[Painted Unicorns] Come post your Data Entry Help custom forms!

Started by Silvanon, May 08, 2010, 11:26:39 AM

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Yes sunny House of Night

and No problem Sil.  One of my favortie series about vampires, PC Cast definitely paints a different picture of them, and they don't sparkle!


*runs through thread with flag that says "NO Sparkly Vampires...EVER!"*

Reality is only for those who lack imagination.


*runs through thread with her own flag*
"If it Sparkles, it is a Fairy!"


I have yet to decide what I want. xP Looks like you've got plenty on your hands right now, Silv, so I still have some time to submit my form.

And best wishes on recovering from your kidney stones. <3


*slinks in with her tail tucked between her legs* um Silv....hope you don't mind me asking. but do you want me to post a little request on a different thread (it's D.eirdre, btw). i just hopped onto the website to see what the status on my customs were...and feel soundly scolded by the note on the website. it's not that i mean to be inactive....>.< i just forget to stop by!! V_V'''


Painted Unicorns

Hello hello D.eirdre/DarkRhiannon!  Please send a PM to my Silvanon account (to make sure I don't forget) and I'll do up your rose orders after I get done with what I owe in this thread. :)

Final Dunkel Paint: http://www.secundi.net/critterpage.php?ID=209164

For YLO: http://www.secundi.net/critterpage.php?ID=209165
Silvanon - Creator/Owner
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I completely disagree on the sparkly vampire thing. If you expose them to enough sunlight they turn to dust. If you blow that dust in the wind of a bright new dawn, it may sparkle just a little  :o

Painted Unicorns

Silvanon - Creator/Owner
PonyMama - Manager, Colourist - Posts in blue
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sunchaser - Colourist - Posts in Teal


Owner: Ryuukokoro
Paint Name: Bergsma
Naming Meaning: n/a
Gender: female
Paint Pose: Nitheli2
Coloring description: dark teal with lighter teal leopard markings, and light teal hooves and undersides and muzzle. Wings are teal with pink on the outer edge and yellow bar markings. Eyes are pink. Mane is light teal shading to pink shading to yellow at tips. Horn can be yellow fading to pink at the point.
Reference Pics?:
original Bergsma- http://i122.photobucket.com/albums/o251/vhendi01/shkoura/ShK028-1.jpg
Fae Bergsma- http://www.secundi.net/agencyuploads/5-576.png

Owner: Ryuukokoro
Paint Name: Ront
Naming Meaning: none
Gender: male
Paint Pose:  Yeva4
Coloring description: rust red coat with cream husky-like markings, with one red snip on the nose. Front right foot has sock, front left has stocking. Charcoal gray mane and tail. Bright blue eyes.
Reference Pics?: http://i174.photobucket.com/albums/w106/lunakunes/022.png

Owner: Ryuukokoro
Paint Name: Kohaku
Naming Meaning: Amber (Japanese though, not Gavanian haha)
Gender: male
Paint Pose: Zebracorn Niyeva
Coloring description: Almost pure black body (#03061C) with white belly/legs/face (see photos for ref). Wings black with white webbing. Mane and tail pinstripes of two close blue hexes, #666BFF and #B6AEFF (if hexes are too close to really see the difference with the shading, first hex can be a little darker). Eyes and hooves and horn blue, #0031FF.
Reference Pics?:


Oooh they are gorgeous Silv, thank you!

((Nona doesn't have a glory listed, was that done on purpose?))


Oo... Im crossed out? I have 2 more forms to post yet I think? If my brain decides to cooperate ^^


Whoops, I was obviously in a bit too much of a hurry there and grabbed the wrong line to cross out.  It's Goddesss who's done, the line below you BKC.  Sorry about that!

Zarzamora has kindly offered to help out with customs, and I've decided to take her up on that so you can all get your orders in a more timely manner.  Thank you Zaz!  <3   

If anyone especially particularly would prefer me to personally do your customs, please let me know either by posting or PMing.


no prob, Im starting further down the list so we dont overlap lol. got a fair few done already just need to upload

Painted Unicorns

Silvanon - Creator/Owner
PonyMama - Manager, Colourist - Posts in blue
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Painted Unicorns

Silvanon - Creator/Owner
PonyMama - Manager, Colourist - Posts in blue
Bunraku - Colourist - Posts in green
Skysong - Colourist - Posts in Purple
Winged - Colourist - Posts in Orange
sunchaser - Colourist - Posts in Teal

Painted Unicorns

Silvanon - Creator/Owner
PonyMama - Manager, Colourist - Posts in blue
Bunraku - Colourist - Posts in green
Skysong - Colourist - Posts in Purple
Winged - Colourist - Posts in Orange
sunchaser - Colourist - Posts in Teal



Painted Unicorns

Silvanon - Creator/Owner
PonyMama - Manager, Colourist - Posts in blue
Bunraku - Colourist - Posts in green
Skysong - Colourist - Posts in Purple
Winged - Colourist - Posts in Orange
sunchaser - Colourist - Posts in Teal

Painted Unicorns

Wolfs Fang 1: http://www.secundi.net/critterpage.php?ID=224898
Wolfs Fang 2: http://www.secundi.net/critterpage.php?ID=224899
Wolfs Fang 3: http://www.secundi.net/critterpage.php?ID=224900
And your blue roses have been added to your account!
Silvanon - Creator/Owner
PonyMama - Manager, Colourist - Posts in blue
Bunraku - Colourist - Posts in green
Skysong - Colourist - Posts in Purple
Winged - Colourist - Posts in Orange
sunchaser - Colourist - Posts in Teal


I think those are some of my favorite adoptables so far <3
I usually get these characters and you did an amazing job on them!



Painted Unicorns

Silvanon - Creator/Owner
PonyMama - Manager, Colourist - Posts in blue
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sunchaser - Colourist - Posts in Teal



oh my god *dies from shock* perfect present for 21st brithday!

Painted Unicorns

Silvanon - Creator/Owner
PonyMama - Manager, Colourist - Posts in blue
Bunraku - Colourist - Posts in green
Skysong - Colourist - Posts in Purple
Winged - Colourist - Posts in Orange
sunchaser - Colourist - Posts in Teal


I'd like to welcome both Zarzamora and Leafy as regular Painted Unicorns staff!  As such, both will continue helping out here, and both will be authorized to hold Paint events and collect payments for Paints they've colored.  :)

We're all still busy people, so Paint events may still be sporadic at best, but hopefully between the three of us we'll be able to hold Paint events more often than I was managing on my own.  XD  Thank you Zaz and Leafy!



EHEHEHEHE!! They're all WIN *flails around happily* <33333 Thanks so much for the pretties! *huggles them all* x3!


Yegads, these are all SUPER lovely!!  Still trying to figure out wot i might want. xD;;;  Though i have at least one idea. . . . ^^

Painted Unicorns

Silvanon - Creator/Owner
PonyMama - Manager, Colourist - Posts in blue
Bunraku - Colourist - Posts in green
Skysong - Colourist - Posts in Purple
Winged - Colourist - Posts in Orange
sunchaser - Colourist - Posts in Teal


I'll have to say its some stunning Paints their have come :D


i got one form done! D8

Silv, could you do this one, if it isn't too much trouble? ^^ <3

Owner: sera
Paint Name:
Naming Meaning: Chaotic Energy
Gender: Male
Paint Pose:  Zebracorn Niyeva
Coloring description: Copper body with true blue touches, such as inner wing (outer wing copper, despite ref pic), with thin blue swirls across lower neck and right hind leg.  Left ear is white.
Reference Pics?: http://crest.vagueinsanity.net/img/naa/025.gif

Painted Unicorns

Silvanon - Creator/Owner
PonyMama - Manager, Colourist - Posts in blue
Bunraku - Colourist - Posts in green
Skysong - Colourist - Posts in Purple
Winged - Colourist - Posts in Orange
sunchaser - Colourist - Posts in Teal


I expect to be through the remaining currently posted forms in the next 2-3 days or so.  I'm still missing forms from some people, though.  If you're one of those people and you want customs now rather than blue roses for later, get your forms in!


Sorry to add to your work.  ^^  If it helps, i don't mind who does the rest of these.  ^^ i just really wanted another Silv Naa for certain. <3

Owner: sera
Paint Name:
Naming Meaning: Sad Clowns (if possible. ^^)
Gender: Female
Paint Pose:  Tuyeva
Coloring description: Some interpretation of the image? xD  Preferably not all white, though.
Reference Pics?: http://missmab.com/DLoads/DMFA_Wallpaper18_800.jpg

Owner: sera
Paint Name: Van Gogh
Naming Meaning: --
Gender: Male
Paint Pose:  Yevada
Coloring description: Uhh, some translation of the Van Gogh's 'Starry Night'
Reference Pics?:http://www.moodbook.com/wallpapers/vincent-van-gogh-wallpaper-starry-night.jpg

Owner: sera
Paint Name: Abel
Naming Meaning: --
Gender: Male
Paint Pose:  Niyeva2
Coloring description: Matching picture!  But without clothes interpretation on him, please! 
Reference Pics?: http://missmab.com/DLoads/DMFA_Wallpaper26_800.jpg

And, a blue rose, please. xD;


And my last two:

Owner: BKC
Paint Name: Magnus
Naming Meaning: N/A
Gender: Male
Paint Pose:  Yeva3
Coloring description: Blue body, with red mane and red fades. Ref mark should be on his rump, black centre and yellow flames. Steel grey eyes
Reference Pics?:http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/mediawiki/images/thumb/7/73/Tzeentch_mark.png/100px-Tzeentch_mark.png

Owner: BKC
Paint Name:  Wanderer
Naming Meaning: N/A
Gender: Female
Paint Pose:  Niyeva2
Coloring description: Gonna leave this to you, mainly white with silver and a lil gold, think innocence, moonlight and love ^^
Reference Pics?:

And Silv... sorry to be a pain, if its not too late, could I change Nightmare to a Zebracorn Niyeva?

Painted Unicorns

Silvanon - Creator/Owner
PonyMama - Manager, Colourist - Posts in blue
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Skysong - Colourist - Posts in Purple
Winged - Colourist - Posts in Orange
sunchaser - Colourist - Posts in Teal


Owner: CutieePiee
Paint Name:
Naming Meaning: 'Royalty' or 'queen' if possible.
Gender: Female
Paint Pose:  Yeva7
Coloring description: Somehow incorporate many variations of browns (darks, lights, in between) on the body, you can choose markings. Hair is very dark brown or black. Anything I didn't mention is gold.
Reference Pics?: N/A

Thank you!

Painted Unicorns

Silvanon - Creator/Owner
PonyMama - Manager, Colourist - Posts in blue
Bunraku - Colourist - Posts in green
Skysong - Colourist - Posts in Purple
Winged - Colourist - Posts in Orange
sunchaser - Colourist - Posts in Teal

Painted Unicorns

Silvanon - Creator/Owner
PonyMama - Manager, Colourist - Posts in blue
Bunraku - Colourist - Posts in green
Skysong - Colourist - Posts in Purple
Winged - Colourist - Posts in Orange
sunchaser - Colourist - Posts in Teal

Painted Unicorns

Silvanon - Creator/Owner
PonyMama - Manager, Colourist - Posts in blue
Bunraku - Colourist - Posts in green
Skysong - Colourist - Posts in Purple
Winged - Colourist - Posts in Orange
sunchaser - Colourist - Posts in Teal


Kyyaaaa!! So much love!!!! Thank you, Silv and Leafy, they are all fantastically perfect! ^^ 

A quick question: for the Paints done by others than Silv, will they end up with the Agency Info box as well with Glory and Name Translation(if pertinent)? ^^ 

Thank you, thank you again! ^^  They are so fantastic!

Painted Unicorns

Silvanon - Creator/Owner
PonyMama - Manager, Colourist - Posts in blue
Bunraku - Colourist - Posts in green
Skysong - Colourist - Posts in Purple
Winged - Colourist - Posts in Orange
sunchaser - Colourist - Posts in Teal

Painted Unicorns

Silvanon - Creator/Owner
PonyMama - Manager, Colourist - Posts in blue
Bunraku - Colourist - Posts in green
Skysong - Colourist - Posts in Purple
Winged - Colourist - Posts in Orange
sunchaser - Colourist - Posts in Teal

Painted Unicorns

Silvanon - Creator/Owner
PonyMama - Manager, Colourist - Posts in blue
Bunraku - Colourist - Posts in green
Skysong - Colourist - Posts in Purple
Winged - Colourist - Posts in Orange
sunchaser - Colourist - Posts in Teal