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*Maybe* Trading a Few Adult Feli

Started by Ravvana, August 22, 2011, 11:11:55 AM

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Let me first say that I am not positive that I will trade any of these guys. But the thought of getting some new blood in my group is appealing, so I figured I'd see what offers I can get on several of my Feli.

I am only interested in other Feli (prefer naturals, and am esp. seeking a calico, but will consider especially striking fantasies) and adult Quin (favorites are Gypsies, Mustangs, Shetlands, Minis, Arabs; slight pref. for females over males; esp. love tobiano, roan, dun, frame, appaloosa, cream; no inbreeding). I am more than happy to keep everyone in no offers are tempting enough.

Images are clickable.

Lyra Macchiata (traded to Keilin)
Mako Margot (traded to red_uni387)
]] Lola (traded to Kahlira)
Name Me (male)


I have a trading thread for my kitten if your interested. If you are, I like Lola, Heather and Lyra in that order. :)

Link to thread:

Skype: ellen.rae.tyson


Ah! Margot is the gorgeous girl I offered on when she was a kitten, but then you decided to keep her :O

Would you trade her for one of these Feli?
images removed to save loading time :)


Norah and Lola are gorgeous!  Good luck!

Keilin Alyr

Ooh, I'm really loving Macchiata and Lola. Would this Mini boy interest you at all for either of them (or maybe both... XD)? I think he's adorable, but I don't see myself breeding Minis any time in the foreseeable future.

No longer has zombie eyeballs. May still have a craving for brains, as there's no intelligence or sanity left in hers. XD


Rosewood: Sorry, none of your kittens really jump out at me (and they are again related to many of mine).

red: None of them are tempting enough for Margot, sorry :(

Keilin: Very tempting, since I don't have a Mini stallion yet :D And he could be my little Bill the pony >D I'm going to wait a bit longer to see any other offers on them, if that's okay?



Zach was traded to Sculli :)

red: Hmm, I do quite like his pretty eyes. Can I think it over today and let you know tomorrow? :) (When I was looking up his page, I was browsing through your other Feli -- was Fancy one of the first four you originally offered? I just remember that they were all in the grey family xD;; Although if she was one you offered, I'll do the trade for her, which makes me think you didn't offer her unless I was brain dead, but oh well XD She and Fog are gorgeous, and I think Lily is Genevieve's long-lost secret sister. Looking through people's Feli is fun <3)


Sure ^^
She wasn't; she's one of my first 4 Feli and I won't ever be trading her. I would be willing to trade Fog for Margot, though. :) And yes, looking through people's Feli is lots of fun! Leet colors them all so pretty~


I like Macchiata and Margot, any of my adult feli i have for trade interest you? Thought i'd try for Macchiata since i bred her and always regretted keeping her sister instead of her xD

I can also offer this quin:
Owner of Gliders!


Ooh, I'll trade Margot for Fog, especially since I know you'll give her a good home :)



For Norah would you be interested in either of these boys?


Anything of mine here:

Interest you for Norah and/or Lola? I like Norh more though. ^^

Though, I absolutely will NOT trade my feli kitten, arriana


Winged: I like your LH Feli boy, so I'll consider Macchiata for him (Margot already traded) if he's still available.

Alnaeyah: No, sorry :(

Wild: I quite like your Shetland, Andy, and Mustang. Are any of them available?

CONSIDERING: Keilin's Mini for Macchiata or Lola; Winged's LH for Macchiata; Wild's Quin for Norah or Lola


I'm currently considering an offer from Luv for him, but he would be availiable for Macchiata :)
Owner of Gliders!


My andy mare is a definant no, sorry, And the other two I just got from willow through a breyer trade so Im not sure id like to trade them either. I will think about it though


He name was Lola, she was a showgirl..Orrr Lola. Ell Ohh Ell A Lola!

I am in love XD

*cough* sorry. I'm a dork. So, my offer is for Lola.


*swoons* She is gorgeous, Kah :) I don't want to accept right away, but she is at the top of my tempting list <3


Alright I've made up my mind and Im gunna have to say no abour trading my Quin. Sorry, I was like ' ohh yeay feli' but now I know if I traded those quin I'd regret it. Sorry about my indecisiveness before.


That's fine Wild, thanks for letting me know <3

And Kahlira, I will take that trade for Lola if you're still interested :) Your girl is too pretty for me to resist XD

CONSIDERING: Keilin's Mini for Macchiata; Winged's LH for Macchiata

Going to have a tough time choosing between the two offers of Macchiata, but will make up my mind by tomorrow. Is there any chance one of you is interested in any other Feli?


*grins* I was thinking the same thing about Lola!

I know Teli will be well taken care of with you <3

ETA: She's up for bid XD


Keilin Alyr

Great, now I have that song stuck in my head. *is amused nonetheless*

And heh, I was just thinking of changing my offer to just Macchiata. I just realized how beautifully she'd pair with Ivan (who has yet to be bred, and his brother is a great-grandfather! XD). Crossing my fingers here. =)

No longer has zombie eyeballs. May still have a craving for brains, as there's no intelligence or sanity left in hers. XD


i'm crossing my fingers for you too, Kei, cause I want that LH boy XD


No, unfortunately i'm not interested in any of the others you have left for my LH boy.
Owner of Gliders!


I've decided to accept Keilin's offer for Macchiata, since I don't have any Mini stallions yet but I do already have a few longhair tabby boys. And I will definitely be stalking for her kittens if you do decide to breed her, Keilin :)


Okay, i'll be stalking for any of her kittens too :)
Owner of Gliders!

Keilin Alyr

Ooh, thank you so much, Rav! I can't wait to see her and Ivan's kittens. They'll be so pretty. <3

Your new Mini boy is up for bid here, I hope he sires many awesome foals for you. =)

No longer has zombie eyeballs. May still have a craving for brains, as there's no intelligence or sanity left in hers. XD