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Utterly distasteful

Started by PonyMama, May 23, 2010, 09:51:16 PM

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So I was pointed to an article over facebook that had been posted in Better Homes and Gardens.  it is about taking children out to eat in a restaraunt.

One fo the suggestions states that nursing moms should take it to the restroom.
Stating: most upscale restaurants have really nice restrooms!

Ummmmm, Ewwwwwww, people still poop in there.

So if you have facebook and maybe wanna read this and maybe show that you think this is a rude insensitive thing to state please do so

The boycott page:
The Better Homes and Gardens Page:


To be fair, some people find it distasteful to see someone breastfeeding their baby in public, too.  (I'm not one of them, personally, just saying.)

But some places do have VERY nice restrooms (one mall not far from me has a little alcove with a couch and a couple of chairs, and a door that separates it from the toilet stalls in addition to the one you enter from the public area).  It had never actually occurred to me until you posted this that such areas might have been designed with nursing mothers in mind.  I would assume that that was the type of restroom referred to in the article.

Seriously, though, I don't understand why people are bothered by breastfeeding in public.  How do they think babies got fed before baby bottles were invented?


yes but couch or no couch fecal matter sprays up to 20 feet from a toilet when flushed, would you like to take your meal in the bathroom if someone didn't like the way you ate? Even a "nice" one?
Babies are little but they are people too.

The article not only goes after nursing moms. It was extremely rude throughout in my opinion, it just got my BF mom thing going, as I do nurse my public.  Never had a problem, I am more offended by the teenagers who have to talk about the night they puked all over the place in a restraunt as loudly as they can.


Wow, you're right, that article is way over the top.  Yes, large strollers can be problems (I ride public transportation to work, and the policy of folding strollers is very seldom observed nowadays) but, if they have children in them, at least those children are not out causing havoc all over the restaurant or wherever else their parents/caretakers happen to be in public.

While some of those "commandments" should be common sense to anyone who has ever raised small children, like the one about kids and multi-course meals, the tone and phrasing of the article are definitely WAY over the top for my taste.


yes, the boycott and frustration is wanting a retraction, however the breastfeedign population is very vocal about this.

The writer was very over the top indeed.
Yeah I don't like kids who throw food either, or ones who scream, but sometimes kids will do it no matter what parents do


*peeks in* Well, i wouldn't breastfeed in the bathroom, but i'm also super uncomfortable with breastfeeding in public.  ^^;;;;;  i will feed Spawn out in the car if we're stuck somewhere without an actual nursing room. 

*Fluffs*  ^^;  i also admit that i have not read the article simply because it's obviously very upsetting and i've already been wwaaayy too worked up this weekend. ^^;;  lol


but again personal choice.  You choose to feed yoru baby where you want to feed, not in a ladies room.

I am an avid nurser and woudl love to maybe be a lactaction consultant, as a volunteer or something with the Le Leche League, so I am pretty good with nursing in public, I nurse in my other daughter's elementry, in the staff room.  I nurse in the wildlife park, and in restraunts, but that is me.  If I am wearing something that might show more belly then I liek I go tot he car, but other then that I am discreet.

yes very upsetting article in a way that is if you haev a child why not just stay at home, you disturb others, Kind of way


yeah really, that's the part that got my goat as much as anything.  If having a child means you can't take them out in public, then how are they going to learn how to behave in places like nice restaurants once they grow up themselves?

(BTW, I joined the boycott group on FB and will be passing the link on to several friends of mine who have young children themselves.)


Thanks springacres.

I am hoping BHG looks at this and think "whoops"


Ok I havent read the article yet because I have to run to the pharmacy, but I wanted to comment and will most likely comment again after I get back and read the article.  I have a baby 5 days younger then PM's sweety.  I breastfeed her and never even thought of feeding her in a bathroom.  I know one time I ran out and forgot a blanket and the thought of going to the bathroom never crossed my mind.  I just went to the car.  I have feed her in a library, while walking around walmart doing my grocery shopping, in restaurants, in gas stations while traveling.  you know what in the library a woman sat down and feed her baby right next to me. 

The major thing I see with all this breastfeeding in public stuff is that alot of people now see breastfeeding as bad.  I have heard so many dumb people say that it is too sexual to breastfeed.  I can guarantee you those people have never tried it.  Back to my point though breastfeeding mothers have become the minority and it is soooo much better for the baby.  I think that this mind set is alot of the reason too. 

Personally I wish I could have breastfeed Sammy longer but I made the mistake of giving her some bottles when we moved from FL to NV and were in the car for 2 days.  She didnt go back very easily so I stopped and went back on my meds I was putting off to feed her.


even being out of Breastfeeding for so long you could go back, if baby wanted to (which it sounds like she is like my first daughter and it is bottle or breast and she feels she likes bottle more).  Heck women who adopt babies can breastfeed.  I know my hubby and I have thought about adopting, and if that were the case if that child was under 1 or close to 1 I woudl nurse, the bond you create is unrepeatable.

I had nursed ONCE in a restroom with my first then the waiter that was working asked why I didnt' just nurse at the table and be comforatble, it was then I realized I coudl do that.  And guess what, he was a male!


I think I probably could go back to it.  I notice I am still making mile and it has been at least 3 months.


if it is something you think she might be able to go back to, try, it might only be a nap time and bed time thing but the milk knows what to do.
Kairi eats food, and lots of it, and even drinks juice from a bottle, but after every meal and when she is sleepy or just needing cuddles mommy is all she will take


You could always buy a breast pump and bottle your own milk, too.  That way, she's still getting it from the bottle but it's probably healthier for her.  I know my mom occasionally did that when my sister was really little; mostly it was if she and Dad wanted to go out to eat without having to worry about watching us (I was 6 when my sister was born).  She'd pump her milk into bottles and leave those in the fridge for when they were needed.


hehehe yea I tried pumping when she was younger.  Would take me 2 days to make one bottle.

I will try that PM.  Right this minute I cant though because I went to the ER last night and I am on a steriod now.  I would also have to stop taking my daily meds again.  I am not sure if the milk is just sitting in there and the meds I have been taking are being stored in it also or how that works. 


can someone link me the article.  I am having a hard time finding it.

ETA: Nevermind found it


Goddesss, ask your doctor if the meds will affect your milk and how, if it does.  i know that a lot of times the doc says to keep on breastfeeding.  ^^ 

i had a lot of trouble getting Spawn to latch and a lot of trouble with pumping.  Wot ended up helping me out was to spend a day or two a week where i would pump every two hours and we'd give him a bottle (first of milk and then of formula).  Now my milk is in a lot better than before, though he eats so much that every meal we supplement with a formula.  Hope that helps and i hope you feel better. : /


I know some of these meds are a definite no no. 

I think it is so cute you call your baby Spawn.

Thank you.  I may put up a post about what is wrong with me and see if anyone knows anything.


Wow. I never knew that was an issue to be honest (I don't have a baby myself). You don't really see any mothers here in Denmark (very rare anyway) that breastfeed in public and I guess I've always been raised to see things such as breastfeeding as 'private' and I'll probably (when time comes) retreat to the bathroom or something else if I were to breastfeed when out. I think it's a matter of personal feelings - I personally 'generally' don't mind moms to breastfeed in public, but I'm a little unsure about resturants and eating. I see that you don't really have any buisness 'looking' at other people's tables, but I guess it's just such a 'taboo' here that I'd really consider it odd and look a couple of times before thinking 'well ok'.

Just thought I'd share :P


but Spixy would you eat in the restroom?  why would you feed yor baby there?
But it may be culture, maybe you have nursing rooms in denmark, I am not too sure, but here it is illegal to make someone retreat to the bathroom to eat.

Oh and Better Homes and Gardens have been cleaing up the little mess and even published a new version, that is more child friendly


just my two cents, if your going to feed a baby by breast feeding i truly would rather not see your breast where im eating. i agree a restroom is wrong but perhaps feed at home not at a resturant?


I know my persoanlly, I have had more then one person come right up to me and talk to me and even stroke my daughter's head, and I have to tell them I am nursing.  In restraunts most people don't notice either as I am very discreet.  I find covering yourself with a blanket more noticalbe, and when you nurse a child you nurse on demand, and just becasue you feed before you go out doesn't mean your child won't want to eat again while you are out.  You try and nurse while you eat to teach baby proper times to eat, or they do things like sleep at dinner time and wanna eat all night long.

I agree flopping your boob out in public is not the best way to do it, but there are ways to attach baby without boob even being exposed.  I have seen way more form some fo the low cut tops nowadays that waitresses can get away with wearing.


if you are discreet and we cant see it i have no problem. I just dont like seeing it but agian thats just me one reason why i dont plan on breast feeding. Not that there is somthign wrong with it just its something i personally cant do and those that can more power to ya.