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Gidgets - Fancy Breeders Convention

Started by Gidgets, March 28, 2010, 05:39:04 PM

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The breeding of the following three gidgets created the clouded leopard gidget. First the cheetah gidget was bred with the mammal 5 gidget. The resulting offspring which had a slightly dark coat then the Cheetah gidget was the breed with the natural 2 gidget in order to create marks that were semi tranparent. The resulting offspring we once again bred with a mammal 5 gidget to refine the coat color.


Walking through the convention, a number of gidgets caught my eye.

First off, I was very impressed with XLostxDestinyX's red poison arrow frog mimic gidget.  Though they were a bit vague about the breeding process, the results were unquestionably stunning and definitely showy!

PonyMama's ring-tailed lemur mimic gidget also caught my eye, since my own project was a mimic of a lemur relative.  I made a note to enquire about offspring availability later; perhaps a trade of some sort could be effected?

Hunni's swallowtail butterfly mimic was a show stopper.  Very fancy, with her dark colors and sweet personality.  I wondered just how long that project had been going to produce such a gorgeous result.

Dunkel's clouded leopard mimic was a lovely example, too, not least because Maserati was likely to demand I bring one home for him.  Such a lovely example, and being partial to browns and chestnuts myself, I couldn't help but think what a lovely addition this would make to my gidget breeding program.



was initially used to get a creamy base.

When added with , we had a creamy color and some blue splotches, but not bright enough blue for our tastes.

gave more blue to the mix to make the blue brighter, giving a satisfactory blue for our fancy babies. This also made the blue splotches more circular.

was introduced and made the circles more uniform.

We then had a creamy colored gidget with blue circles, so we needed to get some dark brown to make the rings really pop. was used to get the dark brown into the offspring.

At this point the offspring were spotted with brown spots and separate blue spots, so was breed into the current offspring and the resulting offspring was satisfactory with blue and brown spots overlapping.

We were satisfied with our resulting breeding at this point, but somehow got into our breeding population. This surprisingly, did not alter the coloration of our gidgets at all, but gave them a fiery personality. We deemed this very suiting and kept those for our final fancy breedings. This time we kept them very well guarded.

ETA: PSD file, figured out how to do it.


Arg! I can't offer support to any one gidget because I havent seen one that I dont like yet! I would look funny listing off everything on the beach.

Do I need to redo mine with a .psd and no shading to even qualify? Im sorry I did that, I realized as soon as I closed gimp that I didn't save first, but it was too late.



We have breed a variety of Gidgets together to create this little fancy girl.  Pulling colors from some and other characteristics from others we have came up with a beautiful sun conure gidget.  We are not sure that we should disclose are full breeding procedure though.  ;)



Ooooh I have to vote for the Clouded Leopard. I wanted to try my hand at breeding one myself and I'm glad to see someone else already got a really stunning result. They are one of my favourite species and I think they fit the fancy program very well.


You industrious breeders with bigger breeding programs are of course welcome to share as many 'experiments' as you wish.

We're not so much voting on which single one is better than the rest, but which ones are worthy of being called "Fancy." If something doesn't fit the spirit, please speak up. It isn't that the gidgets aren't beautiful, but we are trying to define Fancy more than anything else.

Please, do not shade your gidgets, it interferes with my own shading. Those with psd files are more likely to be done faster, but it isn't necessary - unless you don't want to wait.

springacres - diademed sifaka - approved
indigowulf - raccoon - ++
Ponymama - ring tailed lemur - approved ++
spixy - dolphin - approved ++
scullisto - snow leopard - approved +
lost destiny - poison frog +
hunni - butterfly +
dunkel - clouded leopard - approved +++
toffeeca - blue ringed blob +
goddesss - sun conure


Moving through the convention leaving my butterfly in its cage for people to view i notice a spotted like gidget in the far corner. I must say the blue and brown combos of toffecas gidget does catch my eye.


Due to overwhelming response, the Clouded Leopard gidget is eagerly approved! =D

Annnd Spixy's lovely Pacific Dolphin!

Fancy Breeders would definitely like to see more dolphin/porpoise types! They're lovely!


Toffeeca's wild use of colors and gidgets to create a blue ringed octopus mimic seemed far fetched, but upon further investigation it seems that although it may take a long while that this breeding program would work out, and with Stunning results.

Goddesss, used a lot of color to create a beautiful mimic that is also very full of color, if this gidget had wings it woudl look like it could fly away as well.

Hunni had a definite look in mind when she started to breed gidgets, she picked the ones she felt were best and would produce the colors she wanted.  With just a little work she was able to get a gidget to resemble a brightly colored butterfly

*Yay*  I am going to color a few more I thought about, and see which ones turn out then work on how to get them.


yay new fancy gidgets! :D

I was looking through gidgets for my clownfish, and there's already one colored like that so back to the drawing board for me



After working long and hard on a few mammal gidgets i had to pick this beauty as the one to bring to the fancy convention. The panther has been one of the most beautiful large cats to stalk this earth ever, its stunning black coat and barely there spots are just to much to bear at once. However i captured this cats lovely fur on the gidget i bring to you today.

First i started with markings, i need spots both controlled and ringed.
I bred together the V3 cheetah & V3 aqua to get my conrolled spots.


This left me with an offspring that was spotted and showed some minimum striping. Its colors were a murky greenish blue and its personality was not so sweet however the cheetah left it with a bit of an attitude and the show giget left if vain and bitter.

I then bred the murky moody offspring to the V1 Misc One for my ringed spots.

This gave me the rings i needed but also gave me some unwanted banding around the neck areas so i bred in the V3 Brown Gidget.

This gave me the spotting i needed, a nice dark brown color and a very odd personality. I had a gidget who had an attitude but was a bit goofy all together.

I next needed my color to be darker and id have my target gidget. I bred in two different blacks V1 Halloween 2 & V1 Blue Roan. I then had my perfect target gidget and even the cat eyes to go with it!

Its personality however is only for those whom are experinced gidget owners. There are moments where the creature is funny and goofy then its serious and not wanting bothered. I find this quite likeable because it matches most people it comes in contact with as it tends to act like those around it!

The Black Panther





This was a carefully planned project... I begain the breeding with this pair:

Which gave us an unexpected almost solid black, with patches of light red...
Then I decided to breed another pair of mine:

And this offspring turned out a beautiful yellow-green... So I cross bred the offspring.
It dident quite turn out as I liked... which is when i introduced these into the plan:

And delightfully enough it darkened the red some, and bought a beauitiful blue into the mix!
The temperment was another surprise, as I did not plan for personality. Highly intelligent, yet slightly playfull and laid back for the most part, it came out a true treasure to cherish!


Since my Diademed Sifaka mimic seemed to meet with approval, I decided to present another project of mine.


This was a slightly newer project than the sifaka one, and had been carried out along separate lines.

The origin was a V2 appy crossed with a V1 dun.  This gave me offspring with the dark brown coloration I desired, but without much ventral barring or a significantly lighter underbelly.  To get the lighter belly, I introduced V2 red and yellow gidgets into the mix, crossing with V2 bays and chestnuts to maintain richness of body color.  Additionally, the bays helped in limiting the yellow to the desired area of legs, feet and beak.

The ventral barring proved rather stubborn to get, but an influx of V1 zebra striped and V3 appy was the deciding factor, and after several generations I am pleased to report that this coloration breeds true.

It is definitely not a gidget for everyone, however.  Like the bird that inspired its coloration, this gidget is rather shy and aloof towards strangers, and there is something distinctly hawklike and predatory in its attitude towards smaller animals.

PSD file:



At first we bred for markings, since these were going to be the hardest to achieve. I began by crossing, and . The resulting offspring showed a lot of promise.

Next we introduced the offspring of and  to get the dark coat, breed out the show traits, and maintain the white.

The result was exactly what we were hoping for.


Following down the path of Seacreatures, we decided to set out on a new and exciting adventure. The adventure to breed out an gidget Orca.

The orca is known for its intelligence and playfulness. However - no matter how cute the orca may be, it's still a predator, so we knew, that we'd have to use the best hunter gidgets for this project.

For this project, we needed gidgets in the colorations of black and white, so that wouldn't be too tough. Instead it'd be the personalities that proved difficult to find. All our gidgets were friendly and fun-loving creatures - all too spoiled to have their hunting instinct intact yet, so we decided to visit different breeders in search of some acceptable breeding pairs.

It took us 27 breeders, before we finally came across a suitable male and then 4 or 5 breeders more, before the female rose from the darkness:

Finally we had our breeding pair and now it was just a waiting game - hoping that our precious gidgets would produce the result.

It worked. Several weeks later, this little precious baby popped out - and just wow!

It had the personality, looks and predatory eyes of an Orca, a true little wonder.


There were surprisingly very few dog mimics at this convention, that I'd seen anyway.  So tierasa's Bernese Mountain Dog mimic caught my eye for two reasons - the fact that it was bred to resemble a dog breed, and the rich coloration.


((ooc: ok sorry for the longness of my posts but I am loving explaining why I woudl choose the gidgets I do to acheive my goal))
With the success of breeding the ring tailed lemur I decided to try again to breed a fancy gidget.  This time I opted for body stipes, as I went for the Bongo.  How was I to get the desired washed out brown coat, with the darker belly and the white on the legs with the stripes on the body?  That was a puzzler.

I tried first with breeding the version 3 brown and the version 3 Brindle, working hard to get not only stripes but the desired color as well.  I bred many times and only got a small hope in what I wanted, the color was never quite right and the stripes were always all over the place and never solid, so I had to scrap those plans and start a different way of working.


This time I decided that this fancy should start with a fancy breeding, so I took the red panda, this was more red then I needed, but had the desired pattern for legs and belly, and I bred it with the grulla gidget, who was a little more brown but would also tone down the red.  This took several attempts but somehow not only did I almost get the exact color I wanted but I got the leg markings and most the facial markings.  Maybe this attempt would work out better then the first.  Now I had to get the white markings that were on the legs to find their way there.

I then bred in the Natural 3 gidget, thus securing the brown coat that was muddy and washed otu and breeding some white into the coat as well.  This also took several attempts as it was trying to pain the entire gidget, but adding some Palomino with the natural, then letting that offspring breed into my fancy lines helped, thus securing some bold, yes thin white areas on the legs, and not tinkering with the color I wanted.

Next I brought int he brindle once again, this had the stripes that were not all over, and I bred it with the Tiger, who had very bold lines, they bred a baby who ended up with bold lines on the body and a couple small stray ones that worked well, and the color stayed in the same region I wanted it.  I took that offspring and bred it into my lines and the result was incredible.  I managed to acheive my goal of the Bongo Gidget.  This was by far the hardest so far I tried, but the results had me smiling.


I like the dog too, but I am not completely sure if it fits the Fancy requirement. My understanding was things found in nature, in the wild, usually animals too I think. A dog seems like a domestic pet to me, so I dunno if it meets the requirement? I do think it is absolutely stunning.


That was my understanding too, actually, YLO.  I had considered bringing a Himalayan gidget, but realized that might not fit the requirements either.


To me a dog is found in nature.  It is a realistic animal and isnt made up. 


That's why I brought it up, to see how others feel about it ^^
To me nature means in the wild and not living/realistic animal.


hmm...I don't think the doggie fits with the requirements, even though it is amazing. Fancy gidgets to me are more exotic animals, those that have never been domesticated by humans.

on that note, do you guys think a giraffe fits?


Well, I think we'd have to see it before we could judge, but on principle I think it definitely could fit :)


Ok I will leave that one alone then, I was just about to start on a giraffe, but don't want to duplicate it, so I will move onto my next animal I found

After viewing all the documents for Lost's breeding of the toucan, I have found it to be a wonderful use of gidgets and the results work.  It can be so sumple and yet so elegant at the same time


((I think half the fun of this is in the creativity of explaining how you would get the traits you needed.  I had to do some really creative thinking to come up with ways to get my sifaka and falcon mimics to have the right colors and breed true!))


((I am having fun with that too, that's why I only have two up so far, the writing out takes the longest to plan out then I can color it, I had a lot of fun with the bongo, and I am currently figuring out at least one more))

Spixy's Orca may be simple but the choice of gidgets used to create it were interesting.  She didn't go otu of her way to breed it into exsistance, she used a lot of luck and it worked out for her.


*The toucan mimic shrieks playfully and flaps it's wings. It then proceeds to dance around it's perch at the convention, watching everything carefully with it's sharp green eyes*

I have to say that all the entries are lufflie so far... I especially like the water animal gidget look alikes. I also Really enjoyed the bright sun conure mimic goddesss bred! Beautiful!
The snow leopard was very nice... but really, all were such wonders to look at that I must applaude every single entry thus far! What a terrific group of breedings we have here <3


I really love the butterfly, panther, and toucan mimics <3


All the simply gorgeous gidgets displayed here has inspired me. Everyone here is displaying absolutely incredible gidgets, so I wanted to display one that I was previously to timid to try, but fortune has favored me this day and I give you this...

PSD File:
My love of the Golden Headed Tamarins and love over all things black and orange, I decided to work on this little devil.  By using

{for face masking/dark coloring and leg banding}
{for brilliant orange and gold}
{for the hair type blending of black and orange}
{for strong Black genes to darken the body and a dash of halloween for effect}


wow that looks amazing Scullisto! :O I personally don't like any kind of monkey, but the gidget version I wouldn't mind a whole house full of xD


aww thank you red :)...Im not a primate fan myself, I kinda got a soft spot in my heart for these little new-world monkeys, they really are just beautiful to watch.


Scullisto's tamarind mimic was simply breathtaking.  I had never heard of the monkey that inspired it, but I loved its brilliant colors nonetheless!


Garney is sitting quietly off to one side and watching everyone chatter and parade gidgets, making notes here and there between MASSIVE DOG WORK OF DOOM.

Ahem. >3

Not ignoring, and yes, all your hard work will pay off. *goes eeeee at a couple particular ones*



target: Ring Neck Snake



: For tough attitude and bright fiery belly

: For blue base

: Darken the blue, remove excess markings

This Gidget was bred to resemble the fiery stomach and strange blue of the ring-neck snake. It took many tries and this is the first semi-successful outcome. Unfortunately the black dappling of the belly has not been recreated, though the frisky and tough personality of the little snake did seem to make it into the mix.

(Um, first try, sorry if I didn't get everything quite right   >.>  )


 I'm sorry you guys have an issue with my Burnese Mountain Dog. I guess I can understand the questions though. While he isn't a wild animal and is domestic, he does have beautiful markings, found in nature, and could be nature putting on a show. Regardless of whether or not he passes the criteria, I love him. :)  

On another note, I have the perfect base for my next project, but I'm wondering how to incorporate the major markings on a gidget... anyone willing to take a gander?


Echo, yours is amazing.  I wish I'd done that good of a job with my sifaka mimic.  (Looking back at it, I can tell I should have cleaned it up a bit and maybe done a few things differently from the beginning.))


I would like to mention that I support the Berner as being a fancy breed :) I think of naturals as being equine mimics, and fancies as being "found in nature" but not necesarily equine. So by that definition, a dog mimic fits. Plus, it is beautiful! :D


Aw, thanks  ;D And no way, that sifaka is amazing! I can't even do texture, yours is impressive. Oh and I like your falcon too, the coloring works really well for gidgets. And red, thank you! I want one of your giraffes, so cool  :D

Gidgets turned out to be a lot harder to color than I thought. People here sure are amazing at this.

Oh and while saying that, I have to say that Scullisto's is awesome! What a cool monkey o.O


Target -

I was looking for something diffrent with this breeding, so I chose some bright coloured gidgets to begin,

With rather pleasing results, I bred in darker colours for a contrast:

Then decided to blend in diffrent hues to lighten the purple, and add a slightly pink shade:

I wanted to even out the disposition of this fiesty beauty:

And my ending results were near perfect!:


You dont know how thrilled I am to see a parade of my CYO's being used in breedings here. *sniffles* Im a proud mama! But now I must scheme how to get a baby from each one bred with one of mine.. oh dear!


Quote from: Echowing on April 01, 2010, 11:39:16 PM
Aw, thanks  ;D And no way, that sifaka is amazing! I can't even do texture, yours is impressive. Oh and I like your falcon too, the coloring works really well for gidgets. And red, thank you! I want one of your giraffes, so cool  :D

Gidgets turned out to be a lot harder to color than I thought. People here sure are amazing at this.

Oh and while saying that, I have to say that Scullisto's is awesome! What a cool monkey o.O
Aw thanks, that sifaka was the first CYO I've ever done actually :)  The texture part was so simple once I thought of it; I just used the airbrush tool at 10 pounds pressure with a confetti brush and set the foreground color to white.


The project started with the who was crossed with the This gave us a nice dark bay color with black exptemities.
We then added . We then had a very red base, too red for what we were looking for. So we added in which toned down our red to a deserable level. We added and got the white that we were lookin for on the ears, jaw, and tail. Thus we had our final product:



Thank you so much spring and echo!

tierasa's BMD, I support, dog's are bred for color as well as tasks and we (as humans) didn't color their coats with dye.  We bred the colors, however they do occur from birth. (a natural process)... just as we are breeding our beautiful fancies to mimic them.
echowing your Ring neck snake gidget is very beautiful! Striking colors and very sleak.
and xLostXDestinyx's sunset gidget does occur in nature, I dont remember a rule saying it had to be animal and is simply wants the precious.


Technically it is a rule, since the first tenet of Fancy is 'natural putting on a show' therefore, they have to at least somewhat look like a natural gidget. That was why I wanted to limit it to mammals or at least animals, I knew someone would start throwing in all these rainbow colors. You can't apply just some of the four guidelines, you have to go by all of them.

Yes, they are lovely, but really - they qualify as Show gidgets (though in any show they'd lose a point for not having fins or horns). Fancy is sort of an inbetween area. Just removing fins and horns from a Show doesn't really suit the spirit.


Thank you Garney, I get now :) (coffee has not seeped into brain yet) and I agree on the show qualifying level.


Not that I won't make the ones posted even if they aren't approved (though shading on the gidgets is sorely tempting me not to make those ones), they just won't be fancy.

You colored a gidget, you bred it carefully, just because it doesn't apply to Fancy doesn't mean it isn't yours (ie. shaded and uploaded to you).

Now that I've said that, please don't color shows just to get unique ones XD;


Ok here I go, my opinions

Red's giraffe was carefully bred and produced with careful selections of gidgets, then to top it off she made sure to grab one to throw in a temperment she wanted to see in the gidget, this was a well though out breeding plan, well worthy of the title fancy gidget

Although not a lot of the breeding program by Scullisto was shared with us, I was able to look through the possible outcomes from each breeding gidget and come up witht he fact that this would be highly successful.  She did a wonderful job with the Golden Headed Tamarin, the dark black of the body and striking firey orange, it is just a striking animal, and shoudl be considered as fancy

Echowing took on a fairyly complicated breeding, and although she was not exactly successful her program produced a rather striking mimic.  I do believe if she looked through gidgets some more she may be able to get some of the beautiful spotting bred into this line, 

Lost Destiny bred a beautiful sunset gidget, however if you bred in horns or fins this woudl be better suited for he show ring, I just feel this does not keep witht he nature of the fancy category

Toffeeca's use of reds to create a fox gidget was unusual.  However seeing that she recognized that the bird gidget made too much red she bred it out again worked for her, creating a very pretty little fox, who I think would make a great fancy gidget.


Mmm yes i do adore my dodge/burn tool..its makes life so much easier!

I think i may try an adoptable in the far future with only hand shading, may be an experince as an adoptable owner that you have to have to really appreciate it id imagine.



We have seen some gorgeous mimics produced and even though there was a giraffe already mimic'd, the project was already underway, and we just could not scratch the plans since we were so very close.

So initially we gathered the gidgets we though we would need to make the desired spots and started to breed the spots first.  We used the Appaloosa v3 along with brown v3.  This got the desired spot Color as well as a nice foundation for the body color.

This was working just the way we wanted, but the spots were much too uniform and needed to be jagged so we grabed a couple differnt gidgets and started a breeding to get the right consistency of spots.  Misc 2 and Natural 2 were bred, repeatedly, creating a muddly blue gidget with spots that resembled the spots we wanted.  We then threw in a couple plain brown gidgets to get the blue out and the spots to stay.  This took a few months but the blue was finally gone and the spots were how we wanted them, now to try and breed with the first round results.

Breeding the first round which had spots, ang was the body color we wanted, and breeding round two which had the consistency we wanted but not the right color was a gamble but we hoped it would work.  This again took a long time but we did get a result to almost what we were hoping for, last we needed to bring in some differnt body color.  We were nto really wanting it too dark, and wanted some white throw in so we threw the v3 Chestnut in the mix and we were amazed at how well it worked, right down the the tail tip.