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*Orlaya* Mutation/Marking suggestions

Started by PonyMama, July 14, 2010, 05:56:54 PM

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Yes this is a thread to garner insight into what you guys want.

So Please let me know.  I am wanting to keep mutations for the pigs and ponies differnt for the most part, but every once in a while I will use the same for both breeds (examples would be feather wings)

I would love to know what mutations you want to see and on what breed.
maybe what new premade markings should be added
What events you wanna see.

Let me know it all.


Ryuu would really like to see dragonfly wings! ^_^

Kadana Sorano

Boar tusks please (for the piggies, of course!)
Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 



Dragonfly wings have been added already (a baby in the breeding season already has them)
and tusks are done......well not entirely, but halfway.



I forgot... are there butterfly wings?


Awwww cuteness! ^^ So little and dark like a thunder cloud


no butterfly wings as of yet.

Yes that baby is very much like a thundercloud.
Now All I can think about is winnie the pooh floating up to get some honey "I'm just a little black raincloud......"

Kadana Sorano

Boar Tusks! *tackles PM and hugs her*

I give you a million sg's and a large kennel bed for to own the first male with tusks!

*throws bribes at PM and flee's before anyone throws rotten fruit at HER*
Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 



send in a form then Kadana :)
(Still got to add them to adult male though)

Kadana Sorano

Ohhh! I had not expected a custom! *runs to get a form and put bed for bid*

ETA: SG and form sent, here is link to the bed.  Thank you  *hugs*
Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 




Tusks are done!
Dragonfly wings are Done!

and I mean templated and everything.

Something else for pigs, most the way done *seekrits*
Wings on pigs, almost done


any marking suggestions?
anything else mutation wise you can think of?

Butterfly wings will be attempted, but no guarantees when they will be available.


Mutation wise.. hmm.. *thinks* Feathered feet?

For markings, could the cheetah and giraffe become available on all species/genders/ages? If you didn't do that already of course.


Yep I added the cheetah to all stages of pony already, and next giraffe
then to the ponies, but they may come in a bit after my brain adjusts from all the spots I have already done

Just adding them to the website as a premade sgene

Feathered feet....Hmmm I will think on that


*thinks some more*

premade marking suggestion for piggies:
Color headed! (or whatever that is called in piggy world)

and for one or both species.. Dun or just leg barring? (


Stripey legs!

and color head I think would be cute.

Once I get caught up with website I will attempt these


My newest Orlaya has the Seekrit I was working on


Oh how adorable.  Larger ears and ram horns.  Cant wait to see whatelse you have been working on.


No the large ears are a baby thing, just cause they aren't floppy




Do you have paint?

Or roan?

Or appies?

For the ponies, of course :P

And yes, butterfly wings would be much love <3

Hm...I love that color-head piggy...pretty pink :P

Um...For pigs...All I can see is a pig with wings saying, 'Pigs can too fly!' :P


I am not too big on understanding horse terms so roan is outside my reach

Appaloosa I will look into

Got paint, from PI genes for both ponies and piggies

Pigs have wings now too.


Oh the pink piggie is very pretty.  I like that marking.  I didnt remember the ears being that big,  I must be losing it.


Pigs CAN fly! :P

This is a roan example;

Roan over chestnut

Blue roan is a mixture of the black hairs of the base coat and the white of the roan marking

Roan basically is a blanket of white hairs mixed with the body colors from the shoulder to the tail and knees. There is never roan on the head or lower leg ^_^


Yep the better to hear you with Goddesss :)

Ok I will look into roan, but that may be hard for a premade marking.  That might be a try and see if I can do for custom markings


Yeah, I do realize that might be a bit difficult to template >_<


it might be but I may be able to swing something, but if not then it was a good suggestion anyways


YLO you suggested Color head you may have the example or gift it away.

Just post this


Yea I wanted to say that at first too, but then decided roan probably would look bad with a lot of colors so decided against it. I do really really love the color headed.

And wow, you made this posts while I was typing xD Yaaay. Pretty piggy. You are making me like pink, bad PM!

Name: Ursula
Owner: YourLoveOnly

I also think the dapple is kinda like leopard appaloosa. Snowflake appaloosa is always white, so could just be white leopard. You could do blanket appaloosa though.

Personally I've liked odd full body patterns like Glassgryph's spots-and-stripes.


Do we have the glassgryphs website so I can see what is meant?

and I will get her certed right up YLO
and no worries I am not a pink fan either, but if I color them all blue I wanna keep them


Glassgryph patterns!
Inspiration <3 Spots-and-stripes is both intricate and single color, so seems like an interesting marking that is suitable for being a premade.

Bedtime for YLO! Have fun looking at Gryph patterns =3


and good night your pretty will be posted int his thread when she is certed.  I got distracted by a cell phone beeping at me (texting is wonderful)


.. Okay, I lied, I'm still here XD But I need to wake up in a couple of hours, so I should really get some sleep :P *drags herself away* I don't wanna goooo =o


I do that too YLO.
The other day I was so tired and I knew I shoudl go lie down and just couldn't bring myself to do so


It's just so much fun here. Sleep is no fun, sleep is boring. But I have a busy weekend ahead so I am going to be responsable and drag myself into bed. It's just everytime I refresh someone made a new post XD



(gosh I hate feeling like mommy sometimes it is so uncool)


Cheetah has already been added
Tassled ears looks very similar to tufts ears

I think I remember dorsal stripe
and White face will be nice for the ponies while color head is there for pigs.  Same but different


ROFL Just throwing stuff out there :)

Yeah, that was my thought. I always found white face rather odd, but I like it with solid colored ponies :P


I am adding stuff slowly, cause i have to add it on three stages and tweek it
so I am still working on color head

I think I liek the white face, I did a pony witht hat and she looked neat, very evil clown like with her colors though


Yes, white face always makes me think of Phantom of the Opera or a clown, depending on the body color of the horse...the black with white makes me think of one of my friends who dressed all in black for halloween last year and wore a white drama mask.


this is the one I made, it was kinda clown inspired


Hm...yes, a rather evil clown :P Pretty, though ;)