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Break up...

Started by Neocridders, August 20, 2012, 05:00:51 PM

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Hey guys... so today was my first day of classes.
To make matters more stressful, my boyfriend dumped me yesterday.

I didn't see it coming.
I feel like one day he told me he wanted to marry me and have kids with me and have a great future. And the next day he tells me he wants to work on school and that it's not me, it's him.

Basically last night I was in tears and I didn't know what to do with myself. I hated myself and was so upset.

Anyway, he had told me he wanted to continue being my best friend. And since he and I are in a new place where we know no body, I really need him.

I woke up several times and cried during the night. But somehow I woke up getting ready for classes and I just didn't feel so sad.

So I don't know anything right now. Like I miss him. Today I hung out with him a bit but we didn't do anything. It was awkward for me, but he seems to not care. That's something that kills me on the inside. I mean I was able to conceal it. But I just can't believe he totally doesn't care about it. He just wants to be best friends.

Last night he told me I am in control of my own future. But he was going to be my future. He's acting like it's my fault I'm upset.

I don't know. Before I went up to my dorm we hugged. I feel like it's the same relationship with more awkward moments. Like I feel like it will be the same. Just I won't have him for myself. And we can't show affection.

I don't know. I love him. I don't see myself with anyone else. So I don't know what I'm doing.

So I'mma have to figure out my life now. Along with college.

Anyway, I know this post is very disorganized. That's basically how my mind is right now. Disorganized.

Anyway. Yeah.


Aww Im sorry neo. :( I would be even worse if my.boyfriend and I broke up Im sure. I feel your pain. Its horrible and feels like the world is.caving in on you. But you have us on second and Im sure you'll make a couple friends soon in college. *Hugs* Just do YOU for not. Try not to focus on him, as hard as that is. It'll be alright. <3


*hugs* I hope you feel better soon, Neo <3 I know right now it seems like he's really important, but you don't need him. If he can't see what a wonderful person you are, then he isn't good enough for you. Like Wild said, just focus on yourself. Every storm cloud has a silver lining, and this one will allow you to really explore your options. He doesn't need to be your future. You can find a better future, and can do it without him. *more hugs*


*hugs* Sorry this happened to you Neo. Don't feel bad for being sad!! Take all the time you need to work things out with yourself and with him. If I may offer a little advice, I'm going to agree with Wild and red -- once you're ready to, try not to focus on him so much. What's worked for some of my friends after a breakup is to some time away from each other. Like you said, it's a little awkward when a relationship suddenly changes like that.

College is a time of lots of a change but also a lot of wonderful things too. I didn't know anyone when I went to college either. The great thing about college is that there is just so much going on and so many things to do. I met my best friends during college... I guess what I'm trying to say is, things will get better. And you always have us! <3


Awh hun :(
_ So sorry to hear, break ups are so hard, if it's someone you really love.

If i were you, i would find new friends and push him aside, or pull him aside and tell him how you actually feel. It dosnt help anything being with him if it kills you inside, don't torture yourself sweetie, your deserve much more than that <3

Anyway, you can always PM me or some if you need something, anything :D


I know how you feel Neo, breaks are hard on everyone. But trust me, after a couple a weeks or some months, you'll be over him. I'm sure you'll find someone better, especially in college. That's where I met my fiance. ;)


Thank you everyone :)

I posted something about my break up in the Very Boring Grownups Assoc. on PI... and holy wow that got ugly fast...
Thank you all for being supportive and -helpful-. So many of the posts in that VBGA thread weren't helpful atall. They were actually hurtful.

<3 <3 Love you guys!


awh so sorry to hear that hun :(
PI doesn't sound very nice anymore.