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Looking for adult Quinsta - offering Feli or Nom

Started by TheLeet, October 18, 2010, 06:11:04 AM

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I'm looking for Vanners or Clydesdales. Preferably females but I'll also consider males. I've already accepted two foals so I'm only looking for adults now.

I'm offering:

a semi-custom Feli


a custom Nom (any premade pattern except rhinelander - or a simple custom pattern)


What would a semi-custom Feli be? *debating between options*

I have a Vanner foal that I am offering back to Taru first (I used her mare), but if she doesn't want it then I have this one ^^
YourLoveOnly 184 x 55 - 529. Gypsy Vanner F Silver Dapple Mouse Dun Tobiano, front right Pastern, back right Fetlock, back left Coronet, Stripe (Generally willing, but occasionally nervous, a mover)


A semi custom Feli would be that you give me one or two colours and a pattern - I'll pick the pose and everything else :)

I like the sound of the foal, so definitely let me know if Taru isn't interested ^_^


i have this ;

Pinkshadow  303 x 177 - 460. Gypsy Vanner M Sooty Buckskin Tobiano, front right Sock, back right Pastern, back left Sock, Blaze (Calm and sweet, a mover)



Sounds interesting, too :D
Give me a day to see what other offers I get and I'll decide tomorrow <3



They all sound great and I'm most interested in this one:
QuoteCutieePiee 11 x 289 - 426. Gypsy Vanner F Chestnut Roan Tobiano, front right Coronet, front left Coronet, back right Pastern, back left Sock, Interrupted Stripe (Calm and sweet, not a mover)
I'll decide tomorrow so it would be great if you could put the foal on hold till then or maybe just tell me straight away if you do decide to trade her away to someone else.


I'll put you down as one of the offers for my own thread. But will keep it open for a few days. :)


I'd be interested in a semi custom Feli :D can offer either of these foals, both have pretty good personalities

red_uni387 13 x 37 - 472. Gypsy Vanner M Mouse Dun Tobiano, front right Pastern, front left Pastern, back right Fetlock, back left Coronet, Faint Star (Sweet and generally willing, but occasionally excitable, a mover)

red_uni387  229 x 202 - 473. Gypsy Vanner M Silver Dapple Mouse Dun Tobiano, back left Pastern, Stripe (Calm and sweet, a mover)


Ooo I'm in love with Random7! ^_^ Offer:

Ryuukokoro  297 x 36 - 480. Gypsy Vanner M Chestnut Roan, front right Coronet, front left Pastern, back right Pastern, back left Sock, Star (Generally willing, but rather excitable, a mover)


Thanks for the offers. I updated the first post to include the ones I'm considering ^^


I have two i'd like to offer :)

QuoteWinged dreams 10 x 288 - 523. Gypsy Vanner F Flaxen Chestnut Tobiano, front right Pastern, front left Pastern, back right Sock, back left Stocking (Generally willing, but rather excitable, a mover)

Winged dreams 183 x 73 - 524. Gypsy Vanner M Chestnut, front right Fetlock, back left Pastern, Star and Snip (Generally willing, but occasionally nervous, a mover)

I love premades 5 and 7, and i'd like 1 as well. Or a  semi-custom. I'm looking for my first :)
Owner of Gliders!


I added the female to the list. I'll let you know tomorrow <3


I dunno if you'd consider it, but I'd also be willing to offer a breed with any one of my mares for the next season for one of the premades :)


Oooo I'll make that offer as well, if Leet is interested! I have a beautiful palomino Vanner girl to offer, among others. ^_^


I love Random 1, but Random 5 is a very close second ^_^

I have these guys...
Ravvana  11 x 309 - 468. Gypsy Vanner M Flaxen Red Dun Splash Overo, front right Fetlock, front left Fetlock, back right Stocking, back left Fetlock, Blaze (Calm and sweet, a mover) -- I may keep him, but probably not if I can get a Feli in trade :)

Ravvana  149 x 112 - 467. Clydesdale F Bay Sabino Overo, front right Stocking, front left Stocking, back right Stocking, back left Sock, Stripe (Calm and sweet, a mover)

Ravvana  78 x 273 - 469. Grade M Grey Tobiano, front right Pastern, front left Fetlock, back right Fetlock, back left Fetlock, Lip Marking (Sweet and generally willing, but occasionally excitable, a mover)

Ravvana  * x 327 - 470. Friesian F Black, back right Coronet, Snip (Slow and lazy)

Ravvana  * x 257 - 471. Clydesdale M Black Sabino Overo, front right Sock, front left Pastern, back right Pastern, back left Stocking, Stripe (Calm and sweet, not a mover)


I will also make the same offer as red and Ryuu :)


@ red_uni387 and Ryuukokoro: That's a great idea :)
I'm definitely up for trading two premades for reverse breeds but I'll wait and see which ones remain once I've decided on a foal. It's so hard to choose, I never expected to get this many great offers >.<

@ Ravvana: Yay Clydesdales :D
I definitely like the sound of this boy:
QuoteRavvana  * x 257 - 471. Clydesdale M Black Sabino Overo, front right Sock, front left Pastern, back right Pastern, back left Stocking, Stripe (Calm and sweet, not a mover)

Since I already got so many great offers I'm going to close this thread now and think about which to go for >.<


All your great offers have made this an extremely hard decision for me. I actually ended up changing my mind on keeping one of my own foals, because I just couldn't make my mind up between the two final candidates. So I'll be accepting two foals, rather than just one:

Pinkshadow 303 x 177 - 460. Gypsy Vanner M Sooty Buckskin Tobiano, front right Sock, back right Pastern, back left Sock, Blaze (Calm and sweet, a mover)

Winged dreams 10 x 288 - 523. Gypsy Vanner F Flaxen Chestnut Tobiano, front right Pastern, front left Pastern, back right Sock, back left Stocking (Generally willing, but rather excitable, a mover)

To everyone who has offered reverse breeds: Thanks. I'll update this thread as soon as I know which premades will stay available <3



Owner of Gliders!



@ anyone who has offered RBs: I've updated the first post to reflect which premades are still available. I've had a look at all your Quinsta and the mares I'd like to reserve for RBs are Re'tsachein, Naghina and Malwafinda.
If that's ok with you, just post which premade you'd like and a name for it. First come, first serve. :)


perfectly fine with me :) I'd like the pink and yellow premade please, will name her once I get home cause I can't see pb images right now xD thanks!


Awesome! ^_^ I'd like Random6, the black with brown tabby markings. Name: Bandy

When I update my Quin breeding thread I'll record that Naghina is reserved for December breeding season. :)



Ooh, ohh, Random1 is still available! :) I would love her. Name of Minerva, please.

I'll make a note that you've reserved Malwafinda as soon as I wake up more XD Thanks! <3



I'd like to name my girl Pixie please <3

*scuttles off to update thread* :D



*amused at self*  Ok, ok, I give, I'm making an offer.  This gal for premade #2:

And if there's any way I can convince you to throw in #8 (changed or not) too I'd love that....


I might have a adult quin I can trade. If I can, I come back tomarrow and let you know. I really like the 5 premade. :)

Skype: ellen.rae.tyson


@ Silv: offer accepted XD
I'll throw in random 8, too. Her colouring style is a bit different from mine so while she can pass on her pattern (calico) to kittens, it probably won't be in the same style. That's why I was a little reluctant to release her.
If that's ok with you, post names for both and I'll cert them ^^


Yay!!  Thanks!  I've transfered over the mare (ETA: and forgot to switch back accounts XD).  For names -

#2 - Blossom
#8 - Amanda
The Gavanian Quinsta Outreach Program: Adopting Quinsta Off-world since 2010.


Thank you, she's gorgeous :D
The Feli are in your folder now ^^


Leet, I can offer you these two Qunsta:
Angel ( or Gray Eagel (]] ) for premade number 5 and a semi custom Feli. Or you can choose just one, in that case, i'd like the premade.

Skype: ellen.rae.tyson


Sorry, I'm not interested in Grades or Arabians. Thank you for the offer anyway <3



Not really. I like them but you don't exactly get a lot of variety between different Friesian. I've got a female and I'm also getting a male this breeding season. I think one of each gender is enough for now ^^



Yes :D
Just post a name and I'll cert her for you ^^


Isis for the name and she's up for bid whenever you are ready



Would I be able to tempt you with this boy for possibly 2 semi-custom Noms?? He also started his training in September.


Yes, you could definitely tempt me with him. I've been looking to get more black and brown into my herd :)
Let me just come up with a semi-custom form for the Noms and I'll pm you ^^


Wee! Thank you! He's up for bid now, so whenever you're ready. :D