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Looking for Shader

Started by YourLoveOnly, October 20, 2009, 11:16:53 AM

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I am looking for someone to shade The Jaeman Prophecy's baby Ponee and Celestial Mirge and also someone to redo shading for an old adoptable of mine, Firdal Isle. This could be the same person, but I can also hire two different people.

Firdal Isle
An adoptable started by Jaina Eowyn on wajas, later moved to gaia. I started as a fan, then a colorist and finally a co-owner. I received person back in 2008 to run them on another site if I wanted to.

They were always great fun, but the shading isn't that great and has to be recolored everytime (it has a light and dark layer and you have to color those two in lighter and darker shades then the base color) and the eyes aren't recolorable at all.

I need someone to make a new template for all of them, with shading and recolorable eyes (so basically include eyes in the shading so I can color underneath them in a new layer).
There are 13 pieces, but if you don't want to do that many I am considering removing some so it's okay if you only do 8 pieces.

The eight pieces I will defenitely need done:

How the old eyes looked:

I would love something similair, but as a part of the template so it's recolorable. Right now I have to redraw them everytime and I'm really really can't make them look good, I always let Jaina do the eyes xD

The Jaeman Prophecy
I finally have the baby Ponee lineart inked, now it needs to be shaded.
I would like you to also shade the supersecret Celestial Mirge, I plan on reveiling it soon :D
I'll only PM you the Celestial Mirge lineart if I hire you and you need to keep it a secret!

Baby Ponee lineart:

Fullsized Adult Ponee (much smaller when certed):

Shading of the baby would need to match the adult Ponee, of course. :)

Interested? Then please reply with the following:
- Do you want to shade the Firdal Isle pieces, the Jaeman Prophecy pieces or both?
- What would you like as payment?
- Examples of your work?


I can shade, I could soft shade that little guy in a single day, but my inking is horrible. Mainly because Im mouse and gimp, no tablet :( so the lines are the same thickness throughout.


Still needed, I'd really love to start up the Ponee, maybe seperate from the Prophecy.


I would ink for you if I could do the type your looking for, they are really good. Wishes you luck in finding an inkest.

Skype: ellen.rae.tyson


*flushes back memeories*

OH MY LORD ylo i so had ponees at one point..they were god if i remember one of them was a palomino paint..possibly..i knew i had seen that baby sketch at some point!


Are you on gaia? That's the only place the sketch was ever shown, I think.
The Jaeman Prophecy was on PI for a very short while and a few Ponee were given out, but I'm pretty sure you didn't get one unless you went with another name than Tribe or Hunni.


do you want it to look eactly like the adult?


I want them to be the same style, but I think what makes the Ponee different is the mane and tail and the foal only has a teeny tiny mane so that makes it easier I guess?




im trying to upload it to photobucket but none of my accounts are letting me upload and i dont know why <.<



whatcha think? i know the mane is odd but its hard to tell what is part of hte shading on the adult and what is part of the lineart


=o That is adorable!
Could you maybe make the other lines a bit thinner so it blends in better?
Compared to the mane the other lines are pretty thick.

But I really really love how you did this O.o
(by the way, don't forget to say what you want as payment! ^^)


lol its the same thickness as the adult, i made the mane smaller so it looked more like hair. however i can make it smaller if you wish wont take to long :)

and i dont care lol all i know is one day i want a lovepair of Hope and Siruin


watcha think? thas with all the lines being the same as hte hair in the first one.


Do they require horns/wings? If so you would need to get Jaemo, because Ponee don't have any subspecies, they are just little earth ponies ;)

I shall make a note to PM you once I have lovepairs figured out.


yes sadly they would need horns and wings lol which is why im waiting till i get enough sg to be able to get them :-p so dont worry about payment lovey :)


Just saw the updated one, totally missed it. I think you misunderstood me :-[
They aren't supposed to be the same thickness as the hair. The original style was perfect, the lines of the body were just a bit too thick. There should defenitely be a difference, but not that much. Like on the adult, you can see the hair is thinner, but it's not extremely obvious.


ooooooo lol that makes a little more sense. do those lines look good though? except the hair?


Either the body lines have to be a bit thicker again or the hair should be thinner. But I actually love the hair from the very first try, so I'd prefer the body to be somewhere in between the two versions xD


No it was pi, they were customs if i remember right.

ANd i was..ive had so many names its not funny i took advantage of the name every 6 months thing XD but anywho i think there were two and i know one of them was a palomino.

I was just saying i rememberd them though..i dont expect them back or anything XD that was forever ago.


sorry school came upon me lol what do you think?


Perfect, thanks! :D
Sorry being so difficult before xD


lol no wories about it lovey. If you wan ti can send you the psd file.


Yes pretty please ^^
Just put it on and PM me the link =3
