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Car accident Pics added

Started by hiyoko, June 23, 2011, 07:40:41 PM

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I was in a car accident this morning, at eight o'clock. I was alone and I hit a tree, hard. I basically broke whatever holds my front left wheel to my car, probably broke the transmission and battery. I also cracked the windshield. It was a ford focus '06 with only 35k mileage. It was my first car and in my name. I'm soo sad right now, mostly because it may not be fixable. I got a burn/scrap from my side airbag on my upper left arm and a seatbelt burn on my neck. My body starts to hurt now that the adrenaline is going down. I called my fiancé and he arrived in like ten minutes (I was at least 20 to 30 mintues away). The fire truck and highway patrol came. I was so scared and upset with myself. I still want to cry.:( from my seat airbag from my seat belt


Hugs* the main thing is that your okay!


Oh wow Hiyoko! *hugesquishybutnotverytightsoIdon'thurtyouhugs*

The best thing is you're not hurt bad, just whiplash. When that tirerod goes, it's a very bad thing. I've been in a vehicle that did that once,we ended up almost flipping, but it rested at almost a 90degreee angle in the ditch we ended up in. Very scary things, crashes are Crying is ok. Best to get the shock of it out of your way now before it gets worse later


But you are ok! That's good! That's a scary thing, you're lucky to be here. Crying is fine, don't worry! Anyone would.
I'm so happy you're ok.
Oooohhh. Thanks for telling us this! I'm so sorry, and you're in my prayers.


 :'( I'm glad you're okay!


*comforts* At least you're okay.


Thanks everyone, I feel better. But I doubt Ill be great unless my car is fixed or I get a good amount from my insurance. My fiance looked my car up on the blue book thing online and my car is worth at least 9k.


make sure to produce any maintenance records as well as ads for cars that are same make model, year mileage (roughly) and features, to get the best amount out of it

I feel for you, I just got my final settlement for my car accident that was over 1 year ago, it was scary and yeah you feel no pain until you start to calm down.  Try keep moving slowly and make sure to take it easy, you will not feel very good tomorrow

I am glad you are ok, but the focus in my opinion is a safe car (that's what our old one was too)


Yeah, the focus was.:) im already looking at other cars, a few different types of focus. Their prices arent bad, especially if i get at least 8k or 9k (im hoping).

But i probably wont hear anything until tue or wed at the latest. but i havent heard from the body shop yet. i tried calling them 3 different times, but i kept getting a buzzing noise like a dial up sound. so ill have to try calling again tomorrow.


So glad you are ok.  Sending you happy healing thoughts.


Good to hear you are ok! Just take it easy and get over the shock!


Im at the clinic in my town. my head, stomach, back and chest hurt too much. plus a few pains else where.


*big hugs*  So glad you're not hurt worse, and so sorry to hear about your poor car!


yeah, but my parents were saying i had it for five years and it wasnt feeling right for awhile. but im still sad, because i paid for it myself.


My goodness, so glad to hear you're not too badly hurt! I hope your aches go away soon.


My car has been labeled totaled by the autobody place. the estimate was over 9k.


Oh ouch D= That looks super painful! And bummer on completely totaled. That's not good at all D=


Nope, but everyone is telling me i wouldnt want to drive it again.:( at least i have full coverage. so hopefully ill have another car soon.:)


Oh my goodness! The way that your car hit, you're so lucky you're ok (despite a few scratches, oh ouch! That looks painful)

You know, I'm so thankful you're ok. <3 <3


You are going to be black and blue, and very sore, but alive

sorry you lost your car though


Im actually doing great. Except for the arm cut, it still hurts a bit. i got the call from statfarm. They said my total comes a little more than 11, 300, (they told me the whole amount, but i forgot it.) but after the 500 deductible and something else im getting a little more than 10, 800. That is great.:D i thought they would only give me at most 9k.

Thanks for all the kind words everyone, i feel way better. granted my insurance went up quite a
