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Started by Gene Pool, February 01, 2010, 09:57:51 PM

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My kids are not named after pets.
The first is named after her great grandfather
and the other has a name from a video game

Quote5- Whos favorite color is pink?
guesses- PMX4, Ravv, SilvX2
I have two girls yes, but my favortie color is Blue


I should've known that actually, I remember your post in my LaD shop saying you used to hate pink xD But I kinda forgot >.< Because for the secret santa air~fish event pink was one of the colors listed.. Oh well. I still got 13 right ^^


Quote17- Some said occasionally- who were the only ones who said "yes" they wear makeup? (2 possible answers)
guesses- DunkelX2, Garney, PMX2, genepool, scullisto, BKCX3, sera
I actually never wear makeup except when I go out on a date (which is like never), I prefer the natural look of my face over makeup

Quote27- Who has had a phobia of dogs?
guesses- IvyX2, ScullistoX2, Splitty, PM
Love dogs, scared of horses

Quote29- Who plans on legally changing thier name?
guesses- PM,  Ivy, SplitX, red
This is kinda correct for me, as I already use my hubby's last name (unless I have to use my last name) but it is not quite mine yet

and just to end my letting people know more about me, my cat's names are Behl and Lily

ETA: yes used to hate pink, now I can tolerate it, but love blue, every shade of blue


PM, im the same, i never wear make up unless its a special occasion ^^

And I actually already legally changed my name, and not via my marriage :)

On the Tattoo note, I plan on another but im having to be careful what i want as this one will hopefully be on my wrist, though at some point, i would like to get one on my back to link the few i have there (one on my right shoulder and one on my lower back on the left)


My 5th tatto will be coming up here can be addicting, but after my gypsy vanner tattoo, I let the ink settle for a hurt and it was a long chair sitting.


I only have two tattoo's so far, one on my shoulder blade and one on my wrist.  I have to get the one on my shoulder blade fixed though, it was done with too thin of a needle so it has faded quickly


wow o.o interesting answers lol XD

Quote10- Who lives in Los Vegas?
guesses- red, Scullisto, sera  correct- Goddesss

sorry, stuck in stinky LA here D:

Quote11- Whos real initials match thier Secundi username initials?
guesses- red, Dunkel, BKCX2, Kadana  correct- PM

XD my initials are CD

Quote15- Who listed punk as one of thier favorite music types? (2 possible answers)
guesses- redX2, splittyX4, Ivy, Dunkel, Ryuu, YLO  correct- Scullisto and indigowulf

I'mma country girl at heart <3 (hence the live on a farm answer~)

Quote16- Whos favorite ice cream is Cherry Garcia?
guesses- SweetCaroline, Genepool, red  correct- Garney

'tis vanilla, plain and simple

Quote19- In the intersting tidbit portion, who answered, "I'm not interesting. Sorry"?
guesses-  GarneyX3, Silv, redX2 correct- SweetCaroline

ROFL so people think I'm not interesting? XD

Quote24- Whos favorite color is "Anything that's shiney"?
guesses- Scullisto, red, Goddesss, SplitX, Garney, Ryuu  correct- Silv

purple, pink, white are my favs. :) the colors of my persona

Quote28- Who owns Peaches the cat?
guesses-  Ryuu, RavvX2, IvyX2, red, PM correct- Dunkel

I have BuBu the kitty :D he's my only the Cattery kittie too lol

Quote29- Who plans on legally changing thier name?
guesses- PM,  Ivy, SplitX, red correct- YLO

I only hate my middle name, not my first :)


"15- Who listed punk as one of thier favorite music types? (2 possible answers)"

AWESOME that people guessed this. It's true, but I didn't think to put that down. <3 Techno is my top faaaave. <3

Anything that's shiny? Very true, as well. >_>;


Quote from: Gene Pool on February 08, 2010, 12:54:42 AM

1- Who owns a cat name Silky? (2 possible answers)
guesses- YLO, Goddesss, Ryuu  correct- Kadana and SweetCaroline

My kitty is Kohaku, and the new girl has become Mango. (Which is a coworker's hilarious attempt at saying manga.) XD

Quote from: Gene Pool on February 08, 2010, 12:54:42 AM

4- Who owns a cat named Kohaku?
guesses- PM, Ivy, scullisto   correct- Ryuu

Ha, no one guessed! I spend so much time talking about him too. XD;; I guess not on Secundi.

Quote from: Gene Pool on February 08, 2010, 12:54:42 AM

15- Who listed punk as one of thier favorite music types? (2 possible answers)
guesses- redX2, splittyX4, Ivy, Dunkel, Ryuu, YLO  correct- Scullisto and indigowulf

Bleh. Nope, country for me, through and through!

Quote from: Gene Pool on February 08, 2010, 12:54:42 AM

18- Who said "I want to live on a farm"?
guesses- SweetCaroline, Ryuu, Kadana, Ravv, SplitX  correct- red

I would want to live on a farm if I wasn't aware of how much work it is. XD

Quote from: Gene Pool on February 08, 2010, 12:54:42 AM

22- Who owns over 200 Japanese anime movies?
guesses- YLO, Kadana, DunkelX2  correct- Ryuu

Heh heh. And that's just the dvd's. I also own over 100 manga.

Quote from: Gene Pool on February 08, 2010, 12:54:42 AM
24- Whos favorite color is "Anything that's shiney"?
guesses- Scullisto, red, Goddesss, SplitX, Garney, Ryuu  correct- Silv

Whoever guessed that knows me pretty well. XD My friends have all nicknamed me "Shiny" because I get distracted by random pretty things and wander off away from the group when we're hanging out.

Quote from: Gene Pool on February 08, 2010, 12:54:42 AM

32- Who snuck outside at age 13 to strip naked and pee in a neighbors pool?
guesses- Silv, Dunkel, Goddesss, Ryuu, SweetCaroline  correct- kadana

WHY would someone think I would do this!?!? XD


@Ryuu: only wrong guesses were listed among guesses, then the correct answer was put next to it. Otherwise no one would've had a question right. I actually did know your cat's name so I got that one right :D


Oh! Haha. I missed her saying that, I see it now. ^^;;

You are good at knowing people, YLO! :D


Hey red, people weren't saying you were boring lol. Look, Garney got 3 guesses on that one. Someone explained it as "that seems like a (smartypants) thing to say, and Garney is a (smartypants)" ok I put in my own word there but you get the idea :)


XD HAHAHA *wonders what Garney would put there instead of 'smartypants'...*



I know your cat's name too Ryuu, I got that one right


Quote from: indigowulf on February 08, 2010, 01:14:07 PM
Hey red, people weren't saying you were boring lol. Look, Garney got 3 guesses on that one. Someone explained it as "that seems like a (smartypants) thing to say, and Garney is a (smartypants)" ok I put in my own word there but you get the idea :)
So someone thinks I'm a Smartypants? lol


Quote from: Gene Pool on February 08, 2010, 12:54:42 AM

22- Who owns over 200 Japanese anime movies?
guesses- YLO, Kadana, DunkelX2  correct- Ryuu

Heh heh. And that's just the dvd's. I also own over 100 manga.

The sad thing is that one might be true.>< I don't count my Dvds. I know I have 235 Mangas.


@PM, Video game names are WIN! x3  If we have another boy, i want to name him Sephiroth, but i think i'll have to fight his dad about it. xD;;;

Someday i should count my manga and anime. xD;;;;  As is, i need to downsize my books. T__T;;;


Quote from: Gene Pool on February 08, 2010, 12:54:42 AM7- Who has 6 tattoos?
guesses- Dunkel, Splitty, Ravv, Garney, Scullisto  correct- BKC

Yes, except for the crippling fear of needles that has kept me from even getting my ears pierced, that is totally me ;) XD


XD Ravv im the same way with needles but i find when it comes to having being stuck by a needle in the hospital and a needle that was piercings my whatever i was getting pierced at that time (ive had various face.ears & belly button piercings) it wasnt nearly as bad when you wanting to have it done and you have a awesome result afterwards. I also have two tattoos and cant wait to get more :D (though i must say after my stupid teen phase i have a end results of no piercings other then my ear lobes)

Kadana Sorano

OK if I understand this right i get to pick an egg form the donated eggs folder?  If so, I'd like to have #170 please.  I figure, you can never go wrong with grey (white?) and black.  And I appologize for not choosing sooner.  I'd planned to borrow moms comp to view the eggs today, but ended up in bed with a migraine all day.. and now she's back in bed so.. well, atleast this monitor doesn't screw black and white shades up like it does other colors lol

there's a story behind the pool incident.  Those particular neighbors were really pains in the rear, and didn't treat the kids on our street so well.  Their kids would invite friends over, to play in the pool and cool off, and the parents would flip.  Wouldn't let anyone in, claimed we'd pee in it  it's not like it was a huge underground pool, this was one of those ones you buy at walmart and set up on top your lawn.  And it's not even like I personally wanted in the pool over much, having a fear of water and all.. but I couldn't stand them and their constant holier then thou attitude.  One of the kids on the street was really over heated, and wanted to just stand next to the pool and run his hands through the water, try and cool off.  They wouldn't even allow him to do that.

Well, their initial excuse was a worry of pee in the water, so it seemed like a suitable method of revenge at the time.  I almost didn't go through with it, I sat beside the pool for I don't know how long, unable to force myself in, and too stubborn to leave.  Finally, when crawling back out of the pool, I glanced up at the house.. saw the man looking out at me.  Knowing he knew what I'd just done, somehow made it all worth the effort of forcing myself in.

yes yes, Kadana isa wierdo -.-
Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 



:O all the science eggus are so shiny!

I like 142, and 169, and 130, and 139, and 235 xD



Here we go, I've got my boy colored. Thank you again for making room for me. ^_^

Name: Auren
Owner: Ryuukokoro
Primary body color: 74C6EC (sky blue)
Primary fin color: 140857 (dark blue)
Primary eye color: DE546E (pinkish)



Gene Pool

This is DizzyFishClick DizzyFish for website!



My Valentine Card to you <3
Sorry that one stanza is not matching the next one. Just think of them as two separate poems.


Is it sad that I want to enter for my own donated egg? XD

Gene Pool

Solistia, you are allowed to enter for your own eggs :)

aww Neo, I love it!
This is DizzyFishClick DizzyFish for website!


By the way, you might like a little something in a previous chopstick thread you entered... someone is waitingfor you.



*hopes these apply, since they are chicken eggs excluding any warp sense of humor* xD;


i'm afraid i don't understand the pick-a-number contest. . . ^^;  Is it going on right now?  Or are we waiting for it to be 'opened'?

*preps her other contest entries*

Also, 35k on the auction egg. ^^

Gene Pool

Yes those work lol.

There are other contests on the front page in the first couple posts. All contests are open!

for pick a number, just post a number between 1-50 to try to guess my number. if nobody gets it 10 minutes after your first guess, you may post another number. NO editing, if your number was already picked you can guess again, as long as it was within 2 minutes of your posted guess (so you actually have to look!)
This is DizzyFishClick DizzyFish for website!



Oh, okay! Then sera chooses: 12!

And V-day Card:

And Egg:

Yay, feeshes! x3 



Kadana Sorano

Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 



Gene Pool

Nobody has guessed it yet. Keep guessing every 10 minutes til I announce winning number has been guessed :)
This is DizzyFishClick DizzyFish for website!


Caviar...romantic, egg and feeesh flavored.




Gene Pool

2, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 21, 27, 42 (did I miss any?)
none of those are my number!
This is DizzyFishClick DizzyFish for website!