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What kind of pet?

Started by Pinkshadow, March 01, 2010, 02:30:45 PM

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Well , Me and my boyfriend split up, because he cheated so that means move from eachother and no chance of dog to me :/

So i thought of getting Fish, a litthe Birdy thing or a cat, but i don't know witch one im most fond of ? :O


Birds can be a bit much if they arent social and they arnt trained correctly. They are very loud at times which can be highly annoying for that reason i dont own birds XD

Cats oh what can i say bad about them..nothing so long as you clean thier litter box they are such perfect animals for anyone. They are very self sufficent & they are normally clean animals with not a whole lot of health problems (like you can run into with birds) they are also more likely to live longer and happier lives then fish (fish can be kinda hit or miss on keeping them alive, i have horrid experinces with tanks and such). There are all kinds of cats that need rescued from the tiny cages they are confined in at animal shelters and they are usually fixed and up to date on shots from shelters to its like a one stop shop for great animals. (though id ask why the animal was turned in, almost all animals can be trained to stop a bad habit but you have to be willing to keep on them and be patient with them to) I mean really this is a animal ill always have at least one of (have two right now a grown female & a male kitten) and i do plan to get another as my mothers cat is having kittens.

Fish..oh fish..they can be expensive for the prettier ones, they are not well reserched and hard to take care of unless you can deal with slimy nasty pooy goo. Tanks and such can be expensive because really you need at least a 10 gallon tank for any sort of fish to sustain a good living condition. Fish die easy if they arent taken care properly, dont think you can stick a betta in a itty bitty tank and it'll be fine. They acutally need a large tank and then need


Don't get me started on birds, my sister has a Green Cheeked Conure and he's screaming his head off right now.... it's constant, I think it's just what conures do but man ever since we got him I've had a constant headache. Budgerigars (I think in some countries they're called Parakeets) are alright I've been breeding them for years and I love them.

Cats- I LOVE cats, my family has owned cats my entire life, we have three at the moment and well... yeah I have nothing bad to say about them XD But if you want a lap cat I recommend a Siamese or Burmese (they never seem to want to leave your lap... my mums old Burmese used to sleep on Okami's head sometimes lol)

And for fish... well tropical fish are difficult and goldfish while they do very well in an outside pond my family have never had much luck with them inside... Though climate here could have somethign to do with it... it gets hot in summer and it just doesn't get cold enough in winter XD


Cats are great pets, but they definitely have their own personalities.  xD  My first cat was a total ragdoll, wouldn't ask for attention often but you could put her on your lap and she'd just stay there all day unless she heard someone open the fridge.  lol.  The one I have now (well, actually he's my sister's, but she's a college student and has developed allergies) is completely different; he begs for attention on a daily basis and loves to interfere with my typing when I'm on the computer xD  But yeah, cats are great - though if you live alone and are gone most of the day, you might want to get two.  They'll keep each other company.

Oh, and a good rule to remember is get one more litter box than you have cats.  So even if you only have one cat, buy two litterboxes and fill and clean them both at the same time.  And don't forget scratching posts and cat toys.  :)


I only have a small apartment so i dont have space for two litterboxes :s


With only one cat, you can get away with one litter box, just make sure to clean it often, at least every other day, unless you can get it done every day.

And to add more info, since I had to post quick before

Different breeds can have very different personalities, as can different individual cats.  Some cats will be perfectly fine with just you as companion, even if you are gone a lot.  Some cats prefer other cats as companions.  Some cats hate other cats, depends on the cat.  If you get a kitten, some of these won't be a problem, unless you decide later on that you want another cat (the first cat may get a little annoyed at the "trespasser" XD)

If you decide to rescue an older cat, from a shelter or something like that, they should be able to tell you if the cat likes/dislikes other animals.  Even if they do not temperment test the cats, you can get a rough idea by how they react to the other animals around them.


Cats are great pets but it is worth considering that they can get quite old. I don't know how settled or financially stable you are. I'd only get a cat if you're likely to be able to provide for it in the long term (obviously you never know what life will throw at you ;) )

I think birds can be quite nice. My parents used to have zebra finches when I was little and I remember them being very sweet and relatively low maintenance. I wouldn't get a  parroty type bird because I heard of too many ones with mental problems. It probably goes along with being intelligent XD

I wouldn't get fish because I've seen many people get fish and end up neglecting them. Once the novelty has worn off, people get bored with them :(


I would say a cat. :) Even if you aren't a cat person, if you find the right cat (or... more accurately, they find you) then you might be totally transformed. I didn't really like cats all that much until I got Cielo, about a year and a half ago after my cat Wheezy went missing. I did choose her, and she definitely did not choose me, but after a year or so of loving her as much as I did, it became obvious that she cared about me too. :) They aren't like dogs who love you almost immediately, you have to work for it (especially female cats, I've noticed) and when they do show that they love you, it's the best feeling in the world. :) And I could not say the things that I can say about cats about any other species.

So yeah, I would go with a cat. :)


i must say i love cats. Out of those options anyways. i had a cat named Sheba who recently passed away but if you find the right cat you will definatly know it.


I vote Cat

A) They are independant enough to leave alone all day while at work/park/school/whatever with out having to walk them every few hours.

B) They love and comfort you when you are down without being overtly in your face (..temperment does vary from animal to animal)

C) I have five of them and I cannot picture my life without cats...<---Future Crazy Cat lady

D) Aside from litter box duty...cats are relatively low maintenance.

E) Wook at dat cute widdle face!


Cats are my favorite. Mainly because the few times I've had fish they died extremely quickly and when I visit people with birds they are always loud....

But we have a bunch of cats (mostly kittens actually) atm and they are so easy to take care of and more gratifying to hug (because hugging fishies is very hard). I'd say you can rescue an old one which would be nice but the ones we have raised from kittens seem to snuggle more than others. Not much though so don't rule out older kitties because it may be more personality :3

And don't you want to snuggle with this? ->

Lol, kitty cats are great  :D

Oh, but litterbox isn't fun, with only one or two cats though it would be fairly easy...just not fun :P