Little Apple Heart Kingdom - Clover Dragons - CYO - CLOSED for now

Started by Poupou, February 06, 2010, 09:23:06 AM

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Thanks ^^

And yes, I'm the same way. I am currently trying my best to get customs done so I can put up a valentine event. I could do both at once, but I just don't want to do that. *runs off to PM Solistia about coloring a clover dragon for her*



Oooohh I love the design on their faces! It's lovely!  :o


Goddess's CYO are ready to be picked-up.  I think you forgot to send SG, hun. :)


You know I did sorry checking how much and then sending.  Thank you


*runs to thread extremely excited*

Lookatminelookatmine!! O.o :D

Colored by Solistia <3

Name: Lookky
Gender: Male

Name: Nona
Gender: Female



Wow they're insanely cute!!! I love Nona!!! :O

I'll get them certed a bit latler, right now we're late for school and I shouldn't be here at all! :O
((I took a couple of minutes to reply to this while the kids are!))

And we're truly only 10 minutes late on the schedule, so it's not like we're not going to make it in time. >.>


Nona & Lookky are adopties representing me and my boyfriend ^^
I'm hoarding them xD

I defenitely adore them, I wanna steal Solistia and make her my personal adoptie slave xD

*chases Poupou off computer* .. Not that I'm never here when I'm not supposed to be.


Weeeeee! *runs around thread*

.. K, back to my potions now xD