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[The Fortune Keepers] | Custom Slots Open & Pickups

Started by Whimsy, October 09, 2010, 10:19:55 AM

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Information|Art|Event  List

Inking & Shading-Russa-PI

You walk into the old gypsies wagon, thinking 'what have I gotten myself into'. Silky fabrics hang from the walls and old burnt candles litter the entire place. In the middle sets an old table with miss matched chairs, and on the table sets a glowing orb. An old wirey haird woman sets behind the the orb, talking quitely about something in your past and how much youve affected our future. She touches the orb lightly and looks up at you "you are young one, are in harms way, you must find an fortune keeper"

In the sky there are things we call 'stars', all along we have been mistaken. These 'stars' are actually bits of fortune, each one contains one good fortune and one bad fortune. When they fall from the sky, these fortunes loose much of thier magic powers. When they are full force the good fortune takes over, and can be released. When they are at a lower force only the bad fortunes can leach out. These bad fortunes must find hosts of some sort. Humans have no majik force so they are the easiest to inbed. Just coming near a 'falling star' we collect these bad fortunes and they come out later in our lifes. Most of the time we dont even know it, and rarely is there anything that can be done. Sometimes we stumble on a still glowing 'star' and then and only then does the star have enough power to release its good fortune with its bad.

The Fortune Keepers

In this world thier are beings, full of majik force. These creatures are our bringers and protectors of all good fortune. They can find and harness the fortunes or 'stars' for their and your own good. The 'stars' are pulled from the sky by the fortune bringers, and held in their small laterns. They can release the good fortunes to allow you to use them, and they turn the bad fortunes into a sort fuel to help them grow. In thier first stage, a fortune keepers is completely helpless, those who have been able to have a fortune protecter at this stage often say they are comparable to a baby rodent. Furless and eyes still fused they give off a glowing arura. This arura attracts all human beings, the parents of the offspring have given them this power so they can flourish and level. Fully leveled keepers can also fly high in our sky to collect full force stars or 'fortunes'

Fortune Keeper Offspring

In their first stage keepers are very fragile. Thier parents find walking sticks and drill them into the ground. They hang a latern and place the small creature in it, sealing it with power force and then leave the creature with an arua. This arura is quite dangerous for humans, it attracts us to them so they have a care taker. However offen we become so obbsessed and in love with the offspring that we forget to take care of ourselves. Some humans get to the point where they pass on and then the offspring arura burns out and it passes on to. So heres your fair warning, if you find yourself wondering into a wooded area, or maybe in a valley in the mountians you being called by the keeper offspring. Once you stumble on the walking stick do not remove the latern, take the entire thing with you, but beware of its force powers!

Keeper Leveling

Once the fortune keeper offspring has grown into a level one stage keeper, they are ready to collect fortunes. They turn these fortunes into fuel, or as i call them keeper points. Once they gain so many keeper points they can level again. There are 3 stages to leveling, the are described in the following

Level One
A very weak keeper, that will often stay close to its human. They only have 1/3 of the the power force that a full leveled keeper does, so they usualy stay away from the others at this point. These keepers are however very good at turning burnt out fortune holders 'stars' into small gems which they attach to themselves soley for looks and status. They are 25 fortune points or below. They often have dull or dingy colors and few markings.

Level Two
This keeper is a good medium of the three stage, the posess at least 1/2 of the power force that they will have as a fully leveled keeper. They will start leaving their humans more, and being with other keepers there level. They still add the gems to themselves to show status. They are 26-50 points, and often have a nice normal coat with a good amount of markings. The keepers wings are just starting to sprout and they are unable to use them to collect fortunes or 'stars'

Level Three
A fully leveled keeper often rarely sees it human. They bring them good fortunes in bundles but rarely stay for long. These humans are often a very high status, as are their keepers. They are 51 points + and have very bright and vibrant coats, and are also usualy coverd in many flamboyant markings. Their wings are now fully grown, so these keepers often gain fortunes faster then others. These keepers are decorated with jewels and thing chains, as to show their high status.

How can i use good fortunes?
This is a very easy thing to use, good fortunes can be turned into custom keepers or used to breed out of season. Depending on the montly turn ins, theres all sorts of things you can do with them!

When is season?
Season is when breeding times comes around, two parents most come together and build a latern for their offspring. Season comes every three months!
Season:November 6th

How long does it take offspring to grow?
With proper care, 2 weeks, without proper care they fade and pass on.

How much care does offpsring take?
Once offspring are born you must post twice a week to keep them alive, if you post more your offspring has a chance of being a higher level. You may post a max of 26 times in two weeks!

How does my keeper gain points?
Keepers get a certian amount of points every 1st of every month, however you must sign up your keepers for the next months point draw. You keeper can gain anywhere for 1-10 points every draw. Otherwise there will be contests and RPs to gain points! For every point your keeper gains you do to!
Any other questions? Please feel free to ask!

General information for the adoptable.
Yes you can be just a collector of this adoptable, however it helps to be involved. Many times we will have RPs to gain more fortunes and so on so please do not be surprised if this a heavily interactive adoptable.



Information|Art|Event List

Walking Stick Stage

Level One

Level Two

Level Three


Event List

First Keepers RP
Pick A Lantern
Free Claim


Pick Ups

Neocridders-Level One-Needs a name ^^

Hiyoko-Level One-Jewel

Hiyoko-Level Two & Three

Sunchaser-Level Three Love Pair

Spixy-2 Level Three

Ravvana - 2 level three


Neocridders 1 level three

Reduni 1 staff level


First Keepers RP

This will be an rp for those first keepers that are coming to secundi. It'll be held in this thread, just so I can easily keep track of it. This is just a small & easy rp, so dont be afraid.


The Keepers







Please post a small rp about your stumbling upon on of the keepers staffs. You can decide what you want to do with it after that.




Leveling is Closed

To level your keeper you must post a RP no shorter then a certian amount for what level you want.

To level to level one - 100 words at least
To level to level two- 200 words at least
To level to level three- 250 words at least.


Octobers Leveling

1.Jojo-Leveled to 1
2.Hiyoko Leveled to 1 & 2
3.Sunchaser leveled to 1



Customs will be open every month, a certain amount of slots for each kind will be available.

Custom Types
Staff Stage-You pick the colors of the staff, cuff, latern, glow, gems, and tassle.
Level One Stage-You pick the colors of the keeper, cuffs, gems, latern, tassle & glow + 1 simple marking (remember at level one all colors are very dull, and even though its  simple marking now it will change as the keeper levels)
Level Two Stage-You pick the colors of the keeper, cuffs, gems, latern, latern lanyard, jewelry, antlers, wings & glow + 1 medium marking
(again the colors are not at full force, and markings will still change as the keeper levels)
Level Three Stage-You pick the colors of everything + any markings youd like.


Custom Prices

SG Slots
Staff Stage-50k
Level One-100k
Level Two-250k
Level Three-500k

USD Slots
Staff Stage-$3 USD
Level One-$5 USD
Level Two-$7 USD
Level Three-$10 USD
Package-Level three pair & insta breed-$20 USD

Every usd order comes with a grab bag, each grab bag contains 1-3 random things
Such as
semi customs
insta breeds





To anyone willing to help me I'd love to become a part of the International Betta Congress, the cheapest membership is $20 USD, I'd LOVE to be able to join however im short on USD atm lol. I have a massive package for anyone willing to order it

USD Package
Herd Package-4 Level 3's 2 level 2's 3 level 1's & 2 staff levels.

(Please send to

With each slot you may order as many customs as youd like. If these fill for the month, near the end of the month more will open up.



Staff stage


Level One

Level Two
Lantern Lanyard:

Level Three
Lantern Lanyard:


Free Claim

-Coming Soon-


You may now feel free to roam about!@


*jumps in thread* I love the concept of them! :D
I shall stalk for Pick-a-lantern -nodnod-



Okay guys, RP & Customs are up.

Though i will give a fair warning, if you order a level two or level three it may be a few days before i can fill the order.


Before ordering a custom or something like that I would like to see shades examples of other stages, so I shall stalk :)



Can I get one stage 1 and one stage 3?^^ In SG.


I'll order a level 3 custom! And I don't mind the wait ^^

Leeessseee. Can I have something white, with a super soft blue color? The blue markings should be like stripes all over, and then a moon over the eye. And then the antlers and hooves and other areas that need other colors are a dark blue.


And, if I may order two, can I also order a stage 1 custom? You can pick the designs. I'll have it black with purple.


First Keepers RP

Jojo removed the binoculars from her eyes in awe. She was standing in the middle of an open field, bundled warmly with nothing but a flashlight wrapped in red cellophane and a star guide she had been given for her birthday many years ago. It was the night of the Orionids, and Jojo's first night watching a meteor shower. It was amazing, but just now, a brilliant red and yellow meteor had streaked through the sky, dwarfing all the other stars in its light -- and it had landed just beyond the trees with a startling flash.

It was so close. Of course, she had to go see where it had gone.

Heading into the forest, and taking care to remember the way she had come, she made her ways through the trees and came across a small clearing marked in the middle by a small crater. It was bathed in an otherworldly golden glow. Suddenly Jojo was very aware of the binoculars bumping against her chest as she walked, in sync with the beating of her heart. In the crater was an elegantly jeweled staff, decorated with gold and crimson jewels. Hanging from it was a single lantern, which was glowing like the rest of the staff but was not yet lit.

Jojo gulped. What a strange sight. She reached out and took the staff in her hands.

((I'm going for Garnet, if it wasn't clear :) I am SO excited to see the Fortune Keepers as adoptables!! XD))


Okay guys, forms have been posted.

If you've orderd a level 2 or 3 please PM me the form!



>< Forgot to add names to forms guys, and owners. Please include that info if you didnt already.


What do we put for the keeper? Oh and what colors are acceptable for a lvl 1?


keeper is the color of the keeper lol i shouldve made that a little more obvious huh?

and you just put what colors youd like it to grow into and i dull them down.


Level One
Name: Jewel
Owner: hiyoko
Keeper color: white
Eye: blue
Gems: pink
Cuffs: blue
Antlers: black
Lantern: blue
Tassle: pink
Marking: black spots

First Keeper RP

The meteor shower has been going on for a few minutes, but while all seems normal, Hiyoko sees a flash of teal in the sky. Being as curious as she is, hiyoko jumps to her feet and runs after the teal shimmering star. She runs passed trees and bushes hit against her arms as she tries not to lose the falling star. She has no idea what awaits her if let alone when she reaches the star, but hiyoko can't seem to stop her legs from moving.

Finally, hiyoko reaches a clearing, or at least that's what she thought until she saw a giant hole in the ground and destroyed trees around her. Slowly, she walks over to the edge of the hole and then a flash of teal hits her eyes. She turns back and sees a silver staff decorated with teal gems. Not knowing what else to do, the young girl climbs down to the staff. When she finally gets to the bottom of the hole, she reaches for the shinning staff and holds it tightly in her hand. With the staff in hand, hiyoko looks up. "Now a way to get out of here."

(I'm going after the Aquamarine one.^^)



Added some new things to the USD slots guys1


An old gypsy woman appears in front of jojos path, she warns "do be careful, this keeper is a strong one" as she fades into the nights darkness.

Just a few moments let by, and woman appeared near the crater that hiyoko was now stuck in. She reached a frail hand into the hole and pulled up the young woman. "you should keep her close, she will protect you" and she was gone again.

It seems as you have both been approved for these keepers :D


Can I claim a SG custom slot, for two level 3s? Or do I need to type up my form ahead of time? It will be a Sean and a Colby, just need to get all my form info together XD


Your slot is safe ravv ^^ feel free to take your time.


Staff: dark chestnut-y color w/ dark brown
Cuff: cream/light yellow
Tassle: amber
Jems: amber
Lantern: cream/light yellow
Glow: amber

Staff: grey/silver
Cuff: cream/light yellow
Tassle: dark red
Jems: dark red
Lantern: cream/light yellow
Glow: red

Total= 100k SG


When one wonders along one must not look up. One must look down cause if you don't you could end up like me. Flat on your butt, looking at a stick with a lantern on it. However I had heard of these special lanterns. They contain creatures of great magnificence. This one was silver with tassels and jewels of the most green of emeralds. Now I of course was not going to leave this creature to be stumbled upon again instead I would take it home.  I look down at the stick and caress it softly thinking of the creature it would become. Smiling as well as apologizing to the stick because I had been looking at a pretty bird when I tripped over it. I picked it up and went home where I would definably take better care of it.

(Going for emerald figured id do a fun one)


When you're going to the library, you hardly expect to find a Fortune Keep staff on the trail, would you? Nevertheless, this is what I found. It was a handsome silver, with aquamarine jewels and tassels inset into the wood and the lantern. It glowed softly as I picked it up and turned it over, wiping a clump of mud off of the largest jewel set into the antler-like top of the staff. Addressing it, and feeling rather foolish, I introduced myself and told the staff that I was going to the library and that afterward I would take it home rather than leave it on a muddy trail floor. It seemed to glow a bit brighter at my words, and I continued on to the library with my new staff.


The old gypsy woman smiled from the tree line, seeing two of her staffs being plucked from the trail at the same time. She hummed a little note and the small keepers inside squimerd a little. They would go to good people, with good homes

Congrats to seacrest and sunchaser!

Evanescent sweetie, all the pg customs have been claimed for this month.


P.S. I was supposed to get the level two lines last night, but I think when russa sent the email with the PSD's something went haywire. Though we should expect both the level 2 and level 3 tonight :D So all customs ordered should be finsihed tomorrowish!


I thought I would take a calm walk through the woods on this sunny day. Watching the leaves turning shades of crimson and gold, I walked peacefully through the drying grass. But as I neared the edge of forrest line, I saw a shimmer, and carefully led myself towards the light. I moved away the fallen leaves around a beatiful dark russet walking stick. I picked it up slowly and made my hands around to the antler shaped top, where a lantern was secured. The beautiful saphires lined the edges and gleamed in the sunlight. The style of stwalking stick made me remember that it was a magical creature within. A fourtune keeper...My heart was beating with the amazement of the moment, and I began walking with the creature. I planned to take it home and clear the leaves and muck off of the beautiful creature, and give it a happy home.

(I was going for the Sapphire, If I hadn't had it clear (: they are so cute!)


Walking and laughing with my friend on the phone at the mall, I was having a great time and walked along blindly. Out of nowhere, I slammed into a branch and fell unconciously. I woke up to find no one around, and a long staff lying next to me. Puzzled, I picked it up. A pretty black lantern with pink accents hung from it, swinging slightly. For some strange reason, I didn't want to just leave it. Besides, wouldn't that be littering? Still clutching it, I continued walking, headed home to study the staff a bit more.

(going for rose quartz ^^ was tempted since i saw it, and since no one else tried for it i finally gave in)


Is there a difference between females and males XD?

If so, let me know!
If not, I think mine will be more of a female character, so her name will be 'Layla'

Thank you!


Nope no difference, I figured people will decide as the RP them what they want them to go towards.

Ill get her certed soon, I'm sorta sad that no one ordered a Level Two custom I just got the lines for them. Russa is a great shader, and her inking is awesome to.


First to post the Level Two form gets a freebie custom!


Are more SG slots going to open this month? I'd love to get a staff custom :)


Level Two
Name: Midori
Owner: hiyoko
Keeper: brown
Eye: green
Gems: green
Cuffs: black
Antlers: light brown
Lantern: yellow
Tassle: green
Lantern Lanyard: whatever looks good
Wings: white with green specks
Glow: green
Marking: yellow stockings


The old woman smiles as shes comes to view in from of evanescent, "Take well care, this little one is a strong one"

Congrats to evanescent, you've won the sapphire staff.

As the old woman disapted from evanescents view, she appeared in front of neocridders. She touched the staff lightly, and then looked at neo "good luck" as she wonderd off into the dark woods"

Youve won rose quartz neo, congrats


Ohh poo, ive messed up.

Seacrest, aquamarine had already been claimed by the time you rped for it. So that staff went to someone else.  However since you did do the RP, and i messed up and put us as the winner for that staff ill make you another one!


awww i thought i was the only one that had tried for rose quartz, guess i didn't read closely enough :( congrats neo~



Oh gosh red, so sorry, the staff is yours ><


Daww, that's okay :D I had fun ^_^

Will it look identical at the staff stage as hiyoko's and turn into something different, or will it be something totally different?


it's okay...
that's the 2nd time this week someone's done that to me :(


Level Three
Name: Sean
Owner: Ravvana
Keeper Color:  Dark bay with black points and lighter brown around his muzzle/eyes
Eye: Deep brown
Gems: Forest green
Cuffs: Gold
Antlers: Black
Lantern: Gold
Tassle: Forest green
Lantern Lanyard: Forest green
Glow: None? Or same as body?
Wings: Same as body color
Marking: Two facial markings (star, snip) and two hind socks -- all white. In the right lighting, he has light dappling (more visible in second album).
Photos: (1) (2)

Level Three
Name: Colby
Owner: Ravvana
Keeper Color:  copper-penny chestnut with gray around his muzzle and eyes
Eye: Deep brown
Gems: Forest green
Cuffs: Silver
Antlers: Gray (same as around muzzle/eyes)
Lantern: Silver
Tassle: Forest green
Lantern Lanyard: Forest green
Glow: None? Or same as body?
Wings: Same as body color
Marking: Hind right sock, white.

Sending 1M SG now!


Level three customs will be in pick ups by tonight :D


Oh gosh, okay guys couple of things, and sunchaser this is totally not your fault sweetie, this is all on me but I want to be clear for the future.

1.Love pairs will be USD orders only, as I really hate putting two level threes on one cert. They loose alot of their detail when I resize them so small.
2.Digital camo :O no mores lol please. Again something this indepth will be USD only from now fourth. Both my shoulders are in nots after this coloring detail. That hasnt happened in a long time, and second I can barely see now as my eyes are burning from staring so intently at the screen lol


I must say, I LOVE Michiko!^^ Midori is also very cute.^^ Thank you! ;D


Im so glad you like it, i was a little unsettled with that custom.
