
Secundi Market District => General Booths => Topic started by: SplitX on February 06, 2010, 09:41:40 PM

Title: [Crystal Ball Dragons] News
Post by: SplitX on February 06, 2010, 09:41:40 PM
I have decided that, right now, I need to spend more time focusing on getting my grades and keeping my life straight than trying to struggle to make adoptables that I feel like I just can't finish in time, like everyone deserves.

I WILL finish 100% of what I owe y'all, and hopefully tonight, then I plan to sell the CBDs. PSDs will be included. <3 I just felt like I'd do a greater service to myself and to all of you by making this decision. I have let Fae know about my decision, so now I just need to find someone to take the CBDs off of my hands. I need USD right now, as I'm sooo close to some beautiful maternity clothes (that I can get 100% money back on, if something happens & the pregnancy doesn't continue), but I might just give them to someone deserving. I just want everything to be okay.

I am working on YLO's customs & Ivy's love pair. I am running a fever, so it's all taking me a little while, but please forgive me and bear with me.
Title: Re: [Crystal Ball Dragons] News
Post by: hiyoko on February 06, 2010, 09:45:53 PM
I'm sorry Split. :( I would buy the CBD, but I don't have PS. :'( I hope things get better for you. :)
Title: Re: [Crystal Ball Dragons] News
Post by: Goddesss on February 06, 2010, 09:46:16 PM
*hugs splitty*

I wish I had USD to spend.  Darn bills and kids who grow out of clothes in one month.

Maybe you could just have someone run them for you for a bit until you see how things are going for you.
Title: Re: [Crystal Ball Dragons] News
Post by: SplitX on February 06, 2010, 09:47:06 PM
I might, though I feel I'm better as a colorist when I get to color at my own leisure. I don't want others to suffer for my laziness/forgetfulness. ^-^;
Title: Re: [Crystal Ball Dragons] News
Post by: SplitX on February 06, 2010, 10:04:03 PM
Failsauce, by SplitX
Title: Re: [Crystal Ball Dragons] News
Post by: Goddesss on February 06, 2010, 10:08:16 PM
Well he is pretty.  If I can help you in anyway just let me know.
Title: Re: [Crystal Ball Dragons] News
Post by: SplitX on February 06, 2010, 10:09:07 PM
Thanks... <3 I'm just trying to pull through these customs... Leeto & I just broke up. He decided he wanted to drink & party and put me last so... I had to let him go, and I'm trying to be a big girl about it.
Title: Re: [Crystal Ball Dragons] News
Post by: hiyoko on February 06, 2010, 10:26:16 PM
That sucks Split.>.< But if I was you, I wouldn't dwell on it because that would be a waste of emotions and stress. Plus, him drinking and partying would cause you to stress also. I would suggest working on hmwk and anything that makes you happy. ;)   
Title: Re: [Crystal Ball Dragons] News
Post by: Goddesss on February 06, 2010, 10:28:08 PM
*hugs splitty*  You have alot on your plate right now.
Title: Re: [Crystal Ball Dragons] News
Post by: SplitX on February 06, 2010, 10:28:35 PM
Thankfully, my parents said my homework could wait 'till tomorrow. <3 /squee
XD But then again, that gives me 2 days' work in 1 day, but oh well.

I told Leeto he can come back if he cleans up his act, but if he really cares, it shouldn't be too hard. And if he dates anyone else, he'll never get another chance with me. Feelings shouldn't flip-flop like that, especially if you apparently love them to death. >___<;

On the plus side, I have Pokemon Pearl... <3

Edit: I do, but then again, I can be thankful I don't have a horrible disease (that I know about o_o) and I'm not dying. <3 At least I'm alive.
Title: Re: [Crystal Ball Dragons] News
Post by: red_uni387 on February 06, 2010, 10:29:47 PM
*smooshes* poor splitty :( your life's like a giant roller coaster right now
Title: Re: [Crystal Ball Dragons] News
Post by: SplitX on February 06, 2010, 10:30:27 PM
Yeah, but here's the problem with that, Red: I'm not getting the giggles OR the adrenaline rush. xD
Title: Re: [Crystal Ball Dragons] News
Post by: Dunkel.Prinzessin204 on February 06, 2010, 10:33:37 PM
No giggles?


Are you giggling now?
Title: Re: [Crystal Ball Dragons] News
Post by: red_uni387 on February 06, 2010, 10:35:06 PM
ahhh you're one of those who LIKE roller coasters XD

well forget the metaphor then *squishes tight* I just hope you manage to get everything sorted out without too much trouble <3
Title: Re: [Crystal Ball Dragons] News
Post by: SplitX on February 06, 2010, 10:36:21 PM
Title: Re: [Crystal Ball Dragons] News
Post by: YourLoveOnly on February 07, 2010, 04:17:34 AM
*has to run now*
Just wanted to give you lotsa hugs and I hope things get better soon.

If you want we could co-run these? I like your creative mind and we could both be colorists and run events when we feel like it. Then you wouldn't have to give up all together.

I have no more USD to spare >.< And I don't think I can do everything 100% on my own because these are so populair xD
Title: Re: [Crystal Ball Dragons] News
Post by: Midnight Phantom on February 07, 2010, 05:06:52 AM
I am curious around what USD range are you willing to sell these for?
Title: Re: [Crystal Ball Dragons] News
Post by: SplitX on February 07, 2010, 10:12:18 AM
I'm afraid Dunkel has already made an offer too generous to refuse. <3 She's buying them for $60. :3
Title: Re: [Crystal Ball Dragons] News
Post by: YourLoveOnly on February 07, 2010, 03:21:33 PM

Do you know if she's still continueing with the carnival and breeding season?
And if that one fortune will still be useable then (the one that said I would be really lucky when breeding my dragons)? Too bad to see you sell these splitty, I loved the way you run them. *huggles* take care sweety, real life comes first. I'm here if you need me <3
Title: Re: [Crystal Ball Dragons] News
Post by: SplitX on February 07, 2010, 05:08:24 PM
Don't worry; I'll be finishing ALL of that. XD I want to do the breeding season & carnival. I will, however, be a full-time colorist (possibly event runner as well), but with more... leisure-type coloring, so I don't feel as pressured. <3<3

Hey YLO... Don't worry; I'm working on your Garden Nom customs, but they're giving me troubles. ^_^'
Title: Re: [Crystal Ball Dragons] News
Post by: indigowulf on February 07, 2010, 09:32:10 PM
Guess that means I need to get this bleeping computer working so I can give you the forms from the gene-pool trade stuffs. Right now, im running on bare min in safemode, while malwarebytes does its thing. Ill try to hurry and get them to you, even if i have to borrow fean77's computer, so you have 1 less thing to worry about.
Title: Re: [Crystal Ball Dragons] News
Post by: Taruia on February 07, 2010, 09:38:03 PM
We've had reports that there are problems with SplitX having permission to sell CBD's.  We are checking into it further but in the meantime we advise anyone considering purchasing them to wait.
Title: Re: [Crystal Ball Dragons] News
Post by: SplitX on February 07, 2010, 10:09:38 PM
I talked to Fae. Dunkel is getting her money back & I am giving the CBDs back to Fae. I'd completely forgotten about my deal with her, so Dunkel will be getting a 100% refund, and I will NOT be selling the CBDs. I am terribly sorry about the confusion y'all.

Edit: Dunkel HAS received her refund
Title: Re: [Crystal Ball Dragons] News
Post by: YourLoveOnly on February 08, 2010, 03:58:34 AM
Wait.. Fae is not on Secundi.. does that means CBDs are leaving Secundi? O.o
Now I am confused.. Because I just spend USD on them and traded tons of adopties as well.. Will that be all for nothing? =o
Title: Re: [Crystal Ball Dragons] News
Post by: YourLoveOnly on February 08, 2010, 10:06:55 AM
@Taru; did you speak to Fae and how did she get in touch? I have now received confirmation that Fae is indeed taking them back, but she's not on Secundi.. And I know several people spend USD and traded other adopties etc. in return for CBDs. I am one of them and I'm not on PI anymore.. Splitty did what she had to, she's busy delivering everything I ordered. But after that I can't do anything with them.. I can't actually participate in CBDs anymore because they won't be on Secundi anymore. And I would like the chance to ask Fae if there will be something done about that or that everyone here is basically out of luck. Splitty delivered orders and she really needs the money, so I don't wanna ask for a refund. I don't even have the right to do that, because the adoptables were delivered. But I feel really bad now about spending money on an adoptable I can't be a part of and I really wanna know if something can be done about that.. Just wanna ask Fae if she has any plans of coming over and running them on here or maybe letting run them herself on PI and pick someone else to run them on here if she doesn't want splitty to do that anymore.. (I am not saying Fae owes me or anyone anything, I just wonder if she does have plans that would enable the CBDs to stay on Secundi)
Title: Re: [Crystal Ball Dragons] News
Post by: Silvanon on February 08, 2010, 11:49:24 AM
YLO - I'm sorry but I don't think that's Taru's place or any Secundi council member's place to have to make that contact for you.  Any adoptable has the risk of closing down, regardless of whether you've purchased with USD or not, and Secundi can't be held responsible for that.  Taru made the post she did because we are responsible for trying to make sure transactions that take place on Secundi are legal and not art theft, etc. etc.    I'd suggest you take up your concerns with SplitX and have her make that contact for you, or perhaps someone else involved with CBD's who is on both Secundi and PI will be willing to do it.  (And, just a little reminder: Taru has completely left PI.)
Title: Re: [Crystal Ball Dragons] News
Post by: SplitX on February 08, 2010, 12:13:37 PM
I'm willing to give everyone a full refund for my carelessness. All you need to do is dispute your charge for a misunderstanding or inconvenience, and you will automatically get your money back. I apologize everyone.
Title: Re: [Crystal Ball Dragons] News
Post by: Silvanon on February 08, 2010, 12:18:36 PM
Personal opinion here, if you're willing to give refunds you should just issue refunds.  Not that hard to send back money, and it doesn't hurt your account's standing the way a chargeback does. 
Title: Re: [Crystal Ball Dragons] News
Post by: YourLoveOnly on February 08, 2010, 12:19:00 PM
I don't really plan on doing that, like Silv said there's always the risk of an adoptie closing down. I just wanna know if there's chance they'll come back or stay on Secundi.
Title: Re: [Crystal Ball Dragons] News
Post by: SplitX on February 08, 2010, 12:31:31 PM
Quote from: Silvanon on February 08, 2010, 12:18:36 PM
Personal opinion here, if you're willing to give refunds you should just issue refunds.  Not that hard to send back money, and it doesn't hurt your account's standing the way a chargeback does. 

I'm afraid I can't. My parents decided that I'd need to get the money sent via check instead of having a bank account or credit card linked through paypal, as we've been scammed out of thousands of dollars that way before, so I do not have the ability to send/refund money. :(

YLO, please do. I'd feel awful about it. It was my fault for being so reckless and keeping my mind on money for appointments & the like, when I should have been much more cautious and thought things out before I jumped at the thought of money for my appointments & to pay my parents back. This is 110% my fault, and I want to take full responsibility for that.
Title: Re: [Crystal Ball Dragons] News
Post by: YourLoveOnly on February 08, 2010, 12:36:43 PM
Sweety I don't care about the money, I really don't.
I'm just sad that CBDs are leaving Secundi after just starting a massive collection ;)
And yea it would be great if there was a way to make them stay.

Sending back my money doesn't change the situation and it just adds to your trouble. If I couldn't do without the money I wouldn't have spend it in the first place. So I'm not doing a chargeback. *hugs splitty* I <3 you
Title: Re: [Crystal Ball Dragons] News
Post by: indigowulf on February 08, 2010, 01:54:17 PM
Why dont you stay involved in them and put them on haitus or hire colorists/event runners instead of selling them back to fae?

things are going to get complicated doing 3 way refunds with the gene pool fish, although I never did put in my custom forms for my end of things. id still *like* the customs, and i still have a PI account, but will customs made here even be able to interact with PI dragons?
Title: Re: [Crystal Ball Dragons] News
Post by: SplitX on February 08, 2010, 01:58:41 PM
I'm not selling them back to Fae. She's forcing me to return ownership to her so she can find another owner for them to 'salvage their reputation' =(

Yes; your customs made here WILL be able to interact with PI dragons; I will make absolute sure of that. <3 So feel free to PM me the forms & some extra ones, too, for the trouble.
Title: Re: [Crystal Ball Dragons] News
Post by: Solistia on February 08, 2010, 01:59:41 PM
Wait forcing you to give them back? She's not going to give you a refund to take back ownership?
Did you agree to some contract or Terms of Service when you got the CBDs from her?
Title: Re: [Crystal Ball Dragons] News
Post by: YourLoveOnly on February 08, 2010, 02:06:56 PM
I too am kinda wondering if she's even allowed to do this..
Even you commited art theft or scammed someone or something like that I could imagine this happening. Or like Solistia said, if you agreed to some contract or something like that. Just taking them back and not refunding seems wrong.. But I dunno exactly what happened so I can't judge. If Splitty was required to give/sell them back to Fae if she ever wanted to stop with the CBDs then Fae is right. But if she didn't and it's basically "I don't like the way you ran them, so give them back now" then that seems wrong.
Title: Re: [Crystal Ball Dragons] News
Post by: Ryuukokoro on February 08, 2010, 02:15:00 PM
Fae is my friend, and I have been a co-artist for the CBD's for a long time, so that's why I'm stepping in right now, just to say this. Fae did not sell SplitX the CBD's. She gave them to her for free because she wanted them to be active, and then less than a couple weeks later, Split tried to sell them for $60.
Title: Re: [Crystal Ball Dragons] News
Post by: YourLoveOnly on February 08, 2010, 02:28:10 PM
Splitty already said she took full responsiblity for everything, so I already assumed something had not gone as planned. Ryuu, do you happen to know if they will ever come onto Secundi again?

I guess we all just have to wait to see what happens, it's just that Splitty still needs to do lots of CBDs for me and I think I may wanna save her from coloring them if I can't really participate in the adoptable anymore..
Title: Re: [Crystal Ball Dragons] News
Post by: Ryuukokoro on February 08, 2010, 02:31:37 PM
I don't think Fae has decided what will happen to the CBD's now, so I can't say whether they will be coming back or not, right now.
Title: Re: [Crystal Ball Dragons] News
Post by: YourLoveOnly on February 08, 2010, 02:33:36 PM
Okay, thanks for letting me know that ^^
I shall just keep an eye on this thread and PI generals for announcements then (I'm not on PI anymore, but I do check the forums if I have a reason to do so).

Hopefully they'll remain on Secundi. =]
Title: Re: [Crystal Ball Dragons] News
Post by: Poupou on February 08, 2010, 02:50:34 PM
Quote from: SplitX on February 08, 2010, 01:58:41 PM
I'm not selling them back to Fae. She's forcing me to return ownership to her so she can find another owner for them to 'salvage their reputation' =(

Forcing you? How strange... was it a part of the deal when she sold them to you that you would give her the dragons back if they were not managed properly or if you didn't want them anymore?

I am not saying they were not managed properly, I'm just trying to figure out the terms of the contract.... you should have one of these, I guess?  Since she can get the ownership back, it must be written somewhere and you had to agree to it.  I am just assuming here! XD

ETA : Just saw Ryuu's post... my bad, I should have read everything.  Which I thought I did, eh.

Title: Re: [Crystal Ball Dragons] News
Post by: Silvanon on February 08, 2010, 02:58:40 PM
Quote from: SplitX on February 07, 2010, 10:09:38 PM
I talked to Fae. Dunkel is getting her money back & I am giving the CBDs back to Fae. I'd completely forgotten about my deal with her, so Dunkel will be getting a 100% refund, and I will NOT be selling the CBDs. I am terribly sorry about the confusion y'all.

Edit: Dunkel HAS received her refund

It very much sounds from what SplitX said in the part I bolded that there was indeed a contract or some sort of agreement.

Either way, I know if someone turned around and almost immediately sold for a large sum of USD an adoption I'd given to them for free to run because I believed they'd love it and run it well, well, I'd be seeing red.

I'm going to see what I can find out from Fae.  I think she deserves a voice in this.
Title: Re: [Crystal Ball Dragons] News
Post by: SplitX on February 08, 2010, 03:51:28 PM
I did not mean to say 'forcing' in a bad way. I understand why she is so upset. She has every right to be.

That is why I am saying I am willing to give all a refund. I freaked out with needed so much money in such a short time, that I let that and the unwillingness of stress (as I do not feel like a very capable adoptable owner) cloud my judgement, and I just jumped at the first thing I thought to. It was wrong of me, and I apologize to everyone (as I did to Fae), yet again. She is NOT the bad guy here, but I also do not want to look like the bad guy, as I did not intend for anyone to get hurt.
I just do not know how to handle so much stress, and I was scared because I've applied at a bunch of places, and all have rejected me, and I'm scared that, with Leeto & I on the edge of things, not sure where it'll all go, I'll be stuck with paying all the bills on my own, without a job. Once again, that is my responsibility and I'm sorry it's come to burden everyone else.
Title: Re: [Crystal Ball Dragons] News
Post by: IvySpring on February 08, 2010, 03:56:48 PM
No burden :] no worries Splitty dear! We were just curious what is going to happen to the ever-popular CBDs XD
Title: Re: [Crystal Ball Dragons] News
Post by: faerain on February 08, 2010, 04:28:47 PM
Well , the owner here at secundi has PMed me .. asking my side of the story .
I had no idea this thread was going downhill as much as it has been since last night .. I thought SplitX and I had worked everything out in person and everything was clear and understood.

Wow .. so not only did last night I find out that something I had given to someone as a gift  had been sold behind my back, now I find there are questions as to whether I handled this fair or not.  Well - I've documented this as it went along and so I'll share everything with you.
I didn't think it would 'take' me having to go this far... but I will.

I thought it was only fair due to the "forcing me to give it back to her' is coming up in public that you all know the deal about what happened here.

CBD has earned a bad reputation of having new owners that don't deal well with keeping the shop running and has changed hands over 6 times now -  so when I approached SplitX with the shop I was extremely careful to make sure she KNEW it was not able to be re-sold , and that I wanted it back to find a new owner for if she were not going to run it.  Especially since it was a gift - and no PG exchanged hands between us.)

Here are all the documented conversations Splitx and I had regarding CBD.

(Aim conversation the day I decided to give the shop to SplitX to run -  I will bold the parts where we talked about future sales /plans etc)
Please realize when you read this -  that this was a 'gift' . a kind thing to do for someone who didn't have an adopt of their own.  I thought she could give some love to the shop and return it to the world of PI.  

8:23:08 AM Amber: You found a big attachment to CBD yes ?
8:23:14 AM splitty: O____O Yes...
8:23:22 AM Amber: 0___________0
8:23:24 AM Amber: then .....
8:23:29 AM splitty: O_O
8:23:32 AM Amber: once I tell Den .... it is yours ^_^
8:23:36 AM splitty: iuewgyo8uwehgpiuewhgiu[wehguewhg
8:23:37 AM splitty: \skjfhw
8:23:39 AM splitty: O__O
8:23:45 AM Amber: but PLEASE .. please please give it love ... because it has been left in the dust sooo many times lol
8:23:45 AM splitty: -dies-
8:24:15 AM Amber: I dont' want profits or anything .. the whole shop will be yours.  I just ask if you resell the whole shop that you would give it back to me so I can work at finding someone trustworthy
8:24:35 AM splitty: Okay but... don't worry. I won't even DREAM of reselling it.
8:24:40 AM Amber: It is an amazing shop and it honestly doesn't get the time it deserves   and you ... are a very selfless person .. and deserve something good for yourself
7:31:18 PM Amber: 8:34:53 AM splitty: Would you want me to send a PM to them?  Or would you be setting up a thread stating the change in ownership? :3
8:35:30 AM Amber: ooo you will get to set up your own thread  I'll just post confirmation after you do hehe
8:35:39 AM Amber: and I'll pm them  luna really likes to know since some of the lines are her own
8:36:00 AM splitty: o-o Bweeeee~! So I should set up a thread in Generals saying there's a change in ownership? o.o
8:36:11 AM Amber: yup ,3 after you make some for giveaway that will be awesome hehe
8:36:19 AM Amber: in 'intros;
8:36:31 AM Amber: and it is a 1 week intro period for change in hands ownership *nod*
8:36:55 AM splitty: o-o Whee~!  Okay so... I guess I should just set up a thread & save some posts for giveawas? :3


And here is my documentation of where she asked if she could come to secundi -
3:03:30 PM SplitX:
3:03:59 PM SplitX: I was wondering if I was allowed to let them be on Secundi, as well?
3:04:10 PM Amber: from me of course  just ask den
3:04:21 PM SplitX: Alrighty~

Short and sweet - she asked if she could run them here ... and of course NEVER came to me to ask if she could sell them.

There was an outright lie here in her first post on this thread:
I have let Fae know about my decision, so now I just need to find someone to take the CBDs off of my hands.

No - you did not.  

Thank you everyone for your time.

CBD will be back in full force on PI only , and most likely will not be returning here.
SplitX did agree to finish everything owed here and on PI  to you all in this conversation however , so you should be getting what you paid for :
(By refund I mean - the refund to the person she sold the shop to)
7:32:16 PM Amber: ok , so you are sending the refund and finishing what is owed to everyone?
7:32:28 PM splitty: Yes indeed
7:32:34 PM Amber: You give me your word ,  documented right here?
7:32:44 PM Amber: and i'll be retaking them back and I'll find an owner
7:32:47 PM splitty: I'll just put them on a long hiatus after that's all done to give myself time to get things in order
7:32:52 PM splitty: Okay wow
Title: Re: [Crystal Ball Dragons] News
Post by: YourLoveOnly on February 08, 2010, 04:41:11 PM
Defenitely understandable, but still sad. I would have loved if they stayed on Secundi somehow.
CBDs defenitely deserve love, I think they are really awesome and I fell in love with them real quickly.
I'm sorry if you felt hurt about anything anyone said, we were just all a bit confused.
I think CBDs got populair here really quick and then suddenly everything was really uncertain and no one knew what was gonna happen..
Title: Re: [Crystal Ball Dragons] News
Post by: faerain on February 08, 2010, 04:43:16 PM
Thank you so much YLO - maybe in the future I can find a way to get them over here... even by running a couple of things myself <3
I really do appreciate your understanding.
I will make sure to get the new owner's lists / photobuckets so I can transfer them to the official CBD owner's photobucket so I can take care of your pets forever for you. 
Title: Re: [Crystal Ball Dragons] News
Post by: Goddesss on February 08, 2010, 04:48:30 PM
*latches on to fae and doesnt let go*

Hope to see them up and running soon.  They do deserve lots of love.

*misses old PI friends*

Title: Re: [Crystal Ball Dragons] News
Post by: IvySpring on February 08, 2010, 04:54:33 PM
I'm sorry- I'm probably just confused by the wording, but in this part of the conversation, you and SplitX discussed reselling the whole shop, as in the adoptable itself, not individual crits right?

8:24:15 AM Amber Duthie: "I dont' want profits or anything .. the whole shop will be yours.  I just ask if you resell the whole shop that you would give it back to me so I can work at finding someone trustworthy
8:24:35 AM splitty: Okay but... don't worry. I won't even DREAM of reselling it. "

So when Splitty sold like customs for USD, she wasn't selling the shop, but just individual customs etc. I thought this whole issue was because you didn't want her selling customs, etc. for USD- but that conversation does not address selling customs and individual crit sales, but the adoptable as a shop/whole.

I'm just clarifying, because the wording is a little confusing for me. I'm sorry it had to come down to you defending yourself Fae- I think people just didn't understand what was going on, and hadn't heard both sides of the story. We appreciate you explaining the situation! Hopefully the CBD's will be able to come back to Secundi someday :P as they seem to be very popular over here! We all love them :]
Title: Re: [Crystal Ball Dragons] News
Post by: YourLoveOnly on February 08, 2010, 04:58:34 PM
@Ivy: you missed a part honey, splitty sold the entire shop to dunkel for $60. that is now all undone again after fae had reminded her of their agreement.

@fae: if you ever need help with running them over here, lemme know! <3 I love running events ^^ I also love to color even though I might not be the best colorist out there, give me a reference picture and I will not give up until it gets done =3 Secundi is defenitely a fun place to be as well! *drags fae onto here* stay pretty please? xD

I think this entire thing just go out of hand.. I know I got upset because I totally fell in love with the shop and started to massive hoard them and then find out they would go p00f xD I have no hard feelings towards anyone =]
Title: Re: [Crystal Ball Dragons] News
Post by: IvySpring on February 08, 2010, 05:05:42 PM
Oh ooops! totally missed that- I'm sorry, that's what I get for not doing my research >_< just ignore me :P

@Fae- I agree with YLO- You should stay :] it's fun here, and with how well the CBD's did I'd love to see what other adoptables you'd bring :D
Title: Re: [Crystal Ball Dragons] News
Post by: Densaugep on February 08, 2010, 10:57:24 PM
Just wanted to say..If Fae wants to continue them here for those that are no longer on PI/never were on it then I'd be willing to help with some coloring and stuff :) I'm already working on redraws for them..
Title: Re: [Crystal Ball Dragons] News
Post by: red_uni387 on February 08, 2010, 11:13:43 PM
Title: Re: [Crystal Ball Dragons] News
Post by: YourLoveOnly on February 09, 2010, 03:55:21 AM
@den: I saw the sketch you did for a new CBD breed.. I so want that! O.o
Title: Re: [Crystal Ball Dragons] News
Post by: XLostxDestinyX on February 12, 2010, 10:38:37 PM
I hope I see the CBD ran again, I think they are a fantastic adoptable that deserves to be put out there for everyone to love. I would love to offer to run them, but I fear that Fae dosent know me well enough to see what I do with adoptable.. and I wouldent want to step on any toes <3 I can offer my help with them in any way tho, I've adored them for a while :)
Title: Re: [Crystal Ball Dragons] News
Post by: Gene Pool on February 16, 2010, 04:52:07 PM
For the record, even if SplitX for some reason cannot come back and do the CBD customs we have coming, there will be NO fish taken away from anyone involved in a 3 way trade with Gene Pool. No reason to do chargebacks, because you got your end of the deal. The rest will be between me and Splitty, and possible Fae if Splitty doesn't make it back (although I dont hold Fae responsable for it, can't hurt to ask)
Title: Re: [Crystal Ball Dragons] News
Post by: YourLoveOnly on February 16, 2010, 04:57:31 PM
She's not coming back anytime soon..

This is what I found on her PI presentation:
QuoteHello everyone!

My name is Melissa, but I am also known on this site as x Sunneh x.

Roughly one week ago, Katie (SplitX) came to me saying she was going to quit PonyIsland. During our conversation Katie explained that she was just too stressed due to things going on on this site and on others. In a conversation between her and her parents they decided to cancel their internet in order for Katie to be less stressed and to also save money.

Due to my friendship with Katie, I was gifted ALL of her accounts (SplitX, Splitty and SplitX's Sub).

Katie's last log in date on ANY of her accounts was February 8th 2010. She has not personally signed into any of her accounts since that date. Any activity on her accounts has been me (Melissa/Sunneh).

I have not spoken to Katie since that day as well - since the day she subbed her accounts to me.

This note is just here to basically state that she is - at this point - gone from PonyIsland. I will be handling her ponies/accounts while she is gone and until she decides to come back - if she ever does. If she (KATIE) owed you any thing, I am NOT taking the responsibility for it as I had been told she would be finishing all owed work before she quit. If she did not finish what she owes, I am NOT responsible.

Thank you all for understanding.
~ Melissa / x Sunneh x

I adore splitty and I understand the real life mess that requires attention, but I am still waiting on several CBDs and most of them were purchased with USD. I am not pleased with this, at all.
Title: Re: [Crystal Ball Dragons] News
Post by: CutieePiee on February 16, 2010, 05:14:04 PM
Although I'm sure she has RL issues to attend to, SplitX could've at least informed her adoptable followers about leaving.

It seems pretty irresponsible to abruptly leave without giving anyone an explanation about her incomplete USD dealings. It's a serious matter when deals are left hanging for long periods of time, especially when USD is involved.

I hope this will be resolved for you-- YLO, and others soon. *hugs*
Title: Re: [Crystal Ball Dragons] News
Post by: Tribe on February 16, 2010, 05:21:33 PM
So after reading what i just did, i think firstly all of splittys wild ponies shall be repossesd. Secondly i hate to hear that anyone was done wrong. More so over usd, its something thats tight these days and loosing if can stressful. So anyone who is owed something by splitty, heres my offer to you.

If you paid sg.

I will give anyone who paid sg for something a free semi custom wild ponie (note that i will give you one per cbd you were owed)

If you pad USD

I will give anyone who paid usd for something a free custom (note that i will give you one per cbd owned.)
Title: Re: [Crystal Ball Dragons] News
Post by: Gene Pool on February 16, 2010, 05:25:38 PM
Straight fish for CDB trades, with no USD involved, can be reversed. If you gave SplitX a fish for a custom and have not recieved the custom, I am willing to have your fish swim on home to you.

Im posting them here so, if SplitX does make it back, she will know these trades have been canceled and why.

Please note, anyone who paid USD to Splitty for a 3 way trade has nothing to worry about, as I mentioned above, those people got thier fish. The fish will not be removed for any reason.

Reversed trades so far:
YLO- 233
hiyoko's was already traded away so I cant cancel that one
Title: Re: [Crystal Ball Dragons] News
Post by: Solistia on February 16, 2010, 05:30:41 PM
I got a custom for Gene Pool/indigowulf (one of those 3-way trades) so that'd be great if she could get a custom from you Hunni (and that's so sweet of you to offer too ;o;~<3 )

I'm sad Splitty had to leave the way she did (I know she was going through a lot of RL problems). She was a good girl, but I think she didn't quite know how to handle everything ;w;
But I feel worse for the people who paid her USD and didn't get anything out of it (I got my fish, but now indigo's out of a custom OTL)
Title: Re: [Crystal Ball Dragons] News
Post by: Gene Pool on February 16, 2010, 05:39:43 PM
Heh the USD level I had reached after all were added was $61 I think, I have to find it to be certain.

Not counting the events that we paid Sg for, or breeding items (i paid 950K for events and breeding items!)
Title: Re: [Crystal Ball Dragons] News
Post by: Tribe on February 16, 2010, 05:51:31 PM
Whom ever needs whatever feel free to pm me. We can work out whatever youd like with how much you were owed. Im not going to picky with this as i HATE people loosing money either way. I just ask that you plase dont tell a fib about how much you were owed or the fact that you were owed USD rather then sg or whatever. Im not going to cross check because i dont think people will lie to me.
Title: Re: [Crystal Ball Dragons] News
Post by: Keeper on February 16, 2010, 06:23:39 PM
To be honest i have tried not to say anything about this whole deal because just before she left PI a few weeks ago i paid 200k pg for a custom from one of the adoptables she ran and then ignored me, its been about 4 weeks now, she left without answering my pms and came on here nearly everyday knowing she still owned me this.

Im sorry she has done it yet again to more people.
Title: Re: [Crystal Ball Dragons] News
Post by: Tribe on February 16, 2010, 06:24:59 PM
Keeper im trying to keep grounds here for all that were wronged wether it be here or pi i would love to help you if you didnt get something you paid for. Please feel free to pm me about it.
Title: Re: [Crystal Ball Dragons] News
Post by: red_uni387 on February 16, 2010, 06:26:29 PM
D: splitty's a nice girl, but I don't think she's able to manage an adoptie properly
Title: Re: [Crystal Ball Dragons] News
Post by: Tribe on February 16, 2010, 06:32:42 PM
She is nice, she was just stressed and lost control of a sad sitiuation. Adopties are hard to run, thats why i NEVER accept usd unless i know ive got my product to its place before its paid for.
Title: Re: [Crystal Ball Dragons] News
Post by: Gene Pool on February 16, 2010, 06:33:23 PM
Simple solution instead of complaining about it in forums (in case it starts to develop hard feelings) is to leave feedback in the recordhall, if you feel it is necessary.

Come to mention it, if you leave feedback for me, it goes under indigowulf please :) may as well keep 1 thread for me even though there's more then 1 account. (not hinting, I swear! ;))
Title: Re: [Crystal Ball Dragons] News
Post by: Keeper on February 16, 2010, 06:44:18 PM
indigowulf thankyou for pointing me towards that xxx <3
Title: Re: [Crystal Ball Dragons] News
Post by: Ryuukokoro on February 16, 2010, 08:01:28 PM
*rubs head* Oof, long day at work.... my head hurts. *reads thread*

Gah, she left without finishing things. Well if anyone is owed a custom CBD and still wants it, I will be able to complete that for you, since I have the templates. Fae will be able to upload them to the correct photobucket account where they will be stored with the other CBD's. However if you no longer want your CBD that is understandable (since Fae still hasn't decided what will happen to the shop, as far as I know).

Please contact me via pm if you'd like me to complete your customs for you.
Title: Re: [Crystal Ball Dragons] News
Post by: red_uni387 on February 16, 2010, 08:04:40 PM
D: that's not very fair to you, Ryuu

Title: Re: [Crystal Ball Dragons] News
Post by: Ryuukokoro on February 16, 2010, 08:05:52 PM
It's okay, they are real fun templates to color. ;) If I had more free time, I would ask Fae about taking over the shop myself, but at this point in life I can't commit the time that they deserve!
Title: Re: [Crystal Ball Dragons] News
Post by: Silvanon on February 16, 2010, 08:24:20 PM
Fae has also previously expressed to me her concern that everyone get the CBD's they're owed.  I've sent her a PM on PI to find out if she'd like to do differently, but our plan was to give SplitX a month to come and finish what she owed, and then step in at that point.  There will be serious consequences for SplitX if she does not return and fulfill her USD commitments.

Personally, well, I've had problems with SplitX before, deals gone bad, promises not kept.  The fact that she keeps doing the same things to other people...well, at this point, I don't think she's a nice person.
Title: Re: [Crystal Ball Dragons] News
Post by: Gene Pool on February 16, 2010, 09:20:04 PM
I will wait the aformentioned month as well. I have a *huge* order in from usd customs and sg customs, as well as many breeding items I paid for. Ill have to start stalking these on PI I guess, and keep my fingers crossed fae brings them here.

Putting all my stuff in 1 place since its spread acrost threads right now.. this is not posting to ask someone to do them, just to keep them from getting lost- Unless Splitty comes back, then Im asking lol

USD section

Im gonna get these forms in (for gene pool) while I still can. For $61-
Semi-Custom Love Pair; $7 X1
Full Customs; $6 X9

Semi-Custom Love Pair Form
Names: male Usstan, female Chev
Owner: indigowulf
Gender(s)*: m/f
6 colors: black, white, red male- blue, green, brown female

Full Custom Forms
Buddha Dragon
Name: Donga
Owner: indigowulf
Gender: female
Body Color: white
Bangle Color: silver
Arm Tuft Color: pale green
Ear Color: pale green
Tendril Color: pale green, tips darker green
Tattoo Color*: NA
Crystal Ball Color: green and black swirled
Marking(s): green fade on legs, ending in black toes
Marking Color(s): above
Mutation: NA
Mutation Color (if applicable): NA

Name: Pango
Owner: indigowulf
Gender: male
Body Color: black and green
Hair/Fin Color: gold
Eye Color: gold
Crystal Ball Color: any
Marking(s): bands on wrist/ankle
Marking Color(s): gold
Name: Hyka
Owner: indigowulf
Gender: female
Body Color: pale blues and any greens
Hair/Fin Color: light sea green-yellowish
Eye Color: orange
Crystal Ball Color: swirled blues
Marking(s): swirls and splotches and chaos
Marking Color(s): blues

Holiday Dragon
Name: Elva
Owner: indigowulf
Gender: female
Body Color: flesh tone
Hair Color: auburn
Eye Color: green
Wing Color 1: green
Wing Color 2: red
Saddle Color: brown
Saddle Bell Color: silver
Ribbon Color: green
Hat Color: green
Hat Fluff Color: red

Name: Kiya
Owner: indigowulf
Gender: female
Hair Style: Long & Curled
Hair Color: blood red
Body Color 1 (top): purple (dark)
Body Color 2 (bottom): purple (light)
Eye Color: yellow
Horn Color: gold
Tail Color: yellow
Crystal Ball Color: blood red
Marking(s): paint
Marking Color(s): white

Name: Tivan
Owner: indigowulf
Gender: male
Eye Color: yellow
Body Color: black
Hair Type:  Long & Wavy
Hair Color: dark grey
Wing Color: black
Horn Color: black
Crystal Ball Color: yellow
Marking(s): NA
Marking Color(s):NA

Name: Kifan
Owner: indigowulf
Gender: male
Body Color: orange
Hair Style: Long & Straight
Hair Color: black
Wing Color: black
Foot Wing Color: black
Horn Color: black
Crystal Ball Color: silver
Marking(s): zigzag
Marking Color(s): black

Name: Kayda
Owner: indigowulf
Gender: female
Hair Style: Short & Straight
Wing Color/Styles monarch- greens
Body Color: brown
Hair Color: pale green almost white
Butterfly Color: greens
Horn Color: green
Crystal Ball Color: black
Marking(s): spots
Marking Color(s): white

Name: Huya
Owner: indigowulf
Gender: male
Body Color: lavendar
Hair Style: Long & Wavy
Hair Color: darker purple
Wing Color: purple
Crystal Ball Color: black with silver specks
Horn Color: silver
Marking(s): solid bands of color on upper arms/legs
Marking Color(s): dark purple
from SG
edit: sg stuff refunded- only usd stuff left!
Title: Re: [Crystal Ball Dragons] News
Post by: faerain on February 16, 2010, 11:15:54 PM
Ryuu that is a very sweet offer - I'd get together with you and work on the customs if it comes to that - and Silvanon expressed her want to help as well - so the three of us could tackle that bridge when it comes to it <3 thank you so much~

I think we will give her one month to return -  and if that doesn't happen we can start getting in contact with all of the people who are owed customs and work out as a team everything ^_^

Where the shop goes from 'that' point .. I honestly do not know.  I won't be finding anyone to help run it or ... take it over for me.  I hope you can all understand that due to the past history of the shop now...
But my original team (ryuu , luna and our lineartist den 'if she would like to color') might be able to run some events here once in awhile ^_^  

Thank you guys for your support for the shop :)  I didn't run it here  .. but it always makes me smile to see love for an adoptable I've worked on / helped with etc.
You have a really nice community here <3
Title: Re: [Crystal Ball Dragons] News
Post by: Gene Pool on February 16, 2010, 11:38:41 PM
I (indigowulf) would be happy to guest color once in a while, for them to use in events, whenever I'm not already overwealmed lol

I wish there was a way to just reverse the SG I sent, and then my big list up there would just be the USD customs. Im not sure that's possible though.

~ sg issue taken care of ~ Garney
Title: Re: [Crystal Ball Dragons] News
Post by: Garney on February 16, 2010, 11:41:26 PM
Any admin can add or remove sg from accounts if you like.
Title: Re: [Crystal Ball Dragons] News
Post by: Gene Pool on February 16, 2010, 11:50:15 PM
Thank you so much!
Title: Re: [Crystal Ball Dragons] News
Post by: YourLoveOnly on February 17, 2010, 04:16:01 AM
I will also try to put a list together. I know from the top of my head that she owes me at least 8 premades, a couple of certings and a few customs. And of course the fortunes, ducks and breeding items that were never delivered.
Luckily for me, I guess, was that not all trades were completed so I can just cancel them because she didn't start them yet. That should save you guys from at least 6 customs, I think. I got to reverse one of the egg trades and I have some dogs on hold for her that I could just cancel as well. I do hope to see the CBDs on Secundi at some point, because I won't ever go back onto PI and I really adore the shop.
Title: Re: [Crystal Ball Dragons] News
Post by: Poupou on February 17, 2010, 01:40:59 PM
Wow... I am speechless right now. :(

She wanted me to send her some files from my adoptables to help me with events and stuff.
After reading this thread, I am glad I never did.

I'm extremely sorry to those who got wronged by her, it's not a nice thing to do at all.
There is one word for when people don't fulfill their part of the deals, so I really hope she'll come back and make sure she gives people what they are owed.  But from reading her presentation on PI, I have a bad feeling about this. :(

And I know this is not much at all, but to everyone who had a transaction gone bad with SplitX and the CBD, I will offer one one semi-custom LAHK for free. Just contact me to let me know if you'd like your semi-custom.  It would be my pleasure to do this for you guys, even if it's nothing big.

*Hugs for everyone*
Title: Re: [Crystal Ball Dragons] News
Post by: red_uni387 on March 03, 2010, 07:44:36 PM
D: it's nearing a month's time....and no sign that she'll be finishing what she owes
Title: Re: [Crystal Ball Dragons] News
Post by: Ember on March 03, 2010, 08:05:03 PM
Its a real shame that this happened. I'm just glad I never spent much on CBDs while it was in SplitX's hands. Speaking of which, the 500sg I sent her for a fortune thing, may I get that back? Not that its a huge amount, but I'd feel better with it back.

As for CBDs being on Secundi, I hope they do return though I can understand if they don't. <3

SG returned by Garney
Title: Re: [Crystal Ball Dragons] News
Post by: indigowulf on March 04, 2010, 06:50:04 AM
the frustrating part for me is, if that $61 for fish had not gone 3 way trade through splitty, I could totally pay for the photobucket ad-less upgrade Im trying to fundraise for now.