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[Quinsta] Willow Tree Stables - Studding Pen

Started by Willow, September 28, 2011, 06:13:21 AM

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[Willow Tree Studs]

Due to my small amount of females, I will now only be supplying a stud service unless a mare is specially requested.

All my studs are free use for lots of babies, I hope one day to get a bonus ticket xDD;


[Studs Available]

| Che Bant - Little Desert |

QuoteM Yellow Dun, front right Pastern, back right Coronet (Slow and lazy)

| Bishe - Escape |

QuoteM Brown, front right Pastern, back right Fetlock, back left Pastern, Irregular Blaze (Prone to shying and nervousness, not a mover)

| Ala Anti - Dream Weaver | 1st Gen |

QuoteBay, front right Sock, front left Coronet, back right Fetlock, back left Coronet, Faint Star (Calm and steady)

1. Ground manners: 44 - Green
2. Lungeing/Round penning: 63 - White

| Doneilliin Ala - Sunlit Dream |

QuoteM Flaxen Chestnut, front right Fetlock, front left Coronet, back right Fetlock, back left Coronet, Blaze (Calm and steady)

| Bero Iavatette - Cloudy Earthquake |

QuoteM Brown, front right Stocking, front left Stocking, back right Stocking, back left Stocking, Blaze (Generally willing, but rather excitable, a mover)

[Spotlight Stud]

| Ath Tacul - Shadow Fracture | 1st Gen |
Awaiting finalisation of trade C:

QuoteM Black Tobiano, Blaze (Generally willing, but rather excitable, a mover)
2.Super Starz



Hey Willow hun, might I use your little paint mini for this October season? Currently don't have a mare to breed him to, but am looking around for a female for use.
Would like to get my first mini!
**The Comprehensive List of Quinsta Colour Breeding Projects** - please come post and help make a guide to all Quinsta breeding projects on Secundi! :D
Quinsta- visual guide to males and females of each breed


Yes that'd be fine!

I still haven't received him yet, but I've completed my part of the trade with Silv (it's just waiting until she feels better and can accept the bid I guess) ^u^


Thanks! Now to find a girly to go with him!
**The Comprehensive List of Quinsta Colour Breeding Projects** - please come post and help make a guide to all Quinsta breeding projects on Secundi! :D
Quinsta- visual guide to males and females of each breed

Super Starz

May I please use your Paint Mini aswell? If he is still available :)


Super Starz

Thankyou very much ^^ Are you sure you dont want any payment?


All my studs are still fine to use.

My mares are all taken by me this season (sorry).

I still have not received Ath Tacul yet...
But I'm not going to bug Silv about that, he can wait for now ^^;


I just realized that I'd been promised a RB with one of your mares when she belonged to Winged Dreams (Gyen'med)... I've already approved Winged's RB with one of my mares as we had agreed upon, since I didn't know she had traded her RB mare away :/ Any chance you will still honor that trade? If I can figure out how to cancel Winged's RB with my mare (Liswen), you can use her instead (as only seems fair). But I was really counting on Gyen's RB for my project... :/ Sorry to put you in this position... :(

Here's the blurb from Winged's current breeding thread:

F Chestnut Roan Tobiano, front right Pastern, front left Fetlock, back right Pastern, back left Coronet, Snip (Generally willing, but occasionally nervous, a mover)
Reserved for Ravvana


Alright, I rejected the initial request because I was unaware (or if Winged told me I'd forgotten).
But I've cancelled my original breeding with her and accepted yours ^^;

No trade needed, as you've already fulfilled your part of the original trade C:



I'm so sorry about this mix up! I couldn't respond to this on thursday becuase i had to stay at a friend's house because i was stuck due to the bridge closing because of high winds.
So sorry i traded Gyen to you when there was alread an RB trade with her, i though i'd checked that when i traded her. Sounds like you've sorted the problem out though?
Would either of you be interested in a Glider custom as an apology?
Owner of Gliders!


I understand perfectly, so there's no hassle for me. I just look forward to being able to use her next time C:

And I would love a Glider, but I'd feel bad taking it for nothing xD
My ladies need a boyo <33

And wow. Those winds! D:
They were crazy, where abouts were you?
We ended up with part of a tree in our garden, and we saw a tent flying round the Morrisons car park |8
As soon as I got home from work I huddled in my bed listening to it x3;
Scary stuff.


The Glider is no problem, just fill out the form. I'll not put a limit on the markings and mutations, just don't get loads since those ones are rare. Oh and premade markings only, i'm busy at the moment but premade ones are pretty quick.

I know, the winds were so unusual! They were forecast to hit us at 3pm but came way earlier and no one actually believed they would be like that, we hardly ever get winds that bad here. I was in Dundee at school, and live across the water. The tay bridge was shut to all traffic at 11 and didn't open again till 7. School was crazy too, at break they had closed off one of the entrances because slates were falling off the roof and nearly hit one of the teachers.
I was just sitting in class listening to the wind and watching the rain bounce off the roof. Our school closed two periods early (and that NEVER happens, last years snow was the first time our school closed for anything in 50 years) and i went to a friend's house for the night.
We weren't too bad, we had moved some stuff in our garden so it didn't blow over and the only thing that fell was some branches off our fir tree and one plant pot. Another of my friend's fence blew over though and i heard up at arbroath someone's whole roof fell off into the street!
Totally crazy.
Owner of Gliders!


Now just has to wait for Silv to do the trade with you Willow for your little man, as I have a mare lined up, but can't do the request until he has a profile and such with which to get an ID number...
**The Comprehensive List of Quinsta Colour Breeding Projects** - please come post and help make a guide to all Quinsta breeding projects on Secundi! :D
Quinsta- visual guide to males and females of each breed


As Super Starz PMed me about.

It might be an idea to get a backup stud, as I'm not going to pester Silv.
You're more than welcome to use my other mini stud.

And hopefully, he'll be in my stables for next season <33


Is it okay if we reserve him for next season then? Just make other plans for this current one, as I have been offered use of Wildfilly94's boy (its her girl I'm using also)
**The Comprehensive List of Quinsta Colour Breeding Projects** - please come post and help make a guide to all Quinsta breeding projects on Secundi! :D
Quinsta- visual guide to males and females of each breed


Yep, he'll be available as soon as I get him C:
And there's no need to reserve, my studs are 'unlimited' as such ^^