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Fables Flatsale- CLOSED

Started by Luv007, July 02, 2011, 01:23:32 PM

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We need to add some new participants to our Experiment, so I colored some more Mares and a few more Studs for breeding season... which opens tonight at 00:00...

Current owners may post for one of these, but only one Fable per user for this particular event.  BEFORE YOU POST FOR A FABLE, please check out this thread, , and see what you are getting in to.  You cannot keep the Fable if you don't participate in these events bc these Fables are specifically for this event.  

This flatsale will not open until Jul 02, 2011 18:00.  I am leaving so much time so that you can go through all the rules and be prepared for what you are getting into...

If I missed anything, feel free to correct me!

The Form:

Fable ID#:
Fable Name:
Herd of:

Also, I should mention this is a Freebie Flatsale.  No Fables or activity with them with cost anything until after "The Experiment" is over and definate rules have been established....




ohh! And question, I find myself falling in love with one of them from the Marbled Secret's herd. my two ladies are in Sokanon. Can I try for one in the marbled secrets? Or should I shy away since I already own two, and 3 would be pushing it limit wise for my RP skills XD

Though I have decided Abby shall be one of them tag alongs. Who always asks questions XD


You are an excellent participant, Kahlira, so you may go for whichever ones you want.  I guess that IS a failsafe way to win, being on both teams. Lol.  The end of "The Experiment" may come down to the members that have participated the most.


I don't do it for the prize, I do it for the fun of it. Ok then, In all honesty, I feel like such a hoarde by already having two of them. But if I got the boy, I could do a romeo and juliette story. Two herds both alike in dignity in fair fableland.


Glad to hear that!  And I hope it's fun.  If you have any areas that you can think of in which we could improve, just shoot me a PM and I'll work on it!


If you don't own any Fables, are you allowed mroe than 1 Fable? Or is it 1 Fable per person for usr's AND Non-owners?


@Wildfilly94- I'm only allowing one Fable per user/non-owner.  Since hardly anyone has a Fable right now anyways, I'm going to allow owners to participate too.  Really, the most important thing is participation in the Experiment....


Ahh, okay. :) I'll be sure Im here no matter what at 6 (my time) to snag my favorite. <3


Good luck to everyone!  It will be 7 my time... so about an hour afterwards I'll be here to check on how things went and cert everyone.


I think this will be *really* late my time but I will try and be here!! I would love another Fable!


Once we get bigger, I will try to vary the times more, but for now, we're just going to do one quick flatsale to add some participation to the experiment.  Good luck to you all!


I will stay awake if i have too :P seeing as the event is like 2 in the night for me xD
- Lucky it's sunday tomorrow xD


Wow.  Drastic time difference. :)

I'm glad I chose to do it on the weekend!

If things work out well as far as mixing of the herds and whatnot, I may run another flatsale July 4th to celebrate the US holiday.  We have no other plans, so why not!


I totally have a favorite. Have the perfect name picked out and everything XD *crosses fingers*



I'm excited to see so many people showing interest.  It seems like that's one of the biggest challenges here on Secundi!  

*crosses fingers to keep everyone happy and runs off to write up more Fable rules*



The more I come here the more I want her XD

I'm not counting down the minutes, no way!

I don't see a price listed, are they free or fee?


QuoteAlso, I should mention this is a Freebie Flatsale.  No Fables or activity with them with cost anything until after "The Experiment" is over and definate rules have been established....



You only missed it bc I just added it a few minutes ago.  :)

New stuff in the active thread to read though.... Let me know how you all feel about it!


I thought so, but wasn't sure, read it quicklike, will go over it again, but I think it's cool.


Good to hear.  We'll see how this all plays out, but if it goes well, we will add some jobs and buildings.

I need to go through and write down the strength and stamina of each herd.  I think the healthier the foal/the herd, either more babies or more showing markings/mutations if we ever get them.


Love the new stuff XD might be a challange to have best performance though... we'll need to plan for midwife/nurse and builders and etc but we can do it :)



I'm not counting on anyone being perfect if that's what you mean.  Do you mean that maybe there is too much to it?  *ish working on it*  Lol.  I love having the feedback.  It's very helpful. 


I took it to mean within one's herd that you would need to find those things.

5 more minutes!


No, it's just ... I sort of looked at it and it seems like if you want to do the most, you need to plan the most. But that's sort of a you get out of it what you put into it sort of thingg ;)


Fable ID#: 06
Fable Name: River
Username: Ravvana
Herd of: Sokanon


Fable ID#:05
Fable Name:Cassie
Herd of:Marbled Secrets



Fable ID#: 05
Fable Name: Kalissé
Username: BabyKittenCandy
Herd of: Marbled Secrets


Fable ID#: # 07
Fable Name: Estella
Username: Wildfilly94
Herd of: Sokanon


Fable ID#: #09
Fable Name: Heart Breaker
Username: Kahlira
Herd of: Sokanon



Fable ID#: 10
Fable Name: Zack
Username: Pinkshadow
Herd of: Sokanon


** I will volunteer to be a Midwife for the Sokanon herd. :)


Yay, I got my pretty River! :D Thanks, luv <3

Now to decide if I want to base her character after her namesake (Firefly), or do something different with her, hmm...


Fable ID#: 01
Fable Name: Tristald
Username: BabyKittenCandy
Herd of: Marbled Secrets



I done made a response to our uh, plotting thread with reasons why Juli should be XD

Hrm.. Bio for HB. Annoyed single father (Of the lovely Abigail) trying to raise the cantankerous little imp on his own.


Fable ID#: 08
Fable Name: Lichen
Username: Ryuukokoro
Herd of: Sokanon


More than one person can take on a certain job.  The idea is to make your herd grow, so you end up needing more people to do that job.  But discuss with your herds!

@Neo- I understand what you mean.  I'm hoping that will help draw people in, but I suppose it could just as well serve to push people away.  

If the rest of the Fables have not been claimed in 24 hours, you all may go in for seconds!


No no no, it's good. It also means it's only as complicated as you want it to be. But it'll be a team effort.


Ryuu, at some point, I would ADORE a breeding from him to my new girl Estella. <3 I'll pay you a stud fee as well.

Bio for Estella: She goes by Estie, Stella, Stell. She is a loving girl who has had a troubling past, but she's moving on and joining a new herd, the Sokanon Herd now, in hopes of finding comfort and peace there. <3


Fable ID#: 04
Fable Name: Sorbet
Username: red_uni387
Herd of: Marbled Secrets


@Neo- That's a good thing.  It should be rather easy for active members to get more items and Fables.  It's kind of a reward I think.

@wildfilly94-You're in luck... Breeding opens at 00:00 TONIGHT!!

.... which means I should write up some more info and forms and whatnot onto it....

I'm going to go post a question in the active thread for people to reply to....