs open!]
Post by: IvySpring on February 08, 2010, 02:15:20 PM
Customs are open again for a fee this time. Please post the code to grab a slot!
Title: Re: Promedians [Pickups/Customs open!]
Post by: Poupou on February 09, 2010, 09:00:59 AM
Oh my MS looks great on her cert! Thank you very much!!!
Title: Re: Promedians [Pickups/Customs open!]
Post by: Poupou on February 09, 2010, 09:01:17 AM
[Poupou] wants a custom slot please! :]
Title: Re: Promedians [Pickups/Customs open!]
Post by: IvySpring on February 09, 2010, 02:23:37 PM
You're welcome :] and the slot is yours! Go ahead and fill out the form please
Title: Re: Promedians [Pickups/Customs open!]
Post by: Poupou on February 09, 2010, 05:54:33 PM
Name : Kogane
Promedian Gender: Male
Promedian Subspecies (Zues, Poseidon, Hades, Demeter, or Hephestus): Zues
Pattern/markings: I have a ref pic.. it will be easier I think XD
Body Color: I have a ref pic.. it will be easier I think XD
Markings color: I have a ref pic.. it will be easier I think XD
(If Hades, Zues, or Hephaestus) Wing/Mane color: Black with white tips for the hair, body color with white fading into blak tips with some black speckles on the white
Extra Description or reference picture:

For the yellow hex it's : ffb515
For the black, it should be black, but not so black you can see the details anymore
White : Well, this one should be quite easy LOL! XD

Sending EssGees your way!

Title: Re: Promedians [Pickups/Customs open!]
Post by: IvySpring on February 09, 2010, 07:38:09 PM
Oooo gorgeous! This one should be fun :D I'll get right on it!
Title: Re: Promedians [Pickups/Customs open!]
Post by: kasatsu on February 13, 2010, 02:57:30 AM
Ah! Sorry for the delay. Going to name my lovely - Thema

Title: Re: Promedians [Pickups/Customs open!]
Post by: IvySpring on February 13, 2010, 12:24:27 PM
No problem :]

And sorry these are taking so long you guys- This weekends been a little busy for me- but I'm going to get them done ASAP. *sorry Poupou, ur custom is coming >_<*
Title: Re: Promedians [Pickups/Customs open!]
Post by: Poupou on February 13, 2010, 01:21:59 PM
No worries, Ivy.  I can't expect people to be here on the V Day weekend. XD
Take your time, I'm in no hurry.


I know where to find you. >.>

Title: Re: Promedians [Pickups/Customs open!]
Post by: IvySpring on February 13, 2010, 02:52:58 PM
hehe *hides in a corner* ;) lol don't worry I gotcha :D
Title: Re: Promedians [Pickups/Customs open!]
Post by: IvySpring on February 14, 2010, 12:01:34 PM

Here ya go Poupou! :]
Title: Re: Promedians [Pickups/Customs open!]
Post by: Poupou on February 14, 2010, 01:30:45 PM
Oooohhh he's so perfect!!!  :D  Thank you!
Title: Re: Promedians [Pickups/Customs open!]
Post by: IvySpring on February 14, 2010, 01:47:58 PM
Glad you like him :D I'll get him certed up right now

and I'm certing yours as we speak Kasatsu :]


Here are the certs!

Title: Re: Promedians [Pickups/Customs open!]
Post by: Echowing on February 17, 2010, 11:22:21 PM
Echowing wants a custom slot please! :]
Title: Re: Promedians [Pickups/Customs open!]
Post by: IvySpring on February 18, 2010, 10:17:56 AM
Go ahead and post your form! :]
Title: Re: Promedians [Pickups/Customs open!]
Post by: Echowing on February 18, 2010, 05:10:18 PM
Promedian Gender: Female
Promedian Subspecies (Zues, Poseidon, Hades, Demeter, or Hephestus): Zues
Pattern/markings: Small speckles that are close together (like almost a solid line) along back ridge but farther apart as they get nearer the belly
Body Color: red
Markings color: black
(If Hades, Zues, or Hephaestus) Wing/Mane color: black
Extra Description or reference picture:   Red tips on the wings please

Thank you :D