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[The Unbridled] Customs Slots by WillowDragon!

Started by WillowDragon, May 30, 2010, 05:07:29 PM

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apologies, i have been quite busy.
500k would be fine :-)

Wish me luck my friends, i am showing two of my mice from a new line today! They are only 6 weeks old but are gorgeous! Hehe


*sends Willow as much good luck as she can*



springacres, you girl is up!! =o)  Hope everyone likes the new friesian mare lines!

Gonna start on the other slots now!



RYUU LOVES!!!! What gorgeous line art!



Need a new friesian mare :D


*dies from the prettiness*

must do a better job of stalking for open slots xD


*jaw drops as she notices her order was completed today*  O______O;; *luffs on WillowDragon*


Just to let people know, i have completed two out of the five newest orders... unfortunately I am quite ill (Though much better now than i was) and just got out of hospital last night.

I *will* finish these before the week is out I promise, even if i have to tie myself to my computer chair.

Oh and Leafy, i'm sorry I haven't been on AOL messenger, i only had net access on my phone and can't get on it through there! After I have finished these customs I will work on shading new lines *winks*

Hope you all still love me, and these pretties will be worth the wait!

W xx


Oh I am glad you are feeling better.  Rest and get well.


Omg Willow D: You better be ok T____T And tell your girly to take better care of you :< I don't like it when you're sick T_____T  No rush on the lines, I just want you better again D:


Aww, being sick is no fun. :( Glad you're feeling better!


Its nothing serious really, I suffer from migraine disease, lots of symptoms including the normal head pain and various other fun things such as losing taste, sight, sometimes smell, and rarely I lose the ability to speak.
This is the first time I have collasped and seemed to have a seizure. My partner paniced and called an ambulance, so i was kept in for observation and a couple of tests.
I was told off for not sleeping or eating properly  LOL  And told to have a break from things like computers, TV etc.

I am slowly but surely getting back on to the computer, its annoying that it is hurting my eyes, and my hands aren't quite steady enough for me to feel comfortable doing colouring because i know it wouldn't be the best i can do!
I will make an attempt later today though.

W xx


If you need help lemme know <3 I don't want you doing something that's going to hurt you T_T

You sound a lot like my mother though :\ Chronic migraines. Two years ago she had a really severe migraine, she couldn't talk, lost all motor functions, seizure-like symptoms, all while I was on the phone with her while she was at work. The last thing I heard from her was "Leafy help me" and then nothing. Guess who panicked and drove like a bat out of hell to her office ^_^

I can't blame your partner for panicking and calling an ambulance :\ I'd have done the same thing. I remember being terrified when my mom did it to me T_T
