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Hamster Babies

Started by wickedrodent, January 05, 2011, 09:16:36 AM

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Hey guys. I know I've disappeared for a long time and what not, but I'm posting everywhere that I could think of.

My hamster had babies last night and I'm going to be rehoming them once they're old enough. We're located in Texas. Here's the ad that I've been posting:

"My lovely Christmas present, Pandora, decided to pop out babies either last night or today. We saw at least half a dozen little eepers. I'm going to be needing to find GOOD homes for them. Please contact me if you're interested. No idea who that papa hamster was, but she is a BEAUTIFUL hamster. Which, actually, is the only reason I got a female. I always get males to avoid this potential problem. Woops. >.<

That's Pandora on the left.

I want to make it crystal clear that the babies are only going to GOOD, RESPONSIBLE homes. Please email me ( for questions, updates, pictures, etc. The babies were just born, so we have no idea on the exact number, genders, colors, etc.

The babies will be rehomed with a BIN cage at least the minimum requirement of 360 sqin, which is why the rehoming fee is a bit steep - $20"

Nice to be here again and read some familiar names. The Kennel was a major part of my life for a while and I miss it from time to time. <3


Hi wickedrodent!! It's great to see you again! ^_^

Omg that is suuuuuch a pretty hampster. Are any of the babies black-and-gray like she is? Ryuu knows nothing about hampsters, you probably can't even tell at this point, right? XD;;

I can't own rodents because I get too attached and they die within three years or so. ;_; Otherwise I would be interested. But we'd all love to see pics!


No idea about the eepers yet. lol. They were just born yesterday, we think.  They're still really tiny and we won't know much until we can start handling them (in about 2 weeks). When I got her, she was in a cage with some other pretty hamsters as well, so I'm sure the babies are going to be beautiful <3


That really is a lovely hamster.  What breed is she?


Wicked! *tackles* You're staying right, right, right? =o Pleeease? xD


She's a short haired dominant spot syrian. =)

I'm... in and out. I love talking to you guys again. Life is just hectic ATM. 3rd year of college, working, the animals, planning(ish) for my wedding - it's still two years away. Don't have much time for anything else. Lol.



Squee omg I love that dark mask on her face!

If any of the babies turn out like her, I might just have to consider raising rodents... >.> (My parents would kill me lol)

Where are you located, out of curiosity?


I will have new rodent additions in not too long <3 Moving out within the next few months and then I will be getting 2 or 3 more guinea pigs. I have 4 right now ^^


I'm north of Houston, Tx - between Conroe and Huntsville. =)


Beautiful hamster ^_^ id be interested but hte last time i raised hamsters i had one male that lasted threw....7 females i think >.> had lots of litters and dont think i could deal with that just yet. However i will talk to hubby to see what he says ^_^
