{Pecora} Welcome to the winterland! New contests in third post!

Started by toffeeca, June 15, 2010, 02:58:52 PM

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Ok, hopefully I can set up a photo contest maybe this weekend.

In the meantime anyone interested in a couple tie die cuties?



Too cute! Especially the male- very 4th of July!


So much cute! Those are amazing. I imagine those took a lot of time and work to make.


They were very fun to make. :) So how about the

first to post something tie dye wins the boy.



and I am guessing I won and I want to gift to CutieePiee please if I in fact did


And PM gets the little boy. Now first to post a strange fruit will get the girl.




Whooops! xD Hehe, dude, Goddesss, that thing /is/ trippy. xD;  Eeww. xD;


hehehehe yea I have no idea what it is though.  I just looked up strange fruit.  Lookslike a funky bell pepper to me though.

I would like to gift her to sera.  =)


Although you know there is a song out that is called "Strange Fruit"
it is not about fruit, it is actually a very disturbing song, so I was a bit confused to begin with when you posted to win her on why you wanted pictures like that posted here
I understood after Goddess posted


I was actually thinking of watermelons when I made her, and I know that there are square watermelons that are made, so thats where the strange fruit came from. :)


So can I get a name from sera for the girl? And from CutieePiee for the the boy?



You may need to PM Cutiee for a name, I want to make her look for it being gifted by who is possible, I try be in the open sneaky


and because I had to look them up and now cant help myself.


Ok, PMing Cutiee cuz PM is a sneak.

How about another quick game.

20 minutes to tell me why you deserve this girl

Ends at 18:28 Secundi time.


Those are some crazy melons goddesss!! =O (and what in the world is that first fruit you posted? XD)


And for the awesomeness of those melons, Goddesss wins this watermelon baby


I have no idea.  the website I took the picture from didnt say. =(


Oh my goodness. Thats an awesome baby.  Is it a forever baby?  Thank you=)


Because she is so darn cute  :o and i love how you design them. Also because this will be my first pet lol!  :D


the first fruit is not a fruit but a bell pepper
(I asked the produce guy that is my hubby)

and random fact. the reason they have grown the square watermelons is to cut down on packing ocsts.  it is a lot easier to pack and stack square watermelons then it is to pack round ones


I thought it looked like a bell pepper.  That was one of the reasons I gifted to sera.


That baby is so cute!! Omg you make the cutest little animals lol! :D


I am going to pass on this one and proxy for Xenon. Even though I am still after my first, I want her to get one more than I want one for myself. She's just an amazing person, a great artist and it's also her birthday today and she deserves gifts :D



Your hubby is quite the produce master XD (I thought it was a bell pepper...but....I couldn't be sure XD it wasn't very "bell" shaped 8D;;; )

Huh, I never though of it that way, it does make it more efficient to transport that way XD

Such cute little Pecora >w<~♥


It's 1.30 AM and I just finished coloring Pale for her XD
She deserves it <3

*now fills out custom form for these and then turns into bed*
I had a really amazing concert yesterday and barely slept so I'm tired :P


I don't really diserve the awesome girl, because I don't need her, but I'd love to say that Victoria is more diserving because she is new to secundi and doesn't really know her way around yet. She diserves a friend like that pecora to cuddle while she travels on this wonderful site. :)

Keilin Alyr

I just got back from grocery shopping to see she's still available, but just under the wire. She's also red, which is one of my favorite colors. I may not truly deserve her, but it's still like fate! =D

EDIT: Or I'd miss it because my 'net connection hiccuped. Silly things happen. =)

No longer has zombie eyeballs. May still have a craving for brains, as there's no intelligence or sanity left in hers. XD


My gifting custom entry for the lovely xenon:
Name: Pale
Owner: xenon
Gender: Male
Body color: ivory/white
Horn/hoof color: yellow and/or purple
Eye color: orange
Design/Markings: Yellow and purple stripes (see ref)
Reference pictures: http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa124/Gryphowizardgirl/Pale4.png

Still haven't decided what to get for myself so I'll do that tomorrow. It's really late so bedtime for me. Goodnight everyone!


@Keilin, well, she didn't say before 18:28, maybe you'll get lucky and it'll still pass >w>

Keilin Alyr

Maybe! I guess we'll see. =)

You should have seen my eyes bug out at the connection error screen though. I think I scared my roommate walking by. XD

No longer has zombie eyeballs. May still have a craving for brains, as there's no intelligence or sanity left in hers. XD


Quote from: Solistia on June 16, 2010, 06:26:08 PM
Your hubby is quite the produce master XD (I thought it was a bell pepper...but....I couldn't be sure XD it wasn't very "bell" shaped 8D;;; )
He is a produce manager at a grocery store, and has been working in that department for 11 years, he better know his stuff.


Quote from: Neocridders on June 16, 2010, 06:26:55 PM
I don't really diserve the awesome girl, because I don't need her, but I'd love to say that Victoria is more diserving because she is new to secundi and doesn't really know her way around yet. She diserves a friend like that pecora to cuddle while she travels on this wonderful site. :)
Aww thank you Neo!  :-*

Yeah to bad the Pecora was not real I would love to have her in real life!  Toffeeca are you able to ride these Pecora's?


@PM, I will never play Trivial Pursuit - Produce Edition with him then ;;>A>


Victoria wins that girl.

And since bugging eyes are never a good thing Keilin Alyr gets this girl

See, she's red too. :)

Names please?


And Goddesss, yes, you have the first forever baby. :)


Yay for Victoria! I'm glad you won your first pet!


Thank you!!! ;D I;m very happy I won my first cutie lol!


D'aww look at all the cuties!

.. Okay okay I'm gone now I promiss xD *pulls herself away from all the cuteness and into her bed* Sleeeeeeeep.


Congratz on the cuties guys.

Toff you want certing info PMed right?  Also I was going to send the certing info for my pick a tree boy but he was gone.  Did you need me to send his as well?


Yes, certing PMed please. I have all the pick a trees already done though. No need to PM those. I just need to upload them to the site. :)

Keilin Alyr

Aww, she's precious! Thank you, Toffee. And congrats to you too, Victoria. =D

My roommates wanted to take a walk after I was done putting groceries away, hence the delay in replying. I must also note that wearing slip-on shoes after a rain is never a good idea. My feet are wet. *wiggles toes* =)

No longer has zombie eyeballs. May still have a craving for brains, as there's no intelligence or sanity left in hers. XD


Custom for Kadana?

And pick ups for a bunch of people will be on the front page soon. :)