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Little Apple Heart Kingdom - Clover Dragons Breeding Season

Started by Poupou, March 20, 2010, 02:19:09 AM

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I can't use Fuzzy Berries to pass on a chibi caretaker familair, can I? (just a random one on the standard lineart of course, no edits xD) They don't have mutations to pass on :P

I'll go with package A for now and if you say I can pass on a chibi caretaker familair as mutation I'll go with package B instead <3

And by the way, there are two Nona's in my owner folder now xD One with and without JennyLee ;)

Adoption Form for parents using package A

My Clover Dragons Lookky & Nona wish to adopt an eggu. 
For this, they are buying the package A and have sent the fees to your account.

Here is the happy couple.


Sorry, the familiars aren't passed down. XD

But it's a good thing to ask though, I just haven't added them in the adopting process.
Maybe in the future though, it's something to consider. *thinks*

Edit : Oh and YLO - They don't require breeding items as long as you are using the basic package (A).  If you want to use fuzzy berries though, that's when you have to buy the package.  So this adoption won't cost you anything, it comes with the lovepair status for your Clover Dragons. :)


All adoptions are done!  Will open more slots right away and fill them with those who posted their forms and sent payment. :)


Package C

This Clover Dragon is alone, and is using the Candy Cane to bribe the Elders into letting it adopting an eggu.

I own no Clover Dragons <3 <3 Sending money now.


I, hiyoko, is letting red_uni use my Clover Dragon Aiko.



Okay I just need to work on Neo's request and I'll be done with this set of slots.
I will open 5 more, and these will probably be the last ones for this breeding season.

If you have already claimed 2 slots or more, I will ask that you don't claim these slots to give a chance to anyone who would like to adopt this season.

This may change if no one claims the slots and you are still interested in adopting.

Also - The eggus will hatch in another thread in approximately 1-2 weeks from the time I post the last eggu.

At that moment, you will be required to name your Clover Dragon, BUT I will give you all the chance to trade them (the babies only, not other Clover Dragons) with other people.  More information will be available on this when I open the Naming/Trading thread. :)


Adoption Form for parents using package A

My Clover Dragon (Trophy) & hiyoko's (Aiko) wish to adopt an eggu. 
For this, they are buying the package A and have sent the fees to your account.

Here is the happy couple.


Adoption Form for parents using package A

My Clover Dragons Golden Sky & Kooni wish to adopt an eggu. 
For this, they are buying the package A and have sent the fees to your account.

Here is the happy couple.

My two from PI have always been guys to me. ^_^


Oooh shiny eggu =3

My love pair slot doesn't count, right?
So I can claim one more slot :)

I chose Quirine over Olympe, because I'm hoping all of her colors will give me a more surprising baby than Olympe could give me. Usually you can make sure that happens by using two parents, but yea.. No more males xD

Adoption Form for parent using package C

My Clover Dragon Quirine wish to adopt an eggu.  
For this, it is buying the package C and have sent the fees to your account.

This Clover Dragon is alone, and is using the Candy Cane to bribe the Elders into letting it adopting an eggu.

Here is the happy parent.



YLO - I see no payment in my account from you, just thought I'd let you know. :3

*goes to work on eggus*


That's weird, I did send it. So either secundi is lagging or I send it to the wrong person.. I'll go fix it now xD

Oooh, question! If I was to buy package D, would that enable me to pick a mutation of my choice? Like the wild parent would have one? If not, I don't understand how package D works xD Well, I get it if you have a single parent with mutation. But if you're a non owner, how would you use package D? xD


Quote from: YourLoveOnly on March 21, 2010, 01:10:39 PM
That's weird, I did send it. So either secundi is lagging or I send it to the wrong person.. I'll go fix it now xD

Oooh, question! If I was to buy package D, would that enable me to pick a mutation of my choice? Like the wild parent would have one? If not, I don't understand how package D works xD Well, I get it if you have a single parent with mutation. But if you're a non owner, how would you use package D? xD

Er.... that's something I didn't think about actually. xD  Good question, lol!

Well, usually when someone uses a wild parent, I make it that it has the angel mutation, which is the basic mutation.  If you want your baby to have a guaranteed mutation (ex : Pixie) then the parent your own has to have the mutation.  Or else you get 50% chances between angel and pixie.  That's why you use the fuzzy berries in this case.

When both parents are wild, they only have the angel mutation, so they can't really use the package D and have to go with the package C instead. (Or B, I'm not sure - but the one that only has the Candy Cane in it, not the fuzzy berries.) 

Hope that helps? :)



That was still something worth to bring up!  I think I will add it to my 'What you need to know about...' section. ^.^


All eggus are done up to this point. 2 adoption slots left. :)





Thank you very much for both my eggus, Pou! ^_^ *saves the images for the future*


Adoption Form for parents using package B

My Clover Dragon (Akihito) & (Akemi) wish to adopt an eggu.  
For this, they are buying the package A and have sent the fees to your account.

It requests the following mutation for it's baby: Devil/demon

Here is the happy couple.


hiyoko's eggu is one. <3

Only one slot left! I'll give it another day and if no one claims the last slot (the restrictions still apply) then I will close this breeding season and move to something else while we wait for these babies to hatch!  x3



And... time's up!  Breeding season is now officially closed.

It was a real fun!  :D

Watch for the growing/naming thread soon! (In about a week or so!)

Thanks guys! <3