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Well.. I'm finally doing it.

Started by Wildfilly94, July 26, 2011, 10:18:58 PM

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I'm selling my account on PI. Its been sitting there for ages. Lupines will never come to secundi, and that was the only adoptie I was waiting for to switch.
So, in the next few days I'm going to gather all the info for my account up, and sell it. Its expired anyways.
I may make a trial account for kicks just so i can still have contact there if i ever need to, mabye not. I dunno yet.
But I'm selling it for USD, and hopefully I'll get a good amount out of it.
*Sigh* the OLD PI days were good, but after the adoptable slam, its just not the same. Besides, I have everyone I need here. :)
And it seems PI has gotten more negative and people aren't as nice anymore either. I just don't like it.


If any of you are interested, let me know. If not, hopefully SOMEONE on PI will grab it.
Then again if any of you on Secundi are intersted, i may accept something other than USD. Lliiikkeee Quinsta or Feli. <3



Yay! XD You should gift your loopies to me! j/k!

Orrr am I?


*gasp* you have a santino baby too! Santino is <3. If you bribed with usd I think you can have him deleted so he isnt rehomed and keep his image :)

And ofc, your allowed to gift him to someone ^^

All my accs are coming in for expiry but i stays cos of the loopies and i do like my ponies..


people seem just as nice to me. then again I am a very upbeat trusting person.

I would offer for the account but I am broke


Yeah, I've still been joining in the lupine events but I don't even post on other forums. I just focus on lupines.
I don't even look at art or adoptables anymore.

I'm really fading out on PI. No one knows me anymore because I don't hang out much. I just... watch. I don't post as much as I used to (I had like so many posts on my main account hahaha)

I don't want to stop just because of the lupines. But... yeah.
XD They won't be coming to secundi. They'd have all of the PI people over here, and we'd just have a mini-pi. It wouldn't be as fun as we'd think.
:P Oh well.

And you should gift me loopies too! JK... XD


Im the same Neo and tbh, I dont take part in many events either.. only some of the RP's and long runnings! The times do not suit a mother at uni!


Hahaha. I just can't afford anything. Everything costs money, and if it doesn't, there are like a million people waiting online just for lupine events. I've only purchased like three lupines before. And a potion, so four. And I only have maybe 10 or 11 lupines.

:/ I love long running things like for birthdays and halloween. I've won a couple lupines in those events, but otherwise I've never really won a lupine in a thread speed contest except once.
Ha. I really love lupines, but I just spend so much time stalking and rarely get anything out of it.
xD Oook, sorry for taking the focus of the thread away for a bit. Sorry. XD Yeah, PI is just not what it used to be.


Well said everyone. :) I may gift him away to a close friend but Im not quite sure what I'll do with him yet. I wish i could sell him for $$ as I need it alot.


I agree. The atmosphere on PI has turned into a thing similar to Gaia, which is a place of hatred where the walls are painted with blood and the sky is dark crimson and is full with clouds reminiscent of scars. D: [/dramaticness]
Yeah, it's a shame that lupines can't come to Secundi.
Location: Under your bed, eating your socks.

Keilin Alyr

I wouldn't go quite that dramatic, Jelly. I get more of a typical high school prom vibe, where there's a lot of whispered gossip and snipping and general all-around uneasiness, but everyone tries to let on that everything is sugar and sparkles. Not everyone is bad, of course, but the cliques and other bad elements just taint the entire experience. Not to mention the rift between the teenage and younger players and the adults can get irritating. Both sides have their intolerable members and obnoxious bad habits. *shrugs*

I've stopped paying attention to the social community for the most part, and I've all but lost interest in the game again. If I'm online it's to feed my ponies so they don't die, maybe to run some contests or play with the generator.

No longer has zombie eyeballs. May still have a craving for brains, as there's no intelligence or sanity left in hers. XD


^I agree. I'll have to think on waht to do with my precious baby. (Lupine) My first and only. *sigh*


I guess Gaia is a bit worse than PI, but if PI keeps going where it's headed then it won't be long until it reaches that point. I really do hate Gaia with a passion, though.
[useless rant]
I was looking through the art forum and saw a thread titled "Is this considered good?", and clicked on it to see a mediocre drawing of a pony (typical) which was drawn and posted by what seemed to be a fairly new and young user. I was reading the comments and it didn't take long for me to find things like "this is trash," and "only your mother could love this,". The girl (or boy) that had drawn the pony seemed very distraught over the disapproval he/she was getting from these less-than-appreciative users.
I reported them (the commentators) and posted a reply to the thread saying if they kept practicing, they'd be just as good or better than the best artists on Gaia, and to disregard the comments left by Mr. and Mrs. Rude.
My report was quickly replied to by the moderators, and you'll never believe what they said.
"This user deserved their comments. They posted here expecting the truth and they got it."
The report was disregarded, even though the rude commentators were guilty according to Gaia's rules: Be Constructive: When commenting on artwork or reviewing web links, please try to be constructive in your criticism or balance criticism with praise. If your comments are excessively insulting or vulgar, action may be taken against your account.

Needless to say, I never went back.
[/useless rant]

I hope that PI never gets that bad.

Edit: I'm sure that there are many people on PI who are willing to take your lupine off your hands, though I can't think of what you'd trade for since you're leaving PI.
Location: Under your bed, eating your socks.


Wow, thats horrible. :( Poor kid.

And yeah, I'd LOVE USD, but I'm pretty sure you cant trade them for that.
I could however mabye ask for bribes like, Quin or Feli (SO determined to get a Feli cat its unreal. And I'd love more Quin)


Yeah, that'd probably be the best way to trade it.

Too bad I can't trade you for spongequines, that'd be kind of useless now. XD
I think Silvanon is still a fan of lupines, and she runs Quinsta. Maybe she'll be able to strike up a deal with you.
Location: Under your bed, eating your socks.


I'm pretty sure it's 'illegal' to 'sell' lupines for any currencies, as well as trade it for goods outside of trading season. So unless it was a pure gift, it wouldn't be allowed.


Lol yeah. XD And that would be great, except what Neo just said. Dangit. So.. If it were trading season, I could trade my lupine for, persay, Quin??


If it were trading season...
one option is to keep your account till then, even if it's expired it doesn't really go away ever... I have a bunch of expired accounts hahaha. I never want to get rid of them incase I can renew them someday.

But I don't know if that'd be worth it?


Hmm, when is trading season??
And what Im thinking is mabye selling my account and requesting that the buyer changes the name,a nd ill make a trial account with my usrname.


Dont they have a rule about how long you can have a trial account.  My PI account has been expired for years.  I log in every once in a great while.


Trials only last for two weeks and repeated making of a trial with the same name would be pickedup on and dealt with harshly.

As Neo pointed out, it is against the rules of Lupines to sell them for USD (It used to be allowed, but after some issues, Glor changed the rules a few always spoil it for the majority) and Im not sure they are allowed to be traded for other site adopts (ie Quin). Setting up trades out of trade season can result in a ban from Lupines (fine for you but not for who ever wishes to have the Lupine)

Personally, I would gift it to someone you trust and are friendly with so that it will be looked after and you can see it and ofc, then if you went back to PI ever hopefully they would let yo have it back.


Ohh i see. Thank you for clearing that up. :) I'll either gift him to a good friend or see if Glor is okay with offsite trades once trading season occurs. As for my account.. I dunno yet. D:


Also, you can't trade or post on the forums with a trial account.
Location: Under your bed, eating your socks.


Ahh crap. I guess I'll keep my account then. Lol. But I wish I could et 5 bucks out of the pg I have. >.> but I cant cause my accounts expired


I haven't bothered to renew my account on PI, haven't done anything with it in months (and my first PI account that expired over a year ago is still good. I still check the PMs sometimes |D)

I have a good friend of mine holding my 10mil+ PG for me, if I ever want to buy anything on there (it'd probably be for artwork XD)


I still sorta follow Lupines and Sphinxes on PI.  I would love to see Sphinxes come to Secundi if it didn't mean certain PI users would undoubtedly follow.  And I occasionally do an Extrav event or two if I feel like it.  Otherwise I'm basically just on to feed, vet, contest (when I remember x) ) and breed my few DVSO pairs.  And RP. ;)


Lol yeah I wish i wuld've thought of that before i went on a 'hiatus' or whatever. My pg, precious works of art (ponies) I made. I have 10 r 20bp available for starters, but itd be pointless as I cant do anything with them and i rarely check my PI account anymore. XD


I always get confused by people who say "its illegal to trade lupines for USD"....
How does Glor know everything unless she's told?

Whats to stop users from going outside of PI, making a USD deal, and then come trading season, the original owner just says in the trade form thats its a "gift" and then the receiver pays the money and Glor never knows.
I don't understand it at all.

I mean, surely its been done by people in the past and they just never said anything...
**The Comprehensive List of Quinsta Colour Breeding Projects** - please come post and help make a guide to all Quinsta breeding projects on Secundi! :D
Quinsta- visual guide to males and females of each breed


I don't see what's so confusing about it. Just because you might not get caught if you trade Lupines for USD doesn't mean that it's allowed or ok.

I don't particularly care for Lupines but I still think that you should respect Glor's wishes. It's the decent thing to do.


Yeah, I don't like going behind backs, I feel too guilty and end up telling the truth anyway. So yeah, as much as I NEED USD right now, I'll abide by the rules and trade for something else, when trading season is open