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Problems in toffeeca's life

Started by toffeeca, January 14, 2011, 03:57:57 PM

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I feel like I have been not very "here" recently because life has gotten really horrible lately. I usually don't like to complain about stuff going on in life because it makes me feel bad to be a complainer, but I don't have any RL friends that I can talk to and everything has just been getting to be too much.

Since the end of November my uncle has been battling lung cancer. This is the third time he has gotten cancer and both other times he was able to get though it. Earlier last year we had a cancer scare when he had a tumor in his brain, luckily it wasn't cancerous, but since then his health has gotten much worse. He spent the majority of last year fighting with seizures, and once those were finally under control they found the lung cancer. Since November he has gotten a lot worse very quickly. At first things were looking up, he was getting radiation and chemo, then on Christmas Eve he had a stroke/seizure. My aunt took him to the hospital and there had been a large bleed in the right side of his brain and his whole left side was paralyzed. They did a CT scan and found another tumor deep in his brain that they had not found the month before when they scanned him. They decided to add that tumor to the radiation because it was the lung cancer that had spread to his brain. Between Christmas and New Years, I believe, he was rushed back to the hospital because he was having trouble breathing they found out he had pnumonia on top of everything else, so they started treating him for that as well as the chemo and radiation. He was also doing physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy and everything was looking up. Then last Sunday while he was in the hospital he had another stroke/seizure, this time on the left side of his brain. The doctors did some more tests and scans and found that he had an even larger bleed this time. They also found that his whole right brain was diseased. They told my aunt that there is nothing they could do for him. They stopped all treatment that he had been getting. Since he was no longer getting treatment he could not stay at the hospital, so yesterday my aunt moved him to a hospice, since he is too young to go into a nursing home. The doctors would not give my aunt any time line on how long he has. As they were leaving the hospital one of the doctors told my aunt to call him on Monday and let him know how my uncle is doing, she asked him if he would still be here Monday, and he said that he might. So right now we are really not sure how long he has. He is taking anti seizure medicine because the doctors said that he cannot have another seizure, the bleeding it would cause would probably be too much for him to handle.

My aunt and uncle live in Kansas, while the rest of my family lives in California. So right now she doesn't have any of her family to be with her. My mom is planning on going out right after he passes to be with her. Then my sister will come out on Wednesday or Thursday (assuming this happens at the beginning of a week) and then wel will all come home together on Sunday. Right now we are just talking to her every night and seeing how his day was. His body is just not working anymore but he is completely there metally. One of his favorite things is Sees Candy, which is only in California, so we always send him a big box for Christmas. He hasn't been able to eat anything but smoothies because he can't swallow right now, but they thought if they broke the candy up small enough he would be able to eat it, but when they tried he couldn't do it and he just started crying.

Tonight he is going to be calling to tell us all good bye. I am really scared about talking to him. I know I will start crying but I don't want to make him feel badly and I'm just not sure what to talk about.

Also, I really want to bring the Pecora back. I meant to do a Christmas event for them, but I only ever got two or three colored and I just felt like I couldn't handle it. They will be coming back, I just don't know when right now.

I'm sorry this turned out to be so long. It feels a lot better to get it all out, since I haven't had anyone to talk to at all about anything. If I forget about stuff that we had planned on here feel free to poke me. I always feel like I am supposed to be doing stuff, but I can never figure out what, so please poke me if I have forgotten something.


I'm only a PM away hun <3

And im so sorry to hear :/


*Loves* Oh dear that's so bad :(

Aww. I got tears in my eyes as I read it. I'm so so sorry. Take you time comeing back to secundi. If you're not ready, don't worry. Just take your time.

I'm so sorry. I really am. I am sorry that this has gotten the way it is, and I am sorry what's happened.

You and your family are in my prayers. <3

*major hugs*


*hugs* I'll always be here for you. And I'll pray for a miracle to happen <3


*hugs toffeeca tightly* So sorry dear. That is really hard to deal with.

And if you want help with the Pecora I would be willing to. I don't have time to color more stuff, but I could defenitely run events if you want.


Thanks for the support guys. He is still hanging on but he is pretty much gone. He just lays in bed and is in pain. He gets pain meds every half hour and the doctors still won't give any sort of time frame.

I was supposed to go out to see my aunt tomorrow night, but my mom is already there and says that there is supposed to be a big snow storm and that I can't come. I am just so mad and upset that I have to sit home and that I can't do anything. I just want to see my aunt.