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The Luminaria: Raffle Results page 9! Check & Claim prizes!

Started by YourLoveOnly, July 28, 2010, 12:48:54 PM

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Welcome to Luminaria, a place where moonlight gathers and magical creatures live.
We know we have disappeared for a while, but we are back now with the intention to stay!
Will you travel with us to the Luminaria and take a pet home with you?

owned by Solistia - managed by PonyMama and YourLoveOnly - all artwork by Solistia


The Lumi are born of collected moonlight inside the Luminaria. They are about the size of a large rabbit, and can float through the air at will, using magic. When they're young, it's hard to tell males form females, but once they're older, you'll notice that Males are larger, have longer ears, and smaller manes than the Females. They are docile creatures that enjoy the company of others, and are quite willing to leave the Luminaria to go home with you!
Once they are taken from the Luminaria, new Lumi are born from eggs created by two Lumi (normally the Moonlight incubates their spirit, but outside the Luminaria, they must stay in a protective shell until they fully form). For this reason, all first generation Lumi do not have an egg stage, eggs are unique to Lumi that are bred.
As Lumi are born from collected spirit, any gender may breed with each other, though those of the same gender often require a special magic to help the process along.

(the adult lineart is now male only, the female is currently being worked on)
Information about the Sumini:
Like the Lumi, Sumini are also born from collected moonlight, but unlike the Lumi, it's hard to tell the males from the females, since there are no physical differences between them. Even smaller than the Lumi, the Sumini are the little pranksters of the Luminaria (but don't worry, they can be trained!). Sumini are born with their tail already full-sized, which they use to hide among the multi-colored clover fields of the Luminaria when they're younger.
Also like the Lumi, when Sumini breed outside the Luminaria, their young spirit must be collected into a solid object, but instead of an egg, it's a Clover Fluff.

Information about the Furimi:
Furimi, like most creatures of the Luminaria, can float as they please, however they cannot do it on their own like most other species. For a Furimi to float, it must sit on the most buoyant part of its body, its tail. It is a common site to see Furimi lounging on their tails as they transgress the Luminaria. They are also a curious species, though they tend to feign indifference.
Females tend to have more luxurious tails than males, and males tend to be lazier, but that's pretty much the only way to tell them apart.
Like the Lumi, when Furimi breed outside the Luminaria, their young spirit must be collected into a solid object, but instead of an egg, it's a small cloud.



Photo Contest - 1st place toffeeca, 2nd place Goddesss
Because I loved these when toffeeca was running them, Luminaria is now also having a photo contest! Find as many things from the list as you can and photograph them. These items can be interpreted in different way, for example, a dog could be a real dog, a toy dog, a dog statue, a tree that looks like a dog, or something else that your imagination comes up with. These items can all be in a single picture or they can each have their own picture.


The list:
* human
* guinea pig
* board game
* flowers
* make-up
* stone
* jar
* food
* time
* fire (if you plan on using actual fire in some way, please please be careful!)

You must include at least 7 of these things and they must be your own pictures. You must have a piece of paper with your user name on it to prove that you did take the picture. Ends Aug 4, 17:00 Secundi time. This will be judged on creativity, how the pictures fit together (if they are in seperate pictures, I am looking for more than just a picture of a water bottle, BE CREATIVE) and also slightly on how many of the items you got.

Design Contest
We are starting to figure out how breeding works. We will have a breeding thread with slots that will open and close as we please. Those slots will cost a certain fee. There will be no basic breeding item, but we want to have a bunch of items that people can buy to influence breeding outcomes and we would like you to help us with that! Come up with an item that can be used during breeding. We will pick a winner based on the actual item and how well it fits in with Luminaria.

To enter, please post the following form:
- Design Contest Entry -
Item Name:
How item looks:
What item does:

You can include a concept drawing if you wish, but this is not neccessary and will not increase your chances of winning.

Ends August 5, 12:00 Secundi time. Our favorite entry will receive a full custom.
Other prizes may be rewarded as well depending on entries.


Over! All taken!
Odd numbers are Female. Even numbers are Male.

1 SG Raffle

* Buy as many tickets as you want!
* Tickets cost 1 sg each
* For every 50,000 tickets sold another price gets added
* To order tickets, simply post how many you would like to buy and who they are for
* Immediately after posting, send fincances to YourLoveOnly
* Ends Aug 5, 17:00 Secundi time


Ticket List:
1-100,000 ~ Goddesss
100,001-150,000 ~ Neocridders
150,001-200,000 ~ CutieePiee
200,001-250,000 ~ Keilin Alyr
250,001-300,000 ~ Spiderfly
300,001-350,000 ~ SeaCrest
350,001-400,000 ~ jojo080889
400,001-450,000 ~ Goddesss
450,001-500,000 ~ Dunkel.Prinzessin2
500,001-550,000 ~ Ryuukokoro
550,001-600,000 ~ red_uni387
600,001-650,000 ~ Willow
650,001-700,000 ~ toffeeca
700,001-750,000 ~ Math
750,001-800,000 ~ springacres
800,001-950,000 ~ Goddesss
950,001-1,050,000 ~ CutieePiee
1,050,001-1,100,000 ~ Goddesss
1,100,001-1,120,000 ~ Keilyn Alyr
1,120,001-1,140,000 ~ Ryuukokoro
1,140,001-1,160,000 ~ Dunkel.Prinzessin204
1,160,001-1,210,000 ~ red_uni387
1,210,001-1,260,000 ~ SeaCrest
1,260,001-1,310,000 ~ Keilin Alyr
1,310,001-1,360,000 ~ Neocridders
1,360,001-1,410,000 ~ CutieePiee
1,410,001-1,460,000 ~ Spiderfly
1,460,001-1,510,000 ~ Goddesss
1,510,001-1,560,000 ~ jojo080889
1,560,001-1,610,000 ~ Dunkel.Prinzessin204
1,610,001-1,660,000 ~ Ryuukokoro
1,660,001-1,710,000 ~ Willow
1,710,001-1,760,000 ~ toffeeca
1,760,001-1,810,000 ~ Math
1,810,001-1,860,000 ~ springacres
1,860,001-1,910,000 ~ red_uni387
1,910,001-1,930,000 ~ Seacrest
1,930,001-1,950,000 ~ toffeeca
1,950,001-1,970,000 ~ springacres
1,970,001-2,010,000 ~ CutieePiee
2,010,001-3,010,000 ~ toffeeca
3,010,001-3,060,000 ~ Goddess
3,060,001-3,110,000 ~ red_uni
3,110,001-3,160,000 ~ Keilin Alyr
3,160,001-3,210,000 ~ jojo080889
3,210,001-3,260,000 ~ Kadana
3,260,001-3,310,000 ~ Neo
3,310,001-3,360,000 ~ Ryuu
3,360,001-3,410,000 ~ springacres
3,410,001-3,460,000 ~ CutieePiee
3,460,001-3,510,000 ~ YLO
3,510,001-3,560,000 ~ PM
3,560,001-3,610,000 ~ Willow
3,610,001-3,660,000 ~ SeaCrest
3,660,001-3,710,000 ~ sera
3,710,001-3,760,000 ~ pinkshadow
3,760,001-3,810,000 ~ sunchaser109
3,810,001-3,860,000 ~ TheKat
3,860,001-3,910,000 ~ indigowulf
3,910,001-3,960,000 ~ Dunkel.Prinzessin204
3,960,001-4,010,000 ~ XLostxDestinyX
4,010,001-5,010,000 ~ toffeeca
5,010,001-5,049,000 ~ Nako


Customs - CLOSED!

Have some spare SG and want some customs? This is your place to be!
I, YLO, will be coloring these. PonyMama may choose to do some as well, but you will need to keep an eye on her own posts for those slots.

* One slot per person at a time
* Post Claim Slot! in bold to claim a slot, then post the form asap.
If I have not received your form after 24 hours I will put the slot back up for grabs.
* Send SG immediately after posting your form

Price List
* Semi-custom: 100K for a Lumi / 200K for a Sumini or Furimi
* Full custom perma-baby: 200K for a Lumi / 350K for a Sumini or Furimi
* Full custom adult: 250K for a Lumi / 500K for a Sumini or Furimi
* Full custom growing: 400K for a Lumi / 750K for a Sumini or Furimi


Semi Custom Form
3-5 colors:

Full Custom Form
Age: Permababy, Adult or Growing
Eye Color:
Body color and patterns/designs:
Fluff color and patterns/designs:
Reference Picture(s):

Please look at the first post to see examples of each breed.  
Some things to keep in mind:
* A growing custom means child and adult stage. You can only get the very first stage when breeding your pets.
* Adult and growing Sumini are currently male-only as Solistia is working on templating female lineart.
* Hex codes are always appreciated to make sure I get the exact color you want :)

You will be able to submit names for your pets in the certing thread, as PonyMama does all of our certing.


Pick-A-Number Randoms - CLOSED!

Do you like surprises? Or maybe you simply want more pets?
We have a very special shop for you right here, run by YourLoveOnly, where you get a pet based on the numbers you pick!

Lumi cost 5K each / Sumini cost 25K each / Furimi cost 25K each
Only the breed determines the price, the form you pick does not affect this.

Rules & Info
* No slots
* To get one, simply post a filled out form in this thread
* You can order up to 5 pets a day. You can do this all at once, one by one or however else you would like to order, but only 5 per person per day.
* Send SG immediately after posting your form
* Example: 1-5 means pick a number between 1 and 5. So that could be 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5.
* You can only pick one number for each section, ever.
* One form gets you one pet. You do not need to pick the same form for each pet, you may mix and match them. Just make sure you use a complete form and don't go create your own XD

Available forms:






Treasure Hunt - Won by SeaCrest
Be the one to find the most treasure chests and win this boy:
* To search, simply post which square you want to search in green
* You may pick a square to search once every 3 hours.
* There are 45 treasure chests hidden on the board below.
* Each blank square is open for searching.
* Each green square on the board below stands for a hit, and each red one stands for a miss.
Please check the thread to make sure no one picked that square before you did!

[Tiebreaker Treasure Hunt page 6!]
* There are 45 treasure chests hidden on the board below.
* Each blank square is open for searching.
* Each green square on the board below stands for a hit, and each red one stands for a miss.
Ends August 1, 18:00 Secundi time OR when all treasure chests has been found.

Username - # of treasure chests found
CutieePiee - 2
SeaCrest - 2
Spiderfly - 1

Writing Contest - Won by SeaCrest
Below you find a growing baby boy and an adult female Furimi.
To win them, write a story explaining how they met each other.
The story must be at least 2 paragraphs long. Post your entry in navy.
Ends August 3 (so any entries posted on August 4 or later will be ignored).

Pick-A-Door - Won by Willow

1. toffeeca
2. CutieePiee
3. jojo080889
4. Goddesss
5. Keilin Alyr
6. Dunkel.Prinzessin204
7. Spiderfly
8. SeaCrest
9. Willow
10. Ryuukokoro

To claim a door, simply post its number in red. One door per person, no gifting.
Ends when all door have been picked.

Naming Contest - won by Willow
This pretty girl needs a name. To win her, post what you would name her and why in purple.
She will pick a winner on July 30, 13:00 Secundi time.


Certing info

If you need to have a Luminaria certed please visit this thread:

It contains all information you need to have your new critter certed.
Alwasy be patient though, I have a real life to contend with as well, but I do try my best to get it all done promptly.


Pick-A-Number Randoms


Do you like surprises? Or maybe you simply want more pets?
Well I am stealing this shop setup from YLO, and calling it my own.  No not really, but I did ask first if I could try my hand at it.

* Random with no markings: 5K for a Lumi / 25K for a Sumini or Furimi
* Random with simple markings: 20K for a Lumi / 50K for a Sumini or Furimi

Rules & Info
* No slots
* To get one, simply post a filled out form in this thread in green
* Only one form per person at one time. Once I finish your pet you may post a new form.
* Send SG immediately after posting your form
* Example: 1-5 means pick a number between 1 and 5. So that could be 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5.
* You can only pick one number for each section, ever.

Form for a basic pet:

Form for a pet with markings:

Note: the markings will be simple and predetermined now. and Location will be decided by you as well

Keilin Alyr

I am totally stalking these. They're beautiful! =)

No longer has zombie eyeballs. May still have a craving for brains, as there's no intelligence or sanity left in hers. XD


:) Aww. Can't wait for the flatsales. I love the natural ones from the second sale, butI doubt I'll be able to wait till tomorrow!



Keilin Alyr

No longer has zombie eyeballs. May still have a craving for brains, as there's no intelligence or sanity left in hers. XD



All events are up (or at least all the ones I am running, PonyMama may decide to hold some events of her own as well). Currently randomizing numbers to see where the 45 treasures are hiding, then I will update the picture with the first search results.


Door 8

I would name her Milkshake for her pink fur and her pastel colors.


I will be back XD


Claim semi-custom slot!

I will have to post the form later on tonight.

Keilin Alyr

Claim Slot!

Breed: Lumi
Gender: Female
3-5 colors: Gray, Blue, and Red

No longer has zombie eyeballs. May still have a craving for brains, as there's no intelligence or sanity left in hers. XD


Actually I'll post it now. xD
Sending payment.

Breed: Furimi
Gender: Female
3-5 colors: Pink, White, Dark brown, Light brown


Flatsale batch 1: 3

Who do I send funds to? You, YLO?


SeaCrest the flatsale opens at 18:00, so it's not open yet.

And yes, once it's open funds go to me.

Treasure hunt updated.

Keilin Alyr

Had some fun with the dice sitting on my desk. It's truly random results, including the breed! =D

Form for a pet with markings
Breed: Sumini
1-6: 1
1-3: 2
1-4: 3
1-3: 3
1-10: 9
1-3: 3
1-9: 5
1-3: 2
1-10: 3
1-3: 2

No longer has zombie eyeballs. May still have a craving for brains, as there's no intelligence or sanity left in hers. XD


Form for a pet with markings:
Breed: Lumi
1-6: 4
1-3: 2
1-4: 1
1-3: 1
1-10: 7
1-3: 2
1-9: 9
1-3: 3
1-10: 8
1-3: 2



I'd name her Daphnia because she's pixie-like and feminine. Also, her colours remind me of damselflies, and daphnia are one of the damselflies main sources of food.


Ack sorry for the double post. Just saw this part.

Form for a basic pet:
Breed: Lumi
1-6: 5
1-10: 6
1-3: 2
1-3: 1
1-4: 4
1-3: 3
1-9: 7
1-3: 2


Door 4

Form for a pet with markings:
Breed: Furimi
1-6: 4
1-3: 3
1-4: 2
1-3: 1
1-10: 8
1-3: 2
1-9: 8
1-3: 2
1-10: 8
1-3: 1


Door 3

I would name her Orchid because of that pretty purple patch of color on her otherwise lime green fur.

Oh these are so cute. :3


Working on stuff as we speak. It's midnight, so I'm not sure how many I will finish before I go to bed XD But I am bored and I don't want to sleep sooo.. *runs off to GIMP*

Treasure Hunt updated.

Goddesss, your random form is missing a breed and I am also missing payment.


oh sorry do you want me to edit it in.  Lets do Furimi i guess.


Editing in would be easiest, yes :)


Form for a basic pet:
Breed: Furimi
1-6: 3
1-10: 7
1-3: 2
1-3: 1
1-4: 3
1-3: 3
1-9: 6
1-3: 2





Keilin Alyr

No longer has zombie eyeballs. May still have a craving for brains, as there's no intelligence or sanity left in hers. XD



Flatsale has started! (as some of you guys already figured out XD)

Treasure Hunt updated.

Semi-Custom for CutieePiee:

Semi-Custom for Keilin Alyr:

Please submit all certing info in the certing thread. Link is posted somewhere up there.
(leaving slots as is, will open finished slots back up tomorrow morning as it is 1 AM right now)


Keilin Alyr

Who is that adorable little critter? Is that my new Lumi? It is! XD Seriously, I haven't been able to get this goofy grin off my face. She is so cute! =D

And CutieePiee's girl reminds me of neapolitan ice cream. So many shades of cute and sweet. =)

No longer has zombie eyeballs. May still have a craving for brains, as there's no intelligence or sanity left in hers. XD


All confirmed. Will post the images for certing asap.
Still missing payment from Goddess, all the others are good.

Keilin I'm glad you like her ^^


you know YLO you should just shoot me.  Sending payment now.  Sorry. =)







All done! Feel free to order again. And somehow you guys seem to like putting pink on males XD

To get your pet certed, please visit the certing thread <3


Form for a pet with markings:
Breed: Furimi
1-6: 4
1-3: 2
1-4: 3
1-3: 2
1-10: 6
1-3: 1
1-9: 8
1-3: 3
1-10: 5
1-3: 2

Edit: Why for do I have no. 3?

Keilin Alyr

Let it be said again. Cute! That is all. XD

Oh, and thank you much for your hard work, YLO! =)

Now because solids need love too.

Form for a basic pet:
Breed: Lumi
1-6: 5
1-10: 8
1-3: 1
1-3: 2
1-4: 1
1-3: 1
1-9: 5
1-3: 2

No longer has zombie eyeballs. May still have a craving for brains, as there's no intelligence or sanity left in hers. XD


Will get started on those and any new incoming orders tomorrow <3
It is now 2.30 AM, so I am heading to bed. Nightnight everyone!


Yes I think there's a little mix-up. I had 3 (the blue one) instead of Dunkel. ^^;