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Creepy! (bugaphobia warning)

Started by indigowulf, May 21, 2010, 06:38:59 AM

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Ok, so being sick has totally thrown off my sleep schedule. Im at fean77's house, hes sleeping, i was curled up on the couch reading a book, when out of the corner of my eye, i see motion. Big hairy fast motion.

Being the type who hates to kill anything without a reason, I just had to capture it and make sure it wasnt poisonous to me and jeff, or his cats. Turns out they can sting about as bad as a common honey bee if you have thin enough skin they can peirce it, but only if you upset them. It was fast as anything and kept trying to hide in the folds of the cloth on the couch. Appearantly if they feel in danger, they can drop thier legs like a lizard drops its tail. Since it didnt drop any, I guess I didnt upset him much in the catch.

Best part- they eat bedbugs, silverfish, and other really bad bugs, and compete for food with earwigs, making less earwigs in the home. So, he gets to go outside when morning comes, after Ive had the chance to show him to jeff.

Heres a pic of one, he's about 2 inches long, not counting the antena parts. Ill try to get some pics of this actual one in the morning too. Up close, he has a cute face, kinda like a butterfly.


wow you're brave o_O I have a KILL FIRST, ASK QUESTIONS LATER, NOW PANIC!!! motto o_O

Kinda cool looking though, reminds me of finding a Hickory Horned Devil for the first time... I'd have totally stomped on it if it wasn't as big as my foot @___________@;;


Leafy, that would have totally been my response too, im not big on bugs.

Not sure on cool looking though, it has way too many legs for my liking ^^


I think I've seen those a time or two.  They are pretty interesting.  I like them better outside than in, though.  XD


Totally awesome! Nice pic too. ^_^



It's cool looking in an "Alien" sense, from a photo, or safely locked behind glass, he's interesting to look at, but in my bed or on my floor... there must be destruction, and I don't care what breaks, it needs to die @_@


TWO BUTTS BUG!!! -gigglefit-

In all seriousness though.. that thing would have been DEAD the moment I saw it.  I don't mind bugs as long as they're not inside.  It's like that since I was sleeping one day and a HUGE spider fell on my back.  XD


Hey! That's a house centipede! I always try to convince my roommates not to kill them, because like mentioned they do a lot of helpful eating of other nasties. Currently there is a massive spider crawling around the top portion of my room, but as long as he stays up there I'm cool with it, as he is a bold jumping spider, and they are not poisonous, and again leave us well enough alone for the most part.

Reality is only for those who lack imagination.


Usually if it's poisonous, I kill on sight >A> and if not, then I catch and release XD

He does look kinda pretty though oAo (though I would have freaked out if he were in my house XD)

Midnight Phantom

QuoteAppearantly if they feel in danger, they can drop thier legs like a lizard drops its tail. Since it didnt drop any, I guess I didnt upset him much in the catch.

sorry this bothered me o.o but lizards don't drop their tails on purpose. If a predator catches their tail and it pulls or they themselves pull hard when caught it can detached(in some lizards) but it isn't something they can do on will .  I am guessing that would also apply to this bug ^.^; you waste more energy trying to regrow something,  that it isn't useful to lose it when you just had a scare, but useful if you are already caught X.x  

(( whee that question was actually on my final yesterday x.x ))


His head's on the right.

From what I read, unlike lizards who only do it when they have to, these can and will drop a leg when they feel threatened, to cause confusion in anything attacking. Since he was caught in the folds of the couch coverslip a couple times, Im suprised he didnt drop anything. I didnt mean to imply lizards dropped at will, I know re-reading it that I wasnt clear on what I meant. These guys drop if they feel in danger, mechanically similar to how a lizard drops, is what I meant.

When I put him outside, it was impressive how well he blended in with the grass. He was very calm about it. I tried snapping pics, at one point he stopped and looked at my phone, then came and put his front legs on the phone, checking it out, before walking away.

Taru, I love jumping spiders! I wish more people let them live. Non-biters that help keep hobo/recluse populations down? And cute to boot? Big yes in my book :)


nope bugs can not live happily in my house, my cats hunt them, then swat at them, and I kill on sight, no questions asked later, just kill it and make sure it is dead.

Mind you I had a spider bite me ont eh foot the other day without my knowledge and break its fangs off in my foot, which resulted in major swelling, and pain, so bug are not my friend.

that is a seriously creepy bug too, it would be dead quickly, unless the hubby was home, he woudl capture it and ask a ton of questions before I made him set it free or kill it.


Yeah, after being chased by 1 hobo spider, and being bit by another while I slept, I try to educate myself on creepy crawlies in my area. I need to know what's poison, and how to treat that poison if someone gets bit, and whats dangerous to my kitties and ferrets. So, first encounter is always catch. After research, its always release unless it poses a threat.

Wolfs Fang

What kind of bug is that? o_O

But anyway, it looks awesome. :D If I found a bug like that, I would catch it and put it in one of my special bug-cages. Its name would be Leggehs and it would be mine FOREVERZ. >8D
...Or at least until I decided to let it go. >_>

I like weird bugs, unless they're either:
A. poisonous
B. bothering me
If they are, they instantly get squished. >_> If not, then into the bug cage they go... :D



As Taru mentioned, he's a house centipede. I cant believe I forgot to mention that in the first post lol.

I got on a research kick after seeing him and decided to try again to find the water beetle my friends and I saw while we were playing with frogs in a small swamp. I was 13 then, 33 now, so for 20 years its been bothering me. Turns out the darn thing is simply called a giant water bug. The one I saw was of the 4 inch variety. Now that I read about it, Im glad we all screamed and ran out of the water. They bite toes, and inject enzymes that break down flesh so they can slurp it out. Not something I want to encounter with bare feet in the mud!



I screamed IRL @_@

Just thought I'd share


I can't read what is left on this page. I stopped at the first bug, scrolled to see a picture of another, and I decided I couldn't take it.

So, yes. I guess I should have taken that warning. I'm sorry I didn't read. Iccckkk.