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My ban and discussion: title changed now i have calmed down

Started by Keeper, February 11, 2010, 11:25:48 AM

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Ok first of all i would like to say thankyou to those who have kept this thread on a nice level of diplomacy. I did not want to start an argument and i am happy to see most people are stating thier point without being mean or overly rude.

The reason why i was so upset about the ban was mainly due to the fact that the word was put into the explanation on the side of my page. yes Karasu was the mod dealing with the suport ticket i opened and she dealt with it fairly and i was thankfull of her help in every way. I told her in many pm's that i was thankfull for her help. I was upset but i think i was polite to her in every pm and just wanted to state my case.
Regarding getting the word removed from the side of my page i actually contacted veez straight away about it and it has been done.
Karasu also came up with this solution later on and i thanked her for going to veez and asking aswell. I did not tell Karasu in any way that i had gone to veez about this matter because i believe that she did everything to the best of her ability and i did not want her to think i was undermining her ability to mod.

The word in question was not mainly the issue. Yes the fact that it was plastered in my face on the side of the page was the main issue, my point was that if it was a child and they had done it to them then they would have had swearwords on thier page for a week everytime they log in. But this has been sorted and the issue is no longer there.
Yes it would have been nice to have had it explained to me rather than just a ban but hey PI is a large place and sometimes they forget that people need one on one now and again.

I would like this conversation to rather end on a happy note now as its all sorted, thankyou for all of your support and kind words.
I will be leaving PI Within the next month or so but i have no hard feelings against them.

edit: the only reason i am namin Karasu now is she introduced herself or i would not have said her name. please read the posts by soup, she has said who she is so this is not a personal name drop. xx


Keeper, I would have been perfectly happy for you to include my name - even if I had not posted here.

I am happy we were able to come to a resolution for you in terms of the word in the ban reason, and I will agree that you have been nothing but polite to me through our PM's as well :)



I am happy to hear the word was removed, as I found that to be, well backwards.  So I am happy with the outcome.  Sorry still about the ban but at least the part that bugged you is dealt with


If you dont mind keeper, now that its be settled and you dont mind saying it yourself..what was the word in question?


Shall PM my reply to Soup/Karasu in the interest of a happy thread.  ;)  Very glad to hear the word got removed!


pm'ed the word to you since not sure what words are allowed here or not yet.


That words not something i would use personally as i kind of find it one of the more offensive ones..i like erm ticked off more so XD

Wolfs Fang

Sorry guys.  :-[ I don't know what I was thinking when I posted that- I just got reallyreally angry and lost it there for a moment. Imma jerk. ;_; Glad that everything worked out and the word got removed.

I'm sorry...




Wolf its the appology that counts so well done for coming back to say that xxx <3


I'm happy things were resolved ;)
I hope my words did not come off as attacks on the mods. Without Mods there would be no PI, an I respect and apprichiate them. It is just that it takes a long while for me to get used to the new mods.

;) So I'm sorry. That is not in fact the reason I left PI. And I didn't really 'leave' PI. I still am there, I just decided that well needed PI vacation was needed.
I hope I did not hurt anyone's feelings.
:( That was not what I intended.


sometimes its just good to get things of our chest, it clams us down and makes us feel heard.
Im just glad everyone got thier say. xxx