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[Wobbles] LL Super Mario Wobbles for bribe (Yoshi/Toadette)

Started by YourLoveOnly, March 24, 2014, 10:47:29 AM

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I have two very special Limited Line Wobble babies up for bribe.. They are mimics of Toadette and Yoshi from the Super Mario Universe!

The first breeding resulted in 1 baby of each, I will only breeding them once more and then they will retire forever. I don't want to release more than 10 of each, so if the final litter is very large I will keep any extra babies in one of my spare account and pretend they do not exist :P All of the babies must be kept 'O'.

Today I have the first babies available, one Toadette and one Yoshi. These are special to me and because of that, I am looking for other adoptables in return (so not other Wobbles).

Some of my favorite adoptables are Capranis, Starlight Tavern and Garden Noms but you can try pretty much anything. I really like uniquely posed adoptables and I'm interested in customs and breedings too, not just premades.