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TheStable: Poll Regarding Competitions

Started by Ravvana, January 17, 2011, 12:05:42 AM

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As some of you know, I just started my second quarter of college a few weeks ago. In addition, I've been battling some kind of cold that literally refuses to end -- going on two weeks and still feeling awful. Obviously the combination means I don't have much time/energy for anything other than homework and essays. So apart from Quinsta breeding and Feli trading, I've pretty much been MIA from Secundi.

I really do want to get back into TheStable, since I love running it. One thing I definitely need to start with is running the most recent competition.

I've noticed that I tend to procrastinate running competitions, mainly because it feels like a chore to tally up all the entrance fees, figure out how much SG to give each place, and then distribute it. Definitely not as fun as coloring, haha. Apart from that, running competitions takes but 5 minutes.

So the question is: how much does everyone care about entrance fees and prize money?

If you vote in favor of keeping prize money, I will keep running competitions, of course. They may just take a bit longer, and they are something I may need to put on pause when RL gets in the way.

If you vote in favor of eliminating prize money (and least for the next 6 months or so), I should be able to run the competitions faithfully every week, or at the end of every month at most. Even when RL gets bad, I should be able to find the time to get in the system and run the comp.

Please only vote if you are active or plan to be active in Stable competitions.

Thank you! :)


I don't care about the prize money, just about gaining points for my horses xD Yay for breeding bonuses!


I voted 'I don't care' because I mostly love gaining points. I think most people active with TheStable are older users, so they probably don't need SG that bad. And newer people might even stay away from the competitions because they don't wanna risk spending SG on an entree fee they might not get back. The points are a reward on its own so I think that will do just fine :)

Kadana Sorano

I don't care about prize money either.  I have enough SG that prize money is like adding a drop of water to that already full bucket anyway.  I personally think you should keep the entrance fee's, and see it as your "paycheck". 

Anyway, the only thing prize money does for me, is makes me aware I won, because I usually forget to go back to the thread and check lol
Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 



@Kadana: I do agree with that, Ravv deserves some profit, but it would be a honor system really, because as I understand it, a big issue is that she has to check who has and hasn't send in their entree fee. That takes up a lot of time, probably more than sending out prize money does.


I think most people are in it for points, as am I
I find sendign the fee sometimes blah for me, I can enter horses then just to go back to page find you in my list, ok I am lazy, I woudl be fine with no fee at least for the next bit