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[Gliders] Birthday suprise?

Started by Winged, April 17, 2011, 05:58:07 AM

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It's my birthday on the 23rd of april, next saturday. I'll be 17 :D So i thought that i would have a special event to celebrate that. Love pairs are being released!
I'll be having an auction for a premade love pair, and a raffle and some games for Glider love pairs from the prize pot. But i'll explain that in the prize pot post.

I know that i haven't got all the breeding season stuff done, and i'm sorry about that. The reason is that i was finding the breeding season loads of work, and that was starting to stress me out even more, on top of all the RL stress i'm in at the moment. So that is on temporary hold and i will try to work away as quickly as possible.
What i'll probably do is upload the certed versions to photobucket and let owners find them, since posting certed images in the thread takes time, and space up in the thread. Also, i never actually saw much evidence that people were picking their certed images up from there. If anyone really wants their images pmed to them instead of just going into owners folders, let me know.
And for new eggs to be posted i'll make a new thread, since the old one was getting quite long. But not totally sure when i'll get that done. Again, i'm really sorry for the delay.

Owners Folders- Click
Information thread- Click
Owner of Gliders!



Here is an auction for the first love pair!

Love pairs have two names on the same cert, one ID# and usually one owner although there may be two owners. It is rare to have two owners though. If you wish to share a love pair between two people, you much pm me to ask. I will only grant one request a month.
The female in this love pair has the newly modified ZZ marking. I made it by copying and rotating ZZs from the current marking. Both ZZ markings are available.

Starts: Now
Ends: 23rd april at 15:00
Start bid: 30k
Min increase: 10k

High bid: CrystalAngelNeko with 30k

I'm not totally sure for the prices of love pairs, so hopefully this auction will give me an idea. If anyone else has an idea about the price they should be, please let me know.
Owner of Gliders!


Pick a door!

Simple game, there are 10 doors and behind two of them there is a prize! Those two winners get to pick a love pair from the prize pot.
One door per person, and the winners are announced when all the doors are picked.

Quote from: previous eventsPhotography contest!

Well i'm still feeling pretty crap after getting blood taken this morning (look in town square if you don't know what i'm talking about) so i thought up this to cheer me up! I love photography, so show me your best photos!
They can be of anything you like, and a caption is optional. That would be cool though.

They MUST be taken by you. I'm not going to make you have a piece of paper with your name on it, cos it's actual photography i'm wanting so i don't think you would have had a piece of paper with your username on it when taking a great photo. Plus that would kinda ruin a photo for anyone who isn't on this site. So uh... just please don't cheat.
This ends on the 28th at 15:00. So just over two days to go.

Bribe me

Bribe me with anything! SG, adopties, anything on secundi that you can think of.
Things that i would really like are; Anything quin and customs of my characters. But i'll look at any adopties.

I will choose one offer, unless there are only really tiny offers that i think the love pairs are worth more (like 10k SG or an offer like that). So only one offer, and that person gets the love pair of their choice.

Runs till the 24th at 14:00.



Just a simple raffle!

-Each raffle ticket costs 100sg
-Unlimated tickets availiable
-You may gift tickets
-To purchase tickets please post Username wants # tickets! in orange. Obviously subsituting username and # with your username and the number you'd like. If you're gifting then put the other username in.

-Raffle ends 22nd April at 16:00

Ticket list

1-1000 Kahlira
1001-1501 springacres
Owner of Gliders!


Prize pot

For each love pair won from the raffle or games, you may pick one male and one female that will be a love pair. More will be added over the next few days as i get them coloured. If there are any requests for colour schemes, please let me know.
The love pairs are arranged on a cert, with the male and female coloured separately. That's why i thought this would be a nice way for everyone to choose which they thought looked best together.

To claim a love pair please post this form
Female #:
F Name:
Male #:
M Name:




003 Taken

004 Taken



007 Taken



002 Taken

003 Taken

004 Taken



Owner of Gliders!


Making love pairs?

For the only time ever, i am offering the chance for you to make a love pair from two Gliders that you currently own. They will be given a new ID# for the pair, and the old images will be left as singles in my files, but deleted from the owners photobucket folder.
A limated amount of slots will be open for this, though if it is really popular then i will add more. Each pair will cost 40k, to keep them rare.

Please post the female image and the male image. Your post must be headed with Together, in bold and red.

Owner of Gliders!


Owner of Gliders!


I would like to grab the starting bit of 30k please ^.^


Owner of Gliders!



mwuahahaha YAY

Ive waited ages for this o.o lol


I thought you might go for that! It was actually because i knew you wanted them as a love pair that i thought others might also like that option, so i put that up :)
Here they are as a love pair. To me Sara & Marshall would sound better than Marshall & Sara, but since the male is on the left side, i've decided it'll always go in that order.
Owner of Gliders!


Happy (early) bday! ^^ I love the new ZZ, but you probably guessed that already.. I've been hoping for one like that! =D Now I can get my Noonie soon <3

I will get a lovepair later, I am torn between a few possible pairs right now =p



Thanks YLO! I'm glad you like the new zz :)

Spring, here's your pair
Owner of Gliders!



Owner of Gliders!


EE Thank you!! *clings to them*


You're welcome! By the way, did you get the pm i sent you about breeding with Siruin's shetland stallion?
Owner of Gliders!


I did ive been waiting for him to reply to my email that asked him that. And i totally forgot yesterday in my happiness of talking to him on IM >.> i might be able to talk to him today to so ill ask him in my next email or IM.


Owner of Gliders!


Raffle up and three more females added to the prize pot!
Owner of Gliders!



Anyone interested in a franken for the prize pot? So it would work as normal, but instead of there being an owner, the Glider would go into the prize pot to be won.
Normal rules, first to post wins and premade markings only. Unlimated choices by each person, doesn't matter if you choose more than one in a row.

We need more males in the prize pot, so gender is male.

Body colour?
Owner of Gliders!



Kahlira wants 1000 tickets!



Ticket list updated :)

Male, black body

Wing colour?
Owner of Gliders!



Male, black body, blue wings

Claw colour?
Owner of Gliders!



Owner of Gliders!

Keilin Alyr

No longer has zombie eyeballs. May still have a craving for brains, as there's no intelligence or sanity left in hers. XD


Male, black body, blue wings, cyan claws, purple eyes

Marking? Premade only, remember.
Owner of Gliders!



Owner of Gliders!



Male, black body, blue wings, cyan claws, purple eyes, very light blue dorsal stripe

Second marking?
Owner of Gliders!



Owner of Gliders!



Male, black body, blue wings, cyan claws, purple eyes, very light blue dorsal stripe, white underbelly

Owner of Gliders!



Owner of Gliders!

Keilin Alyr

No longer has zombie eyeballs. May still have a craving for brains, as there's no intelligence or sanity left in hers. XD


He's added to the bottom of the prize pot! Hope you all like him :)
Owner of Gliders!



Sorry not that much has been happening in this thread. I've been really busy with school and have been having problems with things becuase i've been fighting with my dad so much.

Two days till the auction ends, high bid is only 30k :(
One day till the raffle ends! Only two entrants.

Two more males added to the prize pot!
Owner of Gliders!

Keilin Alyr

Happy birthday, Winged. =)

40k on the auction

I'm a bit tempted to request Bright Sun and Dark Moon as a love pair, but I think I'll hold off until I pair them off with other prospective mates first. =)

No longer has zombie eyeballs. May still have a craving for brains, as there's no intelligence or sanity left in hers. XD


Kahlira wants 1000 tickets!

ETA: Orr not, just realized it ended yesterday XD *fails*


50k on the auction <3

And I hope you're having a wonderful time celebrating the day of your birth =D


Happy bday dear <3

Sorry I missed the raffle ^^'' I'll try to be a better stalker! *eyes natural pretties in prizepot*


Thanks everyone!
It hasn't been the best birthday, since i was ill this morning; fainted then puked up the lining of my stomach several times so that made me feel really crap. And then my dad was being pretty horrible this afternoon cos mum bought him the wrong tea and he's really childish about things like that. But i don't want to moan at you guys :)

Keilin, this is the only chance to make existing Gliders into love pairs, after this it will be availiable for bribes, but only rarely and would require a really good bribe.


Auction winner is Kahlira with 50k! Please post the form from the prize pot.

And for the raffle, since there's only two entrants i won't bother rolling it, but will let both of you choose one pair from the prize pot, please post the form.
I hope that's okay, i thought that would be the fairest way of doing it. I'll run games and stuff for the rest tomorrow.
Owner of Gliders!