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PM has been AFK

Started by PonyMama, February 01, 2013, 11:03:02 AM

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Okay so between marital issues, then the flu, working all weekend now, and our furnace breaking, trying to get hubby into a tattoo shop to maybe better our life, my life has been sucky, long and exhausting.

I am hoping to get my crap in gear here soon, since my work has messed up all my plans of a great Feb.  So I guess I will do stuff soon.

just bear with me


Sounds like you've been having a rough time.  *snugs*  Here's hoping things get better soon!


*hugs* Hoping February will be a better month for you and that everything will work out.


*hugs* Miss you! Hope things get better soon!


*hugs PM* I'd been wondering what was going on, glad to hear from you, sad it's not better news. *many hugs* I'm here if you need someone to talk to :)


quit my job today
can only be called an idiot so much before you snap

so give hubby and I some time to figure out how screwed we are