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Support for Karsten

Started by Spixy, May 11, 2010, 02:47:02 PM

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I'm not sure if this is allowed or not - I read through the rules again, but saw no rules against asking for donations for other people. Since Secundi is one of my favourite places to spend my time, I'll post this little link here for people.

--> The site is in danish - so I'll explain what it's about.

Karsten is one of my family's close friends. We've spent a lot of time with both him and Kristina. They are both such wonderful creatures with huge hearts and were always ready to help and assist everyone.

They had just bought a new house, dog and Kristina was finally pregnant after several miscarriages and then.

Read below: Whited due to violent nature.

The 11th of January 2009 - Karsten was driving to a hunting party, he left in the early morning hours and drove. While on the way - a man suddenly jumps out in front of his car. Karsten crashes and his car flew off the road. He wasn't discovered before an hour later where another car spotted the car and the man laying next to it. The suicidal man died immediately - Karsten survived though. He was hospitalized for 4 months in a coma. Now a year later, he's still lame from the neck and down. The family have had to sell their dream house in exchange for something smaller and more 'handicap friendly'. The insurance won't pay them money as the suicidal man was affected by alcohol/drugs and they can't afford the expensive treatment that a leading doctor Hao can offer them. Karsten was subject for some tests for Dr. Hao when he visited Denmark - after just a couple of treatments, Dr. Hao was able to restore some of Karsten's 'feelings' in his hands. Dr. Hao said that he was sure, that he'd be able to give Karsten full use of his hands and arms again. 

Donations can be made through paypal on the site, however prayers and comments are just as loved - I'll pass them on to Karsten,Kristina and Oliver :)



That is terrible for them hun. I wish i could afford to donate, I cant atm, possibly later in the month I can make a small donation.

Other than that I just send hugs and good wishes