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Started by Gene Pool, February 01, 2010, 09:57:51 PM

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(wooooow, lots of aquarium items XD)

Hey indigo can I put a suggestion in the ideas box? owo
I think it'd be nice if all the fishies' numbers were added to their keywords...that way they can be searched even after they're named :3 (I like to keep track of where my fishies' offspring go...but it's hard after they're named XD)
Perhaps even a parent### x parent### to see where they've come from, so if people are crazy like me, they can keep track of geneology? XD

Gene Pool

5 basic wallpapers to choose from now. check the --aquarium folder :)

Solistia- I can do that. It will take me probly 2 days. Are people ok with things getting put on hold for 2 days while I do this?

Ill do Jelly breedings that have been posted first, then just do this. There would be no naming or trading during this time. People let me know if you want me to do this.
This is DizzyFishClick DizzyFish for website!


oh wow =D it'd be awesome if you could X3
I'm certainly all for it XD I dunno about other people though OTL (fortunately almost all the eggs are homed/almost homed and grown? :3)


Kadana Sorano

well, you allready know my opinion on it lol  it would certainly help.  But.. I'll prolly still want my fishes named with their id numbers in their names.
Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 


Gene Pool

ok, gonna be busy as snot the next few days then.

ack! I just realized- the first few spawnings, I didnt write down my ID's and those were deleted with the thread! So, some babies have unknown parents!

Anything between 101 and 152 have missing parent ID's
This is DizzyFishClick DizzyFish for website!


I believe my Rebel's parents are Sludge and ravv's brown starter feeshie :) and her 2 brown feesh were the other 2 from that spawning (I think.....)


I have nine of those XD
137-139  were Roshan x Sola
140-142 were Roshan x 005
143-145 were Roshan x Juaxi

Painted Unicorns

104, 105 and 106 were Lectral's Sushi x PonyMama's 009 - I set up that breeding

From when I was comparing genes, I also have written down that 107, 108 & 109 were from 12 x Ty-Ku
Silvanon - Creator/Owner
PonyMama - Manager, Colourist - Posts in blue
Bunraku - Colourist - Posts in green
Skysong - Colourist - Posts in Purple
Winged - Colourist - Posts in Orange
sunchaser - Colourist - Posts in Teal


the first breeding results on the first page on the take 2 thread shows ids 113 and 114, so I think you're only missing those after :)

Gene Pool

red, Im missing the post saying who the parents were :(

got everything from 134 on.

This is DizzyFishClick DizzyFish for website!


Kadana Sorano

am pretty sure #111's momma fish is Allure-004 .. as she is the only fishy i had to breed at the time.  Can't remember who I borrowed form to breed her with though.. someone purple I;m guessing? lol  or well, not green atleast..shall have to ask families tomorrow and see
Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 



113-115 are 024 x 022
116-118 are Quincey x 008
119-121 are 034 x 010(Miss Feesh)
122-124 are Toxic Waste x 003(Radiant)
125-127 are 013 x 056
128-130 are 024 x 022

Those are the ones I could get from the spawning thread

EDIT: oh, looks like you got all that already, since you edited your post XD

Gene Pool

thanks solistia :) you were faster then me
down to 2 breedings missing parents.

110-112 (allure x ?)
This is DizzyFishClick DizzyFish for website!


yeah realized that in the shower D:

though I'm pretty sure 101-103 is Sludge x Fosca

Gene Pool

yay! down to 1/2 a breeding missing. Now I have no excuses *glares*
This is DizzyFishClick DizzyFish for website!


110 was a donated eggu from Kadana and SweetCaroline, though that doesn't help a lot cause Kadana has a boatload of feesh lol

Gene Pool

She didnt when the breeding took place. So, odds are really good it was 004 X SweetCarolines starter. will wait for her to verify.

Actually, Im glad you guys wanted me to do this now. It will be one less thing I need to figure out if/when we get to make gene pool into an agency!
This is DizzyFishClick DizzyFish for website!


Gene Pool

Ugh. Silv found some I miscolored. That's what I get for trying to get the last ... 36 eggs done at once.

I think Im going to do something that is found in nature with mutations. Randomness. If you find something i miscolored, It's your choice ask me to fix it (recolor it) or to edit the genetic code to match the colors.

Now, this has to be an actual oops, not a "this purple looks more red then blue on my moniter, make the code say red" lol.
This is DizzyFishClick DizzyFish for website!


110-112 (allure x Quincey)

That was his first breeding. He also bred with 008 & 1 other fish.



my 118 has a missing number in her genetic code ^^'



high bid on auction: red_uni with 150k

ill get that fixed red!


doing albums alphabeticly.

current progress: spixy's school



and done.. and *gasp* found a donated science egg that never made it to the science folder! which means I need to recalculate its genetics ugh!
(see 244 in eggs folder)


one night, and you thought it'd take you two days XD
I am in shock and awe 8D (and yay for finding a missing egg? XD)
/snuggleluffs and fans with a palm leaf



Ok, you have 24 hours from now to nominate a friend you think deserves this last poor lost egg! (04:36:00 feb 18th) winner will be randomly drawn from entrants.





I nominate indigowulf for the sheer amount of awesomeness and hard work done here on Secundi



Kadana Sorano

Quote from: Gene Pool on February 16, 2010, 11:28:08 PM
Ugh. Silv found some I miscolored. That's what I get for trying to get the last ... 36 eggs done at once.

I think Im going to do something that is found in nature with mutations. Randomness. If you find something i miscolored, It's your choice ask me to fix it (recolor it) or to edit the genetic code to match the colors.

Now, this has to be an actual oops, not a "this purple looks more red then blue on my moniter, make the code say red" lol.

I have no clue what, if any, of mine aren't done properly, don;t know how to check, and colors on this comp suck so it would be difficult anyway rofl  So any of mine that are "off" are welcome to stay that way, as I don;t know how much, if any, I will bother with genetics anyway.  I bred for "pretty" this time round, and had awesome results, I see no reason I should change *snugs* also, I love my fishes, and not sure I'd want them "fixed" lol
Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 


Kadana Sorano

I has too many friends on here *frets and chews hair trying to decide who to nominate*

I know!  I make a list, stuff it through and see who "wins" lol
Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 



Kadana Sorano

I nominate Lectral

Wait.. she's just been nominated lol  next down then!

I nominate BabyKittenCandy
Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 




I request fish 190 to be traded to Solistia.
I'm getting a custom Lumi in return ^^

Gene Pool

Looks like red wins the auction with 150K. I cant find any higher bids. Dispute now or forever hold your peace!

and 190 is moved.
This is DizzyFishClick DizzyFish for website!




I shall name my 'returned' #190 Linwood Fawn ^^ (Nina is happy to have one of her boys back X3)

Gene Pool

red, the auction eggy is on your page, but I cant hatch it til Im home from fean77's, so you have to wonder.. mwuhuhahaha!

solistia, yours is named :)
This is DizzyFishClick DizzyFish for website!


lol that's fine, I'm working so focusing too hard to wonder XD