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Sunchasers and PM's Vampire/shifter/Human recruiting station

Started by Sunchaser, April 06, 2010, 03:33:54 PM

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sSo while talking to PonyMama and chatting about books and everything we decided to hold an rp here. This will be to let people do whatever they want to in the way of humans, vampires and shape shifters. Basically you have a idea bring it here!

The rp will take place in the beginning forum unless some will want to go to the Advanced. Here you can learn and ask questions about rping as well as talk about books you like pertaining to vampires and the supernatural. We will let you do whatever as long as it follows Secundi's rules and what little rules we have. If something goes above pg-13(which I think is secundis rating) then I suggest taking it to private messages, ims or if you want others that are adult to read it I might open a forum for that, that would be password protected and all that good stuff so only those old enough can read it.

So our rules are simple :-p

1)Please no sparkley vampires <.< other than that what you have read goes.
2)No godmoding-meaning you can't have the best character in the world and one with all the powers in the world
3)Shifters can only shift into one animal. We don't want people to get confused by a shifter turning into more the one animal lol
4)Ways to kill a vampire are staking, tearing out the heart and burning it. Simple no? :-p
5)Ways to kill Shifters are shooting the heart with Silver. And something similar with vampires is dismantling them fully but I don't think we will be getting into that here.
6)Ways to kill humans.... I think you know lol
7)Writing- basically at least two sentences per paragraph and two paragraphs min. Otherwise go crazy!

Okay so here is a sample for you can use to post your character here. you can have as many characters as you want as long as you can keep up with them.
Sample form: you don't have to go by this you  can do more or less as long as we get a little bit of information here.
Feel free to post now ^_^ or tell me if I have forgotten anything or if you have ideas!

OH! If you want to do a thread in a new place just make a thread that has SC and PM RP: (where your rp takes place) 
So if you want to do one at say a bar your thread would be SC and PM RP: Red Rose Bar or something like that :)


Race: Vampire
Age: Lost in time; looks 22
Appearance: Shi'ka is very much the tall dark and handsome one. He has sparkling blue eyes that turn red when the blood lust comes upon him. His hair is short and the purest of blacks that seem to go forever with darkness. But it is a beautiful black. He has a tan skinned to him with a white undertone like some vampires have. If you are lucky enough to see him without his shirt you will see a wolfs head tattoo on his back of a silver wolf. He also has light scars that blend into his body that aren't obvious unless you look closely or touch part of him. He is tall and stands at 6'4.
Personality: Shi'ka has a good side and bad side. His good side comes out only when he is feeling generous or amused about something. Otherwise he can be a real pain in the butt. He believes highly of himself and doesn't mind squishing anyone in his way. He also loves a fight and of course sex. If he cant have one he will defiantly go for the other. He also loves to flirt with anything on two legs and sometimes four if it's a shifter.
History: He does not talk much about his history
Powers:Standard vampire tricks, can mesmorize humans with his eyes, drinks blood to survive, is fast on his feet. Non-standard powers he has are he is able to call dogs to him that are natural dogs though he is sometimes able to call shifter wolves to him. He also can control little sparks of Fire

Race: Human
He has dark green eyes
Personality:arnold is quiet and is usually a nice guy once you get him to open up and what not. However he does stick with Shi'ka all he can for he is attached to Shi'ka as his servant.
History: Doesnt remeber before he met Shi'ka at age 15
Powers:None he is human


Name: Ryuu
Gender: male
Race: Shifter
Age: 16
Appearance: A short scarecrow thin teenage boy, about 5'5", with shaggy dark brown hair and brown eyes. Ryuu has that unkept appearance of a guy who just throws on whatever clothes are closest to his bed and rarely bothers to run a brush through his hair. He is usually found wearing jeans with tears in the knees and a T-shirt with random one-liners or heavy metal bands on them. His left ear is pierced with a tiny gold hoop. He wears a black bandana tied around his upper right arm.
Personality: Ryuu is a defensive boy, prone to snapping out comebacks and quick to provoke to anger. He'll be the first in the group to come out with a sarcastic quip if someone says something. He has a deep hatred of any and all vampires, without exception. (Yes, if you have a vampire character, he will hate them. He has his reasons.) He has a cynical view of the world and does not believe in happy endings, always assuming the worst.
History: Very reluctant to talk about his past, so most of his history is unknown to anyone. Lives on his own with no family and has apparently done so for quite some time. It's currently unknown if Ryuu is his real name or just what he goes by.
Powers: Ryuu's Shifter form is that of a Shetland sheepdog, a dark sable merle with a little white on his chest and paws. He is not really pleased that his form is so 'cute' but can still be dangerous if provoked to attacking. His black bandana is visible, tied around his neck in his Shifter form.


((ok so not the best but wanted to get it up here))

Name: Sauda Dalili
Race: Vampyre
Age: Unknown
Appearance: Beautifully white skin, almost like ivory.  Long flowing black hair with white underneath, and rose colored eyes.  She is about 5'9 with a slender, curvy build.  She generally wears corset style tops, showing off her many tattoos.  She has a barrage of stars that start at her right shoulder blade and travel down her side and around to her pantie line.  She has a small pink bow tattoo at the base of her hariline on her neck. Some small blood like droplets tattoo'd across her left breast and a few random others, but more are always sure to come.  Her ribs show the signs of battle as she has met the hard end an altercation a few times, the scars may be faint but she feels them there.

Personality: Sauda is the queen witch, although with would be spelled with a B.  She tends to be as sweet as can be but without knowing what you said or did she flies off the handle.  She can also hold a grudge, may it be against a flighty female vamp that she has met who thought poorly of her, or a male of any species which has not been up to her standards or said the wrong thing.  She expects everythignt o be done for her, as she doesn't liek to get her hands dirty, but if someone tries to bring her a meal she refuses to eat, that is one place where she prefers to do the dirty work, she loves the thrill of the hunt.  She also can be very sarcastic.

History:  "I am here and that is all you need  to know" is her attitude, so we know not a lot about it.

Powers:  She doesn't mesmerize humans with her eyes, but after she lures them in with her pretty face, her sweet smelling breath paralizes and stuns them.  She has the ability to clone herself in battle for a short time and travels faster in her form of mist.  Tales have been told in small villages to hide from the dark mist of the night, she loves to tell others "That's me".  She also has an affinity for fire, she can conjure up small flames at a whim or steal larger flames from bigger sources.